“Republicans are Just Going After Him”: The Media Starts the Spin on Possible Hunter Biden Charges

The media is reporting that the criminal investigation of Hunter Biden is at a “critical stage” with the grand jury considering an array of charges including various tax violations and possible foreign lobbying violations. I previously testified in Congress on possible criminal exposure for Hunter under the Foreign Agents Registration Act (FARA). There seems ample evidence for such charges but there remain some glaring questions in how the Biden Administration has handled the investigation of the Biden family. What is also striking is the initial response of pundits on cable channels like MSNBC that has long ignored or downplayed the allegations.

The most glaring question raised by the report is, again, the refusal of Attorney General Merrick Garland to appoint a Special Counsel despite overwhelming justification for such an appointment. For over a year, I have been writing on the obvious need for a special counsel in an investigation that not only is embarrassing for the Biden family but implicates not just Hunter but his uncle and his father.

Given this mounting evidence, the position of Attorney General Garland has gone from dubious to ridiculous in evading the issue of a special counsel appointment.  He continues to refuse to acknowledge these conflicts with the President.

Federal regulations allow the appointment of a special counsel when it is in the public interest and an “investigation or prosecution of that person or matter by a United States Attorney’s Office or litigating Division of the Department of Justice would present a conflict of interest for the Department or other extraordinary circumstances.”

It is hard to imagine a stronger case for the appointment of a special counsel. Attorney General Garland has failed in his duty to protect the Justice Department from such conflicts or the appearance of such conflicts.

There will be lingering questions over the independence of the investigation. For example, if you are investigating lobbying violations tied to Hunter’s open influence peddling, why would you not ask to question the man referred to as the “big guy” who was purportedly cut in for a ten percent share of one of the most dubious deals? He is also the same man who reportedly received money from shared accounts and was referenced by Hunter to foreign clients as part of the inducement for giving him money. He is the object of the influence peddling. He is also now the President of the United States.

Without speaking with such figures, the Justice Department could be accused of engaging in willful blindness to possible conspiracy violations involving not just Hunter but his family. If Hunter is then given a plea deal on limited charges, it will magnify those questions. That would particularly be the case if the matter is closed before Republicans take the House and start their own investigation into the matter. That danger of an appearance of a conflict could have been avoided with simply appointing a special counsel over a year ago.

What is also striking is the response in the media, which long called the Hunter Biden laptop “Russian disinformation” or fake news.  On MSNBC, Paul Begala dismissed the importance of any criminal charges of the President’s son in a multimillion dollar influence peddling scheme:

“No. No. I wish the guy well. He struggled with addiction, and, you know, nobody has charged him with anything. But this has been a Republican fixation to no avail. They have got no political gain out of this. I looked up Ron Johnson, the senator from Wisconsin, a couple of months ago, was asked about mass shootings … He said, ‘Before we pass anything new on guns, let’s enforce the law we already have. Let’s start with Hunter Biden.’ What the heck? So it’s a challenge for Hunter Biden. I wish him well, but it’s not going to be a political issue.”

The response of Kasie Hunt was even more interesting: “It seems like, if anything, it probably energizes Democrats because it makes them think it’s political and that Republicans are just going after him for that reason.”

This would be an indictment under the Biden Administration but Hunt is already portraying the expected criticism as “Republicans are just going after him.” There remains no expression of concern over emails detailing millions of dollars going to Hunter as he raised access and meetings with his father. The same pundits who dismissed or downplayed the basis for the investigation are now dismissing the possible finding of probable cause of federal crimes.

As discussed earlier, it remains astonishing how successful the Biden family was making the scandal vanish before that 2020 election with the help of most of the media. It was analogous to Houdini making his 10,000-pound elephant Jennie disappear in his act. The Biden trick however occurred live before an audience of millions. The media has made the story disappear except for a couple of the usual outlets.

The start of the spin shows that even criminal charges might not force the media to see the whole elephant. The key to the trick was involving the media in the original trick so that reporters were invested in the illusion. It is like calling audience members to the stage to assist in the performance. Reporters have to insist that there was nothing to see or they have to admit to being part of the original deception. The media cannot see the elephant without the public seeing something about the media in its past efforts to conceal it.

82 thoughts on ““Republicans are Just Going After Him”: The Media Starts the Spin on Possible Hunter Biden Charges”

    1. Music

      Hunter Biden’s his name…
      He rode off with Robert E. Lee!

  1. There is no media. It is a conglomerate of propagandists for the democratic party. It is pointless to even ponder whether or not they would act in any other way but cover up or ignore hard evidence of the the Biden family’s corruption. As for Garland, he is beyond despicable; the most political and lawless AG in modern history. It is frightening to know he was close to being seated on the SC. I think even Eric Holder had more scruples than this henchman who would have enjoyed a nice career under a Stalin or Mao if he had been born in a different place and in a different time.

  2. VP family take Millions for their access to power from foreigners.

    1. Guyventer, it’s not illegal to make money or peddle influence. Weirdly enough even the Trump family did it to such an extent that they didn’t care whether they were being called out on it.

      1. It is when you are doing it secretly using Government resources to enrich your own family

      2. See 18 USC 201 treats bribery as a 2 year felony. Section 1) (a) identifies one subject of the law as “(b)Whoever— (1)directly or indirectly, corruptly gives, offers or promises anything of value to any public official . . . or offers or promises any public official . . . to give anything of value to any other person or entity, with intent— (A) to influence any official act[.]” Isn’t this what Hunter Biden and his partners did when they gave money to Joe Biden to give access at least to their clients? Section 1)(b) covers the other end of the transaction: “(b)Whoever— (2)being a public official . . . directly or indirectly, corruptly demands, seeks, receives, accepts, or agrees to receive or accept anything of value personally or for any other person or entity, in return for: (A)being influenced in the performance of any official act [.]” Isn’t this what Joseph R. Biden did when he accepted money from his son to “meet”‘ with his son’s “clients”? This is not merely a quid pro quo. It is “being influenced”.

        1. Think about it, why would people except Trump & a few others, spend millions for a congressional/govt job that pays at most a few hundred thousand a year.

          BTW: Let me know if Pelosi or McConnell have any new stock tips for us.

        2. guyventner – my meaning is unclear because my post was intended as a reply to an earlier post that asserted that “influence peddling is not illegal.” I did not think that was true, and I looked at the federal statute on bribery which seems to say that “influence peddling” IS a criminal act. Perhaps legal experts on this point would have a different opinion but the text of 18 USC 201 seems clear. In other words, it is not necessary to establish a quid-pro-quo.

  3. I want ALL The Biden’s in Jail for the many crimes. Then I want EVERY SINGLE PERSON involved in the Russian Hoax against Trump in Jail and tried on TREASON and then punished accordingly!

  4. anyone go to jail for the FAKE 4 year Russian Hoax Conspiracy against Trump and his people?

  5. Just Remember….Democrats HATE AMERICA
    That is why they import illegals…to destroy wages and help DRIVE MORE CRIME

  6. Hunter isn’t the problem…it is the Selling of OUR GOVERNMENT! Just look at the families around Biden, Clinton, Pelosi, Kerry, etc
    The DOJ looking away for DECADE…just look at how the Bidens…Frank, Hunter, Ashley, James, etc MADE MONEY! Pelosi son was indicted…NOTHING HAPPENED. Kerry’s son was Hunter’s Partner! Tony bobulinski CAME FORWARD with a DIRECT CRIME… Crickets

    Meanwhile Trump has been investigated, prosecuted and impeached Numerous times….FOR NO CRIME!

    The Rule of Law is Dead in America. Federal Government should be cut by 50%, then 75% of Federal Government in DC should be MOVED to the Heartland.

    Also Non-profits are mostly a SCAM in America….where people make Millions….in non-profits.
    Pass a LAW if any person receives benefit of more than Average US Salary…say $75k… You aren’t a NON-PROFIT!
    There are doctors, executives, coaches, educators, politicians, Chelsea Clinton, etc making MILLIONS in supposed NON-PROFITS!

  7. I expect he will get as much justice as Hilary Clinton was given by James Comey on her e-mails. After all those illegal acts, She really did not mean to do it. We will have to accept that Hunter Biden was addled by all those drugs and sex and therefore not responsible for his actions. Prison time, no democrat usually faces prison time.To think otherwise means you are obviously delusional.
    I have never been a fan of Mitch McConnell but I would vote him into Sainthood for keeping Merrick Garland off the Supreme Court.

  8. I do not know about the rest of you, but the Hunter Biden laptop, all the information we are seeing coming from it, is more interesting than the Jan6 hearings.
    The initial media blackout, the current lack of reporting from MSM says a lot too. That is interesting.
    The two justice systems, one for the average American, and one for the elite or connected to the elite like the Colbert 9, is not only interesting, but insulting and infuriating.

  9. I wonder if they are just throwing Hunter out there so they can blame the Republican’s for this again for all of this when the Dems have all the power. The fact that this story even got out and this far in the justice system is suspicious.

  10. Psst – we see that about the media, anyway. The fact that they won’t own up makes it double egregious. In fact, though I personally think it’s too late now, taking some responsibility could at least make some people reconsider the notion that our media is by and large an arm of a legitimately authoritarian party. Authoritarianism is incompatible with our founding principles, that was sort of the point.

  11. Yes, what about Hunter Biden lying on the ATF 4473?
    Had anyone else done the same, they would of been arrested, charged and convicted.
    And why did the SS get involved?

  12. Right on cue Turley brings up the Hunter Biden shiny object when the Jan 6 committee is to have it’s likely last public hearing.

    Turley sure loves to feed the insinuation and spin on this one which makes his title quite ironic.

    1. Right on cue Svelaz does exactly what Turley just pointed out, pooh poohing an actual crime being committed by the president’s son that implicates the president.

      1. Hullbobby, what actual crime was committed? Making millions for being a board member? Influencing? That;’s actually legal. Even Turley acknowledges that.

        So what is exactly the actual crime? Insinuations are not evidence of a crime.

        1. Taking Air Force 2 to China with the VP, using that influence and making millions.

          Being an unregistered agent of foreign countries.

          Lying on the FEDERAL gun form.

          Not paying taxes on his ill-gotten gains.

          Plus probably a million other things that only a SPECIAL PROSECUTOR to figure out instead of his own justice dept.

          Any other questions, moron?

          1. Hullbobby,

            All along I have stated that a special prosecutor should be appointed since I could not care less if Hunter or his father are prosecuted for crimes.

            Just don’t be surprised if some on the Left pull a page out of the Trumpist playbook of lies and calls the investigation a “witch-hunt.”

            “They will eat the fruit of their ways and be filled with the fruit of their schemes.”

            Proverbs 1:31.

            1. Oh my! You are using scripture? Isaiah 59:14. “Justice is turned back, and righteousness stands afar off; for truth is fallen in the streets, and Equity cannot enter”! This is the state of our nation today. By the way…why are you calling out anyone…when your hatred is shining through with your TDS?

              1. Judy, Judy, Judy,

                How Christian of you to accuse me of hatred. Why don’t you practice what you preach?

                  1. Me- by accusing me of hating Trump. I don’t hate the sinner; I hate the sin of lying. You know better.

          2. “ Taking Air Force 2 to China with the VP, using that influence and making millions.”

            That’s not a crime.

            All the rest are still speculation. No evidence of a crime has been proved. It’s not a crime until it has. Been proven to be.

  13. Turley does a nice job here but his fear of a soft plea bargain to quash this case before the Republicans take over the House can work for the public’s benefit. Supposing tomorrow evening after the A-teams of WH reporters are at the beach for the weekend, an indictment or Information is handed down charging Hunter with X-Y-and Z and it’s announced that the Department is accepting a plea and a fine that gives him 30-days in a house arrest “slammer” and seizes his known back accounts. Summer Fridays are known for such deals. OK, that may abuse Turley’s sense of Justice and that of a lot of people but here’s the good news. In January 2023, when Hunter is subpoenaed before Congress he will not be able to take the Fifth because his conviction and omnibus plea will have immunized him from further prosecution. Hunter will have to tell the Committee(s) who the “big guy” was an why he got a 10 percent of the cut. I don’t think the world would be served by jailing Hunter and his family members for some sort of bizarre conspiracy but I do want to know the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth and if Garland will not deliver, we have to use the big guy’s advice: Vote, Vote, Vote!

    1. JJC, that is a pretty good point and is nice thinking out of the box. Of course if Hunter doesn’t comply with the House he will be held in contempt and then the DOJ…will do nothing. It is hard to beat the corrupt team with the media and the DOJ.

  14. There is no justice, there are only laws to control the American people. Over time the corrupt politicians have created a source of personal enrichment. Follow the money when it comes to their “Green Deal” and you’ll understand the desperate push to enact it. Your pain at the pump means fat pockets for some. You all remember Solyndra, who made out on the $570 million of our money? It’s always the money.

    1. @Margot

      I have the same thoughts. I don’t think they believe in EVs , either; they are akin to Obama’s light bulbs, which were supplanted by LEDs. I doubt very much electric cars in their current form are the future. It has also occurred to me that with oligarchs also buying up farmland, if food shortages come, said oligarchs will roll out their food substitutes and simply expect us to pay for and eat them.

      Perhaps a bit tin foil hat of me, but it is clear connections and ungodly wealth are absolutely being used to destroy our free market, at the least.

      1. Margot and James,
        I have yet to see the math of how they plan on charging all those EVs, assuming everyone were to ditch their gas powered vehicles.
        The idea of just plug in to charge your car during off peak hours . . . if everyone is plugging in at the same time, that just created a new peak hours.
        And relying on only solar and wind energy to power the whole grid and EVs? I foresee a lot of high prices and suffering of the average American. More so than we have now.

        Rich people buying up farmland. How will that play out? They have security to patrol all that acreage? Expect the local PD to arrest starving people?
        Might go the way of Sri Lanka.

        1. Yes, our power grid is at its limits now. Adding 100 million EV’s will get recharged exactly how? Charger take 4 hours to recharge a vehicle. About an hour, with a high grade charger, that costs close to $60 grand. I drive long distances and almost always fuel on my trips. I dont have 4 hours to recharge, I do have 30 minutes to fuel, grab a drink and use the bathroom. Of course, pulling in to recharge, and each car taking a couple of hours at the charging stations, how many charging units need to be at each facility just off the interstate?

          We know the number. All you have to do is get the number of fuel transaction per day. The multiply the number pumps by to come up with the number of chargers needed 12 gas pumps now? 192 charging units.

          1. James, Hullbobby & Upstatefarmer-
            Let’s take those ideas a bit further.

            The land grabs, were started over a year ago by Gates. Everyone’s ears should have gone up like a shepherd when Mr. Pandemic made that move. Maybe they’ll offer us common folk “Gates home grown Soylent Green”?

            As for the EV’s, their a long way from prime time. The life of the batteries diminish on each recharge, you can never charge them to max and hot weather really shortens the life. Of course as an added incentive to buy an EV the government will offer long extension cords with each vehicle? Someone is making big bucks on options or other investments related to the “Mean Green Deal”. Follow the bucks.

            There’s a bit of humor in there.

          2. They want to transition our country to a technology that doesn’t even exist. Here’s a question: why don’t we apply the same standard the Left has argued about the non-existence of God and apply that to the non-existence of green technology? In both cases it as argued that humanity would benefit from their existence. Both are beliefs. And yet while our country has been under a forced transition away from God, we are being forced to transition to a renewable energy system that doesn’t exist. Ironically, nothing will transition our country back to God quicker than if every power plant running on fossil fuels were to shutdown.

            1. And everything…the wind turbines, the solar panels, the batteries and the chips are all made in China…so we will be depending on China for our energy needs.

          3. “EV’s will get recharged exactly how?”

            The ecomaniacs answer that question with magical “thinking” — electricity comes from charging stations.

            For those rooted in reality, about 80% of the nation’s electricity is produced by *fossil fuels*. So as electricity consumption increases, so too does fossil fuel consumption.

            On their own premises, it’s hard to see how EV’s are a solution to the sky falling.

  15. Professor Turley is obviously correct in arguing for the need of a Special Prosecutor in this case but Democrats have the magic Get Out of Jail Free Card of media support and collusion. There has never been a stronger case for having a Special Prosecutor, but Merrick Garland is just a partisan hack and an embarrassingly weak AG who will never stand up for what is right. Bill Barr would have acted appropriately, but then again the media would have been on a 24/7 hunt if this was Trump or in reality any Republican.

  16. Our phony, partisan “Justice” Department will Charge Hunter with some minor offense, take a plea deal, count on the media to downplay the entire affair and that will be the end of it. Oh and Hunter will serve not one minute of time.

    My next guarantee is that Steve Bannon will serve more time for Contempt of Congress, the same “crime” that Eric Holder was guilty of, than Hunter will spend for being an unregistered agent of our most dangerous enemy, cheating our tax laws, peddling the countries well being to China and last, but nor least, lying on a federal gun reporting form.

    We have gone from Spiro Agnew resigning in disgrace for taking a few envelopes of cash to Joe Biden selling us out to Communist China, and maybe still being in their pocket judging by his open borders policy, his energy policy, his crime policy and his military policy.

  17. When it should be the FBI and the DOJ going after him. Why do Progressives get away with everything. They can do and say whatever they want with NO CONSEQUENCES. Just look at the Colbert 9.

  18. Hunter certainly deserves to be investigated, but the DOJ under Garland is now a dem enforcement arm (cf 1/6 rioters to the Colbert intruders).

    Just another example of the two tier justice system that breeds contempt in ordinary Americans.

    The dems are destroying our system for short term gain.

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