Poll: Only 20 Percent of Public Believe Conservatives Enjoy Free Speech Rights on Campuses

A new poll conducted by The Associated Press-NORC Center for Public Affairs Research and the University of Chicago Forum for Free Inquiry and Expression shows that only a fifth of the public believe that conservatives can exercise free speech on campuses. While faculty members often brush aside objections to the erosion of free speech, this poll is consistent with the view of students. What is striking is that such polling and objections have made little difference to administrators and academics who continue to maintain a hostile environment for conservative or libertarian views.

Roughly half of those polled (47%) said that liberals have “a lot” of freedom to express their views on campuses. Yet, only 20 percent believe that conservatives can enjoy the same free speech rights.

We have already seen faculties purged of conservative and libertarian colleagues. We previously discussed how surveys at universities show a virtual purging of conservative and Republican faculty members.  For example, last year, the Harvard Crimson noted that the university had virtually eliminated Republicans from most departments but that the lack of diversity was not a problem.  Now, a new survey conducted by the Harvard Crimson shows that more than three-quarters of Harvard Arts and Sciences and School of Engineering and Applied Sciences faculty respondents identify as “liberal” or “very liberal.” Only 2.5% identified as “conservative,” and only 0.4% as “very conservative.”

Likewise, a study by Georgetown University’s Kevin Tobia and MIT’s Eric Martinez found that only nine percent of law school professors identify as conservative at the top 50 law schools. Notably, a 2017 study found 15 percent of faculties were conservative. Another study found that 33 out of 65 departments lacked a single conservative faculty member.

Compare that to a recent Gallup poll stating, “roughly equal proportions of U.S. adults identified as conservative (36%) and moderate (35%) in Gallup polling throughout 2022, while about a quarter identified as liberal (26%).”

The free fall of free speech on campuses has dovetailed with this purging of faculty ranks to create an echo chamber of academic views and values. Despite consistent polling from the public and students showing concern over the lack of diversity of viewpoints on campuses, faculty members show little interest in reversing this trend. Instead, faculty continue to yield to their own agendas at the cost of higher education.  Even with plunging trust in higher education, administrators and faculty cannot resist the temptation to exclude opposing voices.

As I have previously written, the recent FIRE ranking on free speech shows that the lowest-ranking schools tend to be private universities, which are not subject to the full protections of free speech under the First Amendment. Conversely, the top performers this year are, notably, all public universities — Michigan Technological University, Auburn University, the University of New Hampshire, Oregon State University, and Florida State University.

Indeed, in the top-20 schools for free speech, only two are private universities, the University of Chicago and Washington & Lee University.

Much like woke corporations, faculty continue to exclude conservative professors and limit free speech despite the desire of many students to attend speech-tolerant institutions.

The fact is that the better performance of public universities likely reflects compulsion rather than agreement for many faculty. Public universities must protect free speech as a matter of law.

The result, however, is a startling and growing divide among private and public universities. For parents and students who value free speech, they must increasingly look to public universities where faculty are subject to constitutional guarantees.

In the same way, public universities may be the final line of defense for free-speech advocates.

We now largely have two systems of higher education for those seeking education with a diversity of opinions and viewpoints. Except for outliers like the University of Chicago and other private universities holding the line on free speech, the orthodoxy found at private universities remains a barrier to many conservative and independent thinkers.

If we are to protect these bastions of free speech, legislatures will need to play a more active role in addressing the exclusion of both faculty candidates and speakers on public campuses. Too many faculties continue to take the view that citizens are a captive audience that is expected to continue to fund their departments as they exclude conservative or dissenting views held by many, if not most, citizens in a given state. If faculty members want to continue to maintain echo chambers for their own viewpoints, they should have to seek private donors for maintaining such intolerance and orthodoxy. Legislatures can demand evidence that schools are maintaining intellectually diverse faculties in determining the level of continued support from citizens.


74 thoughts on “Poll: Only 20 Percent of Public Believe Conservatives Enjoy Free Speech Rights on Campuses”

  1. But perhaps the most remarkable divergence in the report is that with headline payrolls surging 336K (establishment survey), the Household Survey indicated that the pain continues, as the number of people employed not only rose by less than 100K (86K to be precise), but it was all part-time workers, which increased by 151K. Full-time workers? Why, they dropped by 22K, and the lowest since February.

    The number of long-term unemployed (those jobless for 27 weeks or more) was little changed at 1.2 million in September. The long-term unemployed accounted for 19.1 percent of all unemployed persons.
    Both the labor force participation rate, at 62.8 percent, and the employment-population ratio, at 60.4 percent, were unchanged over the month.
    The number of persons employed part time for economic reasons, at 4.1 million, changed little in September. These individuals, who would have preferred full-time employment, were working part time because their hours had been reduced or they were unable to find full-time jobs.
    In September, the number of persons not in the labor force who currently want a job was 5.5 million, little different from the prior month. These individuals were not counted as unemployed because they were not actively looking for work during the 4 weeks preceding the survey or were unavailable to take a job.
    Among those not in the labor force who wanted a job, the number of persons marginally attached to the labor force changed little at 1.5 million in September. These individuals wanted and were available for work and had looked for a job sometime in the prior 12 months but had not looked for work in the 4 weeks preceding the survey. The number of discouraged workers, a subset of the marginally attached who believed that no jobs were available for them, also changed little over the month at 367,000.

  2. “336k new jobs in September.”

    Socialist economies create jobs. “Here’s your broom. Go sweep.”

    The fundamental issues are standard of living and purchasing power — both of which are plummeting under Biden’s statist policies.

      1. OK Squealer we all know about COVID. But nice try. All those new jobs, yet here we are. This sux and we all know it. You swine want to give Biden the credit he took for the jobs that came back after the lockdowns, thats how unserious you are. And you think somehow these high interest rates arent gonna do what they have ALWAYS done and suppress the economy even MORE. Its far from over. And before you predictably try to blame the Fed, it was the BIDENFLATION that drove up interest rates (let me know if you don’t see how).

        1. Yep. thats it, fall back to the foot stamping, “i guess you dont know” argument. It has worked so well for you in the past. What nwould you have done differently, smarty pants? What DeSantis did? What Newsome did? What Cuomo did?


        2. “Prices *never* return to where they were after an inflationary period.”

          Why is that, brilliant economist? What happened to supply and demand?

          Less buying power caused by PRINTING MONEY. You think that sh!ts free???

          Of course its permanent. Twist and twirl, the people know what they see, and it aint the stock market.

        3. “The Fed has raised rates to deal with inflation resulting from his blown pandemic policies and corporate price gouging in response to it….”

          There it is, right on cue. The same tired trope we’ve heard for the last 50 years, as predicted.

          I’m glad you have been consoled during every Dem admin that “it’s the last guys fault”.

          It’s the $6T, stupid.

  3. Why are you Trump supporters running around with your hair on fire about YOUR free speech. You support a wanna-be dictator that wants to send the military to blue cities. Trump wants executions’ of his political opponents. Trump wants to shut down TV and radio stations that are mean to him, and that’s just what he has said in the last week or so….. So really, it looks like YOUR speech will be protected.

    1. Hey Loudmouth, Trump may say many things, mostly in jest and to stir troglodytes like you, Biden is DOING those things!!!

    2. Did you see where the DC city council wanted to have the NG deployed to fight their insane crime rates?
      The NAACP wanted a state of emergency declared in East Oakland CA to fight the insane crime rates?
      Why are these things happening?
      Soft on crime policies, DAs, and the defund the police movement.

    3. It’s absolutely HILARIOUS to me. Every day, we get another story about “OMG did you hear what Trump said today?!?!” Dennis is the chief Squealer. So much fun to watch.

      That manure isn’t going to work this time. Everyone knows who Trump is. And now everyone knows who Biden is.

      It’s the results, stupid.

      1. Yes, thats why 76% of the country say we’re headed in the wrong direction, and why the 4 time indicted felon, rapist, fascist is up 9 points. Sit and simmer.

          1. Biden supporters just can’t wait for the Biden-WWIII/nuclear Armageddon ticket to vote on.

            Do you still believe in the Russiagate hoax, bought and paid for by the Clinton campaign?

          2. Yep, and moderates and independants too. Leaving only you far left nutbags to console each other about what might’ve been.

  4. And anyone is surprised? Take a look at recent history. Communists and socialists set out to take control of academia as far back as the early Twentieth Century when leftists Upton Sinclair, Jack London and a few others – including a follower of John Brown – established the organization that became the Students for a Democratic Society in the 1960s. Their disciples took control of academia. Their efforts can be traced back to the fallout of 1848 and the immigration of European socialists and communists to the United States where they took up the abolitionist cause and were instrumental in the formation of the Republican Party. Karl Marx is winning.

  5. He wants to tout the first “jobs” report that was above expectations in how long?? Funny how the poverty rate keeps going up with all these new “jobs” that Biden somehow “created”. Funny how real mean household income keeps going down. Funny how everyone except the upper crust has less money in the bank and more credit card debt with all these new “jobs”. Anybody here get one of those new jobs??? Record low labor participation rates and STILL 12 million unfilled jobs. 336k new “jobs”. Just what we needed. Everybody feel better now???

    1. And yet, the numbers are what they are, and you didn’t tout them. Don’t you like inflation, high interest, poverty, and CC debt? Wow, Biden is really showing those rich meanies who were runing our lives. I’m sorry, how much more is Bezos worth now than in 2020?
      Bring it, Squealer, Napolean is proud!

  6. Every economic report has been reduced a couple months later.

    Also does not count 8 million illegals and the reduction of earnings brought on be the inflation reduction act.

    1. “And there are no reduction of earnings due to the inflation reduction act.”

      Correct for once, it was “build back better” that did that. $4.6T, of which $1.1T was by EXECUTIVE ACTION.

    2. “Every economic report has been reduced a couple months later.”

      And, predictably, this one is a fraud.

      Some 20% of those new “jobs” are government positions — i.e., more nonproductive lard in the bureaucracy. And, the real kicker: About half of those new “jobs” are *part-time*. Which means that the phonies are double-counting “jobs.”

  7. A comforting thought is the fact of declining attendance at colleges and universities as more and more businesses reduce the requirement of a college degree. Most Jobs require a good high school education and some intelligence and the ability to train and be flexible. That is a characteristic seemingly lacking in many private universities. That may spell their doom. One could only hope so. I went to a private university in the 1960’s and got a good education but over time realized the state university did just as well since I competed with graduates from that school and other state universities while in medical school and residency and fellowship. I have failed to see any real differences in the products of state schools or private universities since then except for how much debt the student carries.
    The Federal Government could help by stipulating that all universities and colleges that get Federal Dollars should be free speech zones for all. That would help immensely.
    Also get rid of the Dept of Education since it’s rule-making powers are a handy playground for presidents to muddle the waters and propagate awful rules in public and private grammar schools, high schools, and universities. We need the law and not rule making bureaucrats who lean so far to the left it’s difficult for them to remain upright. Tight constraints placed on rule making without congressional oversight or a change in the law.
    As far as Hilary Clinton is concerned, well I continue to maintain that she does the best impersonation I have seen of the Sea Hag. The Sea Hag actually came out and confronted Beowulf and lost but Hillary just sticks her head up from her cave and utters some stupidity which reminds us of the large bullet we dodged.
    She and Liz Cheney could make a pair of good bookends. You will have to figure out for yourself which would be on the right and left of the books.

    1. Hillary just sticks her head up from her cave and utters some stupidity which reminds us of the large bullet we dodged.


  8. I appreciate what they did here, it’s important, but it begs the question: why then, will everyone polled continue to remain silent? Why on earth, knowing this, do parents keep sending their kids? Confusion? Reticence? Fear?

    I can tell you that in their bubbles, most liberals think they are the majority even when they aren’t (and are misguided about the definition of the word). I have folks in my life that live in Conservative counties and love the freedom, but credit their blueness for providing it.

    I think generational ignorance and complacency are together one of our biggest problems at present. Some part of these people, because everything is at arm’s length, thinks things are as they’ve always been. With that mentality these issues will not remain at arm’s length forever. Sometimes I think it’s impossible for most parents to comprehend that their kids will one day grow up and will be about as effectual as they were taught to be, and these days, that is very little, if at all.

  9. So much attention is given to free speech conflicts within the schools; between opposing student groups and also the professors and administrators. So how do you get 71% of the public identifying as conservative or moderate and only 20% believe they have free speech rights on campus?

    Parents. Interview that 71% and ask them why they will pay for their children to attend a school that will blatantly infringe their child’s right to free speech. That disconnect needs to be understood.

    1. Olly,
      You can’t lump together conservatives and moderates as if they’re the same thing. Conservatives as they currently define themselves make up a small percentage of the population advocating the wildest conspiracy theories and everyone that doesn’t obey their will isn’t a true conservative. The alleged conservatives getting booed off college campuses include neo-nazis, white supremacists, anti-LGBTQand those demanding their right to indoctrinate the rest of America with hate speech. The percentage of people who believe conservatives are being persecuted are those listening to the never-ending whining from Professor Turley (who many of you don’t think is conservative when he says anything moderately critical of the Right) and right-wing media. Complain about “conservatives” all you like and there may be some valid points, combining them with moderates as if you’re the same is too much.

      1. You can’t lump together conservatives and moderates as if they’re the same thing.

        Enigma, I can and I will. The fact you object to my opinion and that of JT is proof for me that I’m on the right side of the truth.

          1. Go ahead and believe whatever you like.

            🙄 Enigma, once again, I will and I don’t need your permission to do so. And I didn’t say my opinion is proving a fact. I said your objection to my opinion is proving a fact. Anyone that cared to look through the blog history of your opinions would come to that same conclusion.

          2. “Your opinions are not facts because I disagree.”

            Anyone who knows you, knows they are probaably facts, if you disagree.

  10. We need important conservatives to found private schools that are both dedicted to traditional moral and political values, like Hillsdale College, and which are affordable. This is the Manhattan Project of our day.

      1. Easily entertained, are we?

        So lets
        Abolish the filibuster, then
        Add 4 dem senators
        Abolish the electoral college
        Pack SCOTUS with liberals

        That will make sure that the 51 forever lord over the 49, and those sorry magats will never get their way. After all, this is how we preserve DEMOCRACY (also known as mob rule).

        1. What entertains you is avoiding the discussion that you started and patting yourself on the back for looking like an idiot.

          You don’t deny that the Dems in the 117th Congress attempted that, so thats good. Where’s your cousin?

  11. And then there’s Jack in the box Hillary who now “floats formal reprogramming” for the Basket of Deplorables.

    As previously mentioned by Hillary “Fun Camps”. Strongly Endorsed by Joe Stalin.

    The American Communist knuckleheads never seem to understand the pattern in history. Confiscate the guns before you go Full Red Guard, all 700 million of them. Of course they fail to realize they are outgunned and out numbered.

    Say When

    1. Why is Hillary so mad at the deplorables? Does she blame them for her disastrous loss?
      She should be blaming suburban women and blacks, who despise her and stayed home or voted for Trump. But oh, wait, its the macedonians and the russians fault. They duped the women and black voters into thinking she is despicable.

  12. Unless a great student awakening occurs, here we have a glimpse of our future.

    Absolute power corrupts absolutely.

  13. that 20% are Fascists Democrats
    time to end all federal aid to colleges, cities and states. Let Democrats fund their failures
    also any non-profit like a college where anyone “gets” $100k…SHOULD BE TAXED

  14. One remarkable thing about this is that there appears to be a direct correlation between liberal and progressive views and a general decline in our society, especially is our big cities. One would think that the most highly “educated” among us would gravitate toward values that enhance the pursuit of happiness rather than embrace such things as “diversity, equity and inclusion,” open borders, defunding the police and other progressive ideologies which in practice do little more than elevate one racial group at the expense of others without regard to ability or performance, and take away the essential safeguards to a civilized society.

    1. Its a phenomenon that is hard to explain. When life sucks under Dem rule, they blame the last guy. When life is good under Pub rule, they credit the last guy. Yet they still prefer to go for life sux, and console themselves with “its the last guy’s fault”. Its a pattern that has repeated over and over again since 1976. Gigi is the poster child for this phenomenon.

      1. Some of us need Vox, The Atlantic, The Guardian, and Rachel Maddow to give us our “truth”. Some of us can look out our front door.

        edwardmahl, why do you believe your lying eyes?

      2. Edwardmahl,
        And why are all those people leaving their blue states?
        High crime.
        High cost of living.
        High taxes.

        Where do Red States have high crime?
        In Blue cities.

        1. Yes Upstate, they leave that tidbit out. Like Dennis, who referrred to Alabama as “lawless” and the “wild wild west”. He neglected to mention that SEVENTY FOUR PERCENT of the violent crime in Alabama occurs in BRIGHT BLUE BIRMINGHAM, which has FOUR PERCENT of the population of the state.

          The most dangerous city in Alabama? It’s not even Birmingham. Its the small town of Anniston (21,000), which predictably, is 43% white.

          There’s just no fixing stupid.

      3. “Highest crime >> red states
        Lowest life expectancy>> red states
        Pulls most money from the federal government >> red states”

        I’m sure you’ve heard the phrase “all politics is local”

        How about repeating those statistics you love so much, but inserting “cities” instead of “states”?

        Yea, i didn’t think you would.

  15. Tax payer dollars forcibly taken to back student loans needs to stop Now! I am sure these expensive “schools” would agree that they shouldn’t be sullied by conservatives money.

  16. Here, let me save the nutjobs a post. Oh Jonathan, you’re just a MAGA extremist hack!
    Liberals are always right, so why shouldnt they be the only ones allowed to speak?
    Those cant be the correct numbers for percentages of liberals versus conservatives in the general populous, EVERYONE i know is liberal!!!

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