New Polling Shows a Majority of American Households Own Guns and Support Gun Rights

There are new polls out of Harvard and NBC that show surprising results on gun ownership and rights. According to NBC, a majority (52%) now say that they or someone in their household owns a gun. Most notably, the Harvard poll shows that six in ten voters believe owning a gun is a necessary part of protecting themselves from criminals.

Despite the strong anti-gun rights message from the White House and the media, the public seems to be moving significantly in the opposite direction.

Some 55% of voters now believe that “Woke politicians are to blame for rising crime.” With gun control one of the top issues for Democrats going into this election, the polls show a growing gap with a majority of voters on the issue, particularly as crime continues to rise among the top issues for 2024.

The NBC polling shows a record number of Americans are now gun owners. The current level is up six percent from 2019 when 46% of Americans said that they or someone in their household owned a gun.  It is now up 10 points in the last ten years.

Notably, that includes 41% of Democrats.  If this trend continues, half of the Democratic voters will soon be living in households with gun owners. Some 45% of independents confirm ownership as do 66% of Republicans.

The Harvard poll is likely to be more chilling for the Democratic Party. Not only do citizens overwhelmingly blame woke policies on the left for rising crime, but 42% believe that crime and safety is getting worse in their community. Only 21% believe that it has gotten better.

Harvard then asked “Do you think you need to have a gun today in case you are attacked by criminals, or do you think owning a gun is unnecessary?”

A majority of voters in all three categories (Democrat, Republican, or independent) said that a gun is necessary. That includes 54% of Democrats. (Some 77% of Republicans and 56% of independents agreed).

Consider that for a second.  Almost half of Democrats are gun owners and over half believe gun ownership is necessary. It is one of the greatest disconnects of either party with their membership. While Democrats have found a winning issue on abortion in recent elections, it represents a growing separation on one of the other key issues in this election. President Biden has pursued some of the most aggressively anti-gun policies of any president.

Legally, the polling shows that the public seems to be moving toward the view of the Supreme Court despite unrelenting attacks in the media. Since the Court declared the right to bear arms to be an individual right in Heller, the media has overwhelmingly decried the decision (and later decisions). Reporters generally quote staunchly critical law professors who portray the Court as “gun-crazy” and disconnected from both the Constitution and reality.

Once again, the public appears to be tuning out the media. What should be concerning for both the Democratic Party and the media is that the Second Amendment is different from other rights in that citizens have a direct and tangible investment in its protection. Many rights are viewed as fairly abstract. Indeed, that has long been a problem in the free speech community where the right is often limited by threats that are viewed as more immediate and real like terrorism.

Gun ownership can give voters a tangible investment worth hundreds or thousands of dollars. Many have more than one gun. That gives them a vested interest in a debate over limiting gun rights or banning weapons. When President Biden repeatedly pledges to ban assault weapons, there are millions with such weapons. Likewise, Biden has referred to the danger of semi-automatic weapons which would include popular handguns. He previously has included 9mm handguns in his proposed ban. Other Democrats have called for gun confiscation. Those are calls that a majority of Americans may view as threatening their own property and safety.

While the Court may be at odds with a majority of voters on abortion, a growing number appear to be embracing gun ownership and gun rights.  That does not mean that either the Court or the voters will not support reasonable limits. Since Heller, the Court has emphasized that there may be such limits on this right. However, the United States (by household) is now a majority gun-owning nation according to these polls.  That could present an interesting dynamic going into the election in 2024.


200 thoughts on “New Polling Shows a Majority of American Households Own Guns and Support Gun Rights”

  1. Institutional authoritarianism is always the last refuge of the self-interested when the perceived enemy is at the door. Here they are willing to betray the quintessence of a university and its fundamental raison d’etre to protect entrenched interests. They echo the phrenologists and professional witch-prickers of yesterday, all of who at their zenith enjoyed academic worship and did indeed defend their self-owned professions in the name of orthodoxy and careerist conformity. They ought to be cautioned that today’s witch may be tomorrow’s witch-pricker.

  2. “No self-respecting hunter I know would use that type of gun. Besides it could ruin the meat!”.”

    Dennis Mcintyre posted this, and then complained about being called a liar. He described his neighbors house as defense for the idea that he wasn’t just makin’ sh!t up. The he intimates that someone must be an expert to know that the method of delivery (AR-15 style versus bolt action, for instance), has nothing to do with how the round behaves after it impacts a target.

    We all know where he got that idea from. Biden. The other expert.

    He doubles down on trying to defend his claim that AR’s are not suitable for hunting and have only the purpose of killing people, again proving his ignorance. He demonstrated once again why he “rarely responds” to comments. Because each level into a subject he is drawn, the more ignorant and idiotic his comments become.

    Either Dennis or his “neighbor” is a moron. I’ll let everyone else choose.

  3. The idea that “the gubmint” can’t just mosy up to your door and kick it down without worrying about getting shot, instills at least the tiniest respect for due process.
    When no-knock warrants go wrong, it is usually the government getting too big for its britches thinking “he doesn’t need no stinking due process”.
    I think most Americans were cheering the Branch Dividians and Ruby Ridge, among other federal screw ups. Federal agencies’ reputations today are lower than ever, and well deserved.

  4. I would like to know if anyone (Harvard, NBC, other ) has done or plans to do a survey ( a genuine non-biased) of how many households also own, or plan to purchase, protective gear, such as bullet-proof vests (Kevlar or other) —

  5. O T (the Right is rising)
    Good news from the Netherlands. Geert Wilders’ immigration-skeptical Freedom Party has won a plurality of seats in the NL Parliament. populist-anti-islam-politician-geert-wilders-achieves-shock-win-in-dutch-elections/ This follows by a few days “the shocking victory” of “far right” candiate Javiar Milei in Argentina’ Presidential election. Apparently, Putin is able to win elections everywhere!

  6. Well, Professor Turley, your Democrat roots are showing right threw some of that new Constitutional awareness that Obama/Biden have forced on you; “That doesn’t mean the voters will not support reasonable limits.”

    Professor Turley, if I had a dollar for every time I heard a Democrat police state fascist claim that a firearm ban/prohibition was a justifiable “reasonable limit” on the Second Amendment, I would be a very wealthy man. Conversely, I have never heard one of your Democrat contemporaries say something like “Yeah, this isn’t reasonable and it targets the law abiding rather than the criminals, but we want to at least give it a try”.

    And so the courts are always, endlessly, attempting to deal with Democrat police state fascists claiming that their latest ban/prohibition is reasonable when considering the Second Amendment – the only amendment felt important enough to include the words ‘shall not be infringed’.

    Support for their “reasonable limits” firearms prohibitions necessitates occupying a space that has been ethnically cleansed of fact and rationality.

    Why not try writing a column where you define what you think are constitutional “reasonable limits”, Professor Turley. Could you do that before the Soviet Democrats make doing so meaningless? Because they’ve eventually whittled the Second Amendment down to being nothing but a dead letter?

  7. Jonathan: Speaking of “locked and loaded”, another J6 insurrectionist, Taylor James Johantakis, has just been found guilty of felony counts of obstruction of an official proceeding, assaulting officers and civil disorder at the Capitol. Johantakis will soon be “loaded” in a van and “locked” up in prison.

    More than 1200 people have been convicted by juries or have pled guilty over J6. More will come. But I suspect videos of Johantakis attacking Capitol police won’t appear in Speaker Johnson redacted release of the videos. That would not be consistent with DJT and Johnson’s false portrayal of J6 as “mostly peaceful”. They, the MAGA Republicans and Fox News want us to believe J6 was actually a “Fedsurrection”–a secret plot by the FBI that actually instigated any violence. Conspiracy theories die hard.

    PS: Johantakis never presented any evidence at trial that he was an FBI agent or paid informant.

    1. Redacted????
      So you have watched them all in entirety, and can point out the “Redactions”!
      OR NOT!

      1. This is a claim more absurd than the collusion delusion.

        There were so many reasons the collusion delusion claim was garbage to start.
        First Trump’s policies were harmful to Russia, Clintons were not.
        Next Trump’s political connectyions in Russia were poor – he could not get aq Trump tower moscow deal through.
        Next, the claim is idiocy. it essentially is that Trump an amateur engaqged in spycraft that the NSE, CIA, FBI and all the reporters int eh world could not even detect, all to get Putin to run a small collection of moronic political adds – that attacked Trump as well as clinton, and were so bad US voters laughed at them

        All this when it would have been easier and more effective to give Cambridge Analytical another small check.

        Even the Mafia does not murder people when they can easily accomplish what they want legally.

        Dennis does not think before he posts.

    2. “videos of Johantakis attacking Capitol police won’t appear”. Sorry to inquire, but do such videos exist? If there are none, why would you raise the issue?

      1. DM is trying to manufacture evidence from absence.

        It is near certain that there is LOTS of video covering ANYONE at the capitol that day. Many views of them at the same time from different cameras. I have no personal knowledge of whether there is video of Johantakis assaulting an officer – but if it actuallyu occured there is LOTS of video.

        DM is jumping to the conclusion that video of Johantakis does not exist, and the reason for that is that it has been scrubbed.

        That is a stupid claim. I forget what the total number of cameras are – plus police body cams. But there are thousands. The recordings from each are with absolutely certainty foll of metadaqta and time codes.
        Maybe the NSA could scrub the video without leaving a trace, but neither house republicans or democrats can.
        But Dennis has manufactured a new left wing nut conspiracy theory from personal brain fever and TDS,

        The actual absence of video from anywhere there should have been video would all by itself be evidence of malfeasance by those controling that video. For two years that would have been democrats.

      2. They might – but if they did it is near certain we would have seen them already. Demnocrats, FBI, DOJ have had more than 2 years to find video of anyone looking funny in the capitol. If they had anything – we would all have seen it.

        I do not know the truth regarding Johantakis. What I do know is that if he did what DM claims – there is video.
        And if there isn’t – he did not.

    3. Ah so once again left wingnuts abusing the law.
      If protesting constitutes obstruction – then the obstruction law is unconstitutional.
      If Mr. Johantakis actually assaulted an officer without provocation – he should be punished for that.
      But the last case that resulted in such a conviction had a former police officer convicted of assault because his hand touched a CP officers when Both were at a barrier.

    4. If the video does not appear it would be because it does not exist.
      All video has been made public. You are free to go down to the capitol and request it.

      I would further note that Democrats controlled all of this for the past 2 years.
      If there was video of an assault on a police officer it ALREADY would have been shown.

      One of the ways we know the protests were “mostly peaceful” is because we can be absolutely sure by now that every single second of violence that occured has been aired by democrats and media.

      Again do you really think that Pelosi, Democrats, the Media and DOJ have stat on this for years ?

      Of course it is also possible that the video was among the mass J6 records destruction that Democrats engaged in after the 2022 election but before Republicans took office.

      BTW that is documented. and House investigators are trying to recover what was destroyed – because today it is nearly impossible to actually destroy anything.

    5. Oh and there are almost 50,000 hours of video total. Do you understand how much that is ?

      If republicans put 100 people on “redacting” video since they took power, they still would not have come close to finishing.

    6. It is not possible for criminal defendants to present evidence of the conduct of the secret conduct of law enforcement or FBI at trial,
      unless the governmnt shares it with them – which they are obligated to.
      But like with the Michigan wolverines trial – they don’t. The FBI was found out in that case because the defense started to carefully review the cell phone records that were purportedly the evidence against them, and strted to enquired about the other calls listed.

    7. In meaningful J6 news today – MORE video of J6 has been made available – this from the MPD

      This confirms the prior video that the CP at the west tunnel first tear gassed themselves and then lobbed tear gas grenades into the crowds.
      The crowd rushing in all directions away from the tear gas was the cause of the barriers being overrun – in that part of the capital – the part where all the violence was. Because the CP abandoned the baricades after they tear gassed themselves. and then lobbed tear gas grenades into a previously peaceful crowd, they ended up trapped in the tunnel entrance with angry tear gassed officers facing angry tear gassed protestors.

      And BTW that is just be beginings of the MPD relaed info.

      We still do not know how many Feds or informants were present at J6.

      But we do know that in all capacities 1500 MPD officers were present. This is in addition to more than 2000 CP officers.

      So the total forces available to secure the capital were over 3500 – that is BEFORE the protests started.

      In contrast Mineapolis had about 500 officiers on duty to stop the George Floyd riots.

      Nor is the number of officers the limit of the MPD story. Turns out many of them were “undercover” and there is video of them inciting the crowds, telling people to climb the scaffolding or break down the barriers.


    8. Dennis McIntyre, Soviet Democrat Official Police State Fascist, continues the lie that the January 6th riot was an “insurrection” – normal Americans who aren’t fellow fascists of Dennis know the FBI said there was no “insurrection”. BUT… when Dennis and his fellow Soviet Democrat Street Thugs in Pantifa and Black Liars And Marxists spent MONTHS rioting, pillaging, burning, murdering, and burning their way across America… that wasn’t an insurrection.

      Dennis McIntyre and his fellow Soviet Democrat Official Police State Fascists were “mostly peaceful protesters” while burning down federal buildings, occupying entire blocks of cities by force of arms for weeks, murdering, looting, pillaging etc.

      Dennis McIntyre, Soviet Democrat Official Police State Fascist, proudly boast that their party’s version of Stalin’s Lavarentiy Beria, Merrick Garland, has REFUSED to track down and charge him or any of his fellow Soviet Democrat insurrectionists for their assault on the White House a few months before J6 in an attempt to get at and murder Trump and his family right in the White House.

      Despite failing in their attempted murder insurrection to take out Trump, Dennis and his fellow Soviet Democrat police state fascists took comfort at jeering Trump when the Secret Service evacuated him to a nuclear bunker because they feared they would be unable to stop Dennis and his fellow Soviet Democrat police state fascist insurrectionists. Just as they gloated and cheered the news that they sent over 50 Secret Service agents to the hospital with wounds they inflicted while trying to breach their lines.

      Dennis McIntyre, Soviet Democrat Official Police State Fascist says that, just like the Hamas terrorists the anti-Semitic wing of their party supports, Dennis is just posting here because he’s doing God’s work for President Daddy-Daughter Inappropriate Showers. And Merrick Garland has given Dennis his personal guarantee that he will NEVER arrest Dennis or any of his fellow Soviet Democrat Mostly Peaceful Insurrectionists for their year of nationwide terror in 2020.

      Dennis McIntyre, “locked and loaded” Soviet Democrat Police State Fascist and this page’s version of Baghdad Bob in service of Bribery Biden, The Coward Of Benghazi and Afghanistan .

    9. What you do not beleive the FBI engages in this kind of conduct ?
      Have you been alove for the past 60 years ? There are SO MANY examples of FBI cock ups, incompetence and attempted frames.
      It is they MO.

      ConIntelPro, Whitey Bulgar, Richard Jewel, Bruce Ivens, the collusion delusion. Wacco, Ruby Ridge, the Michigan Wolverines, Ted Stevens,
      Multiple frameups of american islamic teens.
      And this is just a small part of what we KNOW the FBI has done.

      If the FED had NOT infiltrated all of these groups, if they had NO agents and informants at J6 – THAT would be a story.

      The question is not whether the Feds were there, but to what extent they were part and parcel of causing violence.
      If history is a guide the answer is with certainty.

    10. If you want even more evidence of malfeasance by those on the left – watch “The fall of mineopolis: The Gorge Floyd story”

      Even if you presume that the documentary is bisased and one sided, it STILL has massive amounts of evidence of government/democrat malfeasance. A frame up, lies under oath and massive amounts of relevant facts that the jury was denied.

      Or you could read the Horowitz report, or the Durham report, of the myriads of IG reports in the FBI’s FISA mishandling,
      or on and on and on.

    1. Biologist who work for state fish and game depatments in this country are doing an outstanding job. I live in a small densely populated state and last year over 16,000 deer were harvested. There are an estimated over 100,000 deer in the state I live in. For deer hunting in my state the good ole days are now. Independent Bob.

      1. What has the number of deer got to do with government employees ?

        Decades ago Edward Hall documented the natural population cycles of deer and many other animals.

        Deer populations will grow, spike and die off only to start again – completely independent of game departments.
        And mostly independent of hunters.

  8. For more than 20 years, federal tax dollars have surveilled innocent Americans 24/7 with no evidence of any crime and no evidence of any wrongdoing.

    A ultra-conservative estimate is “Fusion Centers” have subjected at least 50,000 innocent Americans to this unconstitutional surveillance and unconstitutional searches. That estimate predates the January 6 insurrection attempt. The actual number may exceed 100,000 Americans being tracked, with no evidence of any wrongdoing.

    Without raising an extra dime of tax money, FCs could easily track any gun owners they please. If there are gun owners that shouldn’t have them (ie: mental issues, anger issues, criminal conduct) Fusion Centers should be able to prevent most mass shootings, with their enormous taxpayer resources and technology.

  9. Jonathan: My MAGA Rep. in Congress will be overjoyed by the latest NBC/Harvard poll. He represents a mostly rural district where practically every constituent owns a gun. My Rep. believes owning a gun is a “sacred right”. He recently sent me a newsletter celebrating the opening of the deer hunting season. He is a sponsor of a local program to teach kids how to shoot. Start the kids early is his motto.

    My next door neighbor is a deer hunter. He always comes back with a dressed buck his wife puts in the garage freezer. It’s a long family tradition. I once asked him this Q: “Would you use an AR-15 style gun to shoot a deer?” He was aghast: “Never. No self-respecting hunter I know would use that type of gun. Besides it could ruin the meat!”.

    Now I’m not opposed to people who think they need a gun to protect themselves from “criminals”. The problem is that AR-15 style guns are not used for self-defense. They are used by shooters in almost all the recent mass shootings to kill people they don’t like. That’s why Biden wants them banned.

    And I don’t think the polls are going to be “chilling for the Democratic Party” next year. Abortion rights will be the big issue next year, not guns. In seven recent elections voters across the country have overwhelmingly approved abortion rights. This is playing out in my very conservative state. Right after the Dobbs decision the state GOP controlled legislature reimposed an abortion ban–making abortion a felony punishable by 5 to 15 years in prison. Voters have rebelled and have filed to put an amendment to the state’s constitution that guarantees abortion rights. The GOP Secy of State went to court to add language to the amendment that would ask voters whether they were in favor of allowing “dangerous and unregulated abortions until live birth without requiring a medical license or potentially being subject to medical malpractice”. That charged and erroneous language was struck down by the state’s court of appeals in October. On Monday the state’s SC upheld the lower court ruling. So next year abortion rights will at the top of the voter agenda–not guns–at least in my state.

    1. I generally make a point of just scrolling past your comments, but in this case of the 2ndA and firearms I chose to read it.
      You have been a long time liar or grossly exaggerating the truth or facts.
      In this case you have proven you are a liar.
      You do not have a neighbor that would ever say, “Never. No self-respecting hunter I know would use that type of gun. Besides it could ruin the meat!”.
      The AR15 can be chambered in a number of actual hunting calibers and bullets that can take deer easily.
      The comment of “Besides it could ruin the meat!” is a leftist, slow Joe Biden, ignorant comment. The .223 Remington which the 5.56NATO is based off of is a varmint round. Some bullet manufactures do make medium sized game “hunting” bullets in .223 REM, but within limitations, namely within 100yrds, 200yrds at most and even then that would be questionable for a humane kill.
      The AR15 can shoot the .308WIN which is a round that will take medium game out to 400yrds with proper shot placement and bullet. Nosler makes a number of them in their Ballistic Tips and AccuBond bullets. Hornady, Swift, Norma, Lapua all make bullets that can do the same.
      Then there are other calibers the AR15 can shoot just as well as the .308WIN, like the 6.5 Grendel, the 6.5CM, the 6.8 Western and many more.
      The fact of the matter is, it is not the gun, but the bullet it can shoot that makes the difference. Your so-called neighbor is either nonexistent, or ignorant more so than you are.
      BTW, I have a Expert rating from the USMC, a Masters rating in NRA High Power, I have been reloading my own for over 20 years, to include advanced techniques like exceeding SAAMI COL specs to reduce bullet jump.

      1. LOL. You got him, USF. These morons are hilarious. I like the ‘high velocity’ trope, too. Like a .300 blackout is a ‘safer’ round because it can be subsonic, lol.

      2. Thank you.

        It is fairly typical that most left wing nuts are completely clueless abut gun controll.

        DM has demonstrated that he is completely cloueless about everything.
        Guns is not the exception.

          1. Creating a nuke is pretty much outside the ability of all but a few nation states.

            You can now make all the Colt 1911’s you want with a $1500 CNC.

            No nukes and guns are not really the same thing.

      3. Upstate Farmer is the same nerd who writes the majority of comments here.

        Farmer is also Estovir, Thinkthrough, Edward Mahl, Iowa2, Hullbobby, Ralph Chappell, J Feldman, dogsnowden, Guy Ventner, Margot Ballhere and many, many more including a great many anonymouses.

        1. brandrunner902cbad416 has just proven that it isn’t just Bribery Joe Biden that can put his incomprehensible and demented babbling on national display.

          The question remains… is he just channeling The Big Guy battling and losing the battle with his teleprompter in public? Or one of President Daddy-Daughter Inappropriate Showers’ Bolshevik Birthing Boys channeling his Dear Leader?

      4. UpstateFarmer: I rarely respond to people like you. But I am going to make you a special exception–just to prove I am fair minded. It’s clear you are an authority on guns. I am not. I don’t own a gun. But I know my neighbor is not “non-existent”. I am looking out my window while I write this and I can see his house–a beautiful Tudor, manicured lawns–about 8,000 sq. ft.–just across the cul de sac. His house or mansion is lighted at night. My neighbor is an older guy, like me. He is a “traditionalist” when it comes to hunting. He prefers an old long rifle to the modern type guns. He wouldn’t touch an AR-15 style weapon with a ten foot pole! That’s probably why he told me those things. He may be old fashioned and ignorant about modern weapons but he sure knows how to bring down a buck!

        And I’m often called a “liar” on this blog. It’s a convenient and lazy man’s way of not wanting to discuss the real issues. Call someone a name. It makes the name caller feel safe an secure in his own ignorance. You fit that category.

        Now you may have an “Expert rating” from the USMC–and I thank you for your service. But you can’t shoot straight when it comes to discussing the issues raised in Prof. Turley’s column.

        1. Dennis McIntyre, the Soviet Democrats’ Baghdad Bob assigned to follow Jonathan Turley has a new claim: “But I am going to make you a special exception–just to prove I am fair minded.”

          Yes, we believe and trust you when you claim your neighbor exists. Because you’ve proven you’re not a liar and instead trustworthy when you continue to refer to J6 as an “insurrection” – while the FBI and others said years ago it wasn’t. So fair minded you obsessively post about J6 – but only the parts that make the lead hearts of Soviet Democrat police state fascists warm. Never a post about the prior assault on the White House by Soviet Democrats that led to the FBI evacuating the president and his family. Never a post about all the falsehoods and concealment of evidence that has been unearthed in what the Soviet Democrats spent three years hiding and lying about.

          You just got called out on that a few moments ago by somebody else here; more video evidence of what The Pelosi Gang was released a day ago – and Fair Minded Baghdad Bob ignored that to mention a conviction instead.

          So we’re supposed to believe that your imaginary friend – if he actually exists – can be relied upon to be the spokesman for American hunters because he always brings home a buck while saying “AR-15s would ruin the meat!”

          There isn’t a poacher that doesn’t bring home his deer every year. And anyone saying an AR-5 “would ruin the meat” in a gathering of hunters (including people like me whose newest hunting rifle was manufactured in 1972, while another is an 1800’s Hawkin .54 caliber replica) would get jeered, mocked, and laughed out of the room.

          Finally, it’s the convenient and lazy Soviet Democrat’s way of attempting to slip away when caught lying by posting something that starts with “Just to prove I am fair minded – just don’t trust your lying eyes when reading my police state fascist posts”.

          There’s no difference between your Dear Leader, Bribery Biden continually telling Americans he doesn’t know anything about the Chicom family clients of The First Son, The Bagman Formerly Known As The Crackhead Kid, and you here just as earnestly promising us you’re fair minded.

          Soviet Democrats and their Baghdad Bob Apparatchiks: if they ain’t lying, it isn’t an issue they care about.

        2. I have no idea if your neighbor exists or not.
          Pretty sure that most AR-15’s fall into the catagory of long rifles.

          I do not care personally if your freind chooses to hunt with a Pennsylvania rifle.

          What is relevant is that the claim regarding AR-15’s is false. – whether from a real old guy with say a bolt action.
          or from some voice in your head.

        3. DM you are called a liar – because you lie – repeatedly and boldly, and you keep doing so long after evidence that you are lying has been provided.

          You are called a liar by people who have spent thousands of words, trying to discuss real issues with you – Hint, that does NOT mean parroting your false narratives.

          Little would make me happier than a real debate with an intelligent person on the left.
          They do not exist here. Frnkly, increasingly those on the left that I have respected int he past have either become extreme left wing nuts or consrvatives or libertarians.

        4. You said you want to discuss real issues.

          Upstate Farmer dumping a giant pile of FACTS on you.

          Your response is that hbe can’t shoot straight regarding the discussion.

          Sure sounds to me like your only interest in “issues” is to browbeat or insult others into adopting your views.

          You certainly do not want “to discuss real issues”.

          Spraying thoughtless propoganda is not discussion.

          It is self evident that your assertions on EVERY issue are shallow and pretty much without thought.

          With more than 10M AR-15’s already out in public, and probably and equal number of AR-15 like guns,
          how is it that you expect ANY proposal you have to have any effect at all ?

          Let say you reinstated the AWB – which had the SOLE effect of altering the cosmetic apearance of AR-15’s.
          What is that going ot accomplish ? It accomplished nothing when the AWB was in effect.

          Lets say you completely stopped the manufacture of AR-15 like weapons – there are still more than 20M of them still out there.

          Are you going to confiscate those ?

          You do know that the US ranks 41st out of 49 developed countries in Mass Shootings per capita ?

          Nations with absolute bans have higher rates of mass shootings.

          Regardless, lets say you decide to confiscate the 20M+ semi-automatic rifles. According to the FBI All “long guns” – rifles of all kinds, are involved in a miniscule percent of gun deaths each year. Your impact will be like eliminateing the weapons deaths from one weekend in Chicago.

          How many of those owning those 20m+ semi-automatic rifles are going to resist turning them in ?

          Is your idea of how to reduce gun violence to engage the police in pitched gun battles with people unwilling to give up their guns, many of who are far more expert with weapons than the police.

          It appears to me that as is typical of left wing nuts your goal is to MANUFACTURE crimes, by converting responsible law abiding citizens who refuse to surrender rights you try to steel into criminals.

          1. John Say: You claim I don’t want to discuss the “real issues”. OK, let’s do just that. Maybe you should re-read Prof Turley’s column. He was discussing the 2nd Amendment and gun rights. He thought that would be a big issue in next year’s election. In my comment I said I thought abortion would be the bigger issue and I pointed my reasons. But my comment was followed by claims from the usual crowd on this blog, including you, that I was “lying” about the AR-15. A complete distraction from the “real issues”.

            So if you are really interested in a discussion of the “real issues” presented by Prof. Turley’s column, answer this Q: Do you believe the 2nd Amendment or abortion rights will be the bigger issue next year? Whichever position you take give reasons. Now that would be a REAL discussion. Otherwise, I will forced to conclude you are just another “Right-wing nut” who engages in obfuscation!

            1. Denny

              Anyone who makes abortion an issue in a national election is ignorant and uninformed, or just a liar, like you Dennis. The issue is a states issue now. Neither issue trumps the real ones, so stop with the nonsense already.

              So JT talks about gun rights, but YOU get to make it about abortion, and then claim anyone who wont join you on discussing that non issue is not discussing the issue.

              What a narcissist.

        5. He prefers an old long rifle to the modern type guns. He wouldn’t touch an AR-15 style weapon with a ten foot pole! That’s probably why he told me those things

          DM getting caught in his lies and back peddling like crazy. No, DM your neighbor imaginary or not did not say those things. Is an AR style gun a good deer gun?. It will get the job done. But guns are like shoes. They all have a purpose, and we all have favorites. I would never get caught dead walking fields in sneakers. That in no way means squat about their appropriateness. Serious hunters have multiple guns for multiple occasions. A Deer Hunt, is a once a year special occasion, and has over time homed a certain nostalgic process. That all plays a part in what is a must, and what is optional for the Hunt. Many choose a sub par weapon, just to increase the difficulty, or maybe because the gun holds as emotional place in their heart.

          You lie, and are so ignorant of he subject, you are clueless to how stupid you are. My explanation is incomprehensible to you, because of your raw ignorance. Not a problem at all. Except you come here lecturing others about things you have no knowledge of.

        6. ” I am looking out my window while I write this and I can see his house–a beautiful Tudor, manicured lawns–about 8,000 sq. ft.–just across the cul de sac. His house or mansion is lighted at night. ”

          You are one of those people.

            1. Did you see the part where I said, “Eewww.”??
              I have over 150 acres. One third of which actually produces something.
              The other two thirds is hunting preserve.

        7. DM – You say: “And I’m often called a “liar” on this blog. It’s a convenient and lazy man’s way of not wanting to discuss the real issues. Call someone a name. It makes the name caller feel safe an secure in his own ignorance.”
          You are correct in saying that the use of insults is one way of avoiding serious discussion. But I seem to remember that you are profligate in insulting Donald Trump or other conservatives, e.g., liar, coward, fascist. I suggest that you follow your own advice as to labels.

      5. “The AR15 can shoot the .308WIN which is a round that will take medium game out to 400yrds with proper shot placement and bullet. ”

        Factually not true. The AR10 platform is necessary to handle a round as long as the .308 Winchester.

    2. Dennis, here is a sneaky … GFY!
      Regardless of the reason for ARs — it is a right. They should have had them in the Revolutionary War– less deaths for us.

    3. BTW, a number of states have hunting laws that only straight walled rounds can be used for deer hunting.
      As a result, there are several straight walled rounds for deer hunting that can be shot from a AR platform to include but not limited to, the .450 Bushmaster, the .50 Beowulf, the .350 Legend to name a few.

      1. My .350 Legend has become one of my favorite guns. I’ve even begun to use it in places that are not str8 wall limited.

        By the way, as for the “suitability” of the platform for hunting, again another ignorant trope repeated ad nauseam by denny and his ilk.

        I have an AR-10, chambered in 6.5 Creedmore, that shoots consistent groupings at 600 yards. Not too many deer shots at that range in the south. It weighs less than 6 pounds sans optics.

    4. An AR-15 is an area defense weapon – that is a subset of self defense needs.

      I would further note that “self defense” includes – whether you like it or not, defense against government tyrany – and that explicitly means offensive weapons.

      I would further note the “assault rifle” of the revolution was the pensylvania aka kentucky rifle. This was both a hunting rifle and an assault rifle.

      Colonists used it extremely effectively in the revolution – especially in new england. If you are familiar with the history of the revolution, very shortly after the start of the war the British found that they could not operate in most of new england. Why ?
      Because british muskets had an accurate range of 100yds and a pensylvania rifle was accurate to 300. Minutemen could position themselves in advance of british forces. Wait for them to get in range, Fire, retreat and reload. The british were never able to close.

      I find it interesting that left wing nuts such as yourself constantly rant about tyrany while standaing totally opposed to the means to oppose it.

      You are affraid of Trump becoming president again – because what ?

      Is he going to send squads of brownshirts into the street to hunt you down ?

      We have not seen DOJ/FBI target the political left, since Hoover died.

      Who today has reason to fear the federal government ? Abortion protestors, parents of schoolkids,
      republican political operatives, Republican political candidates.

      1. John: “I would further note the “assault rifle” of the revolution was the pensylvania aka kentucky rifle. This was both a hunting rifle and an assault rifle.”


        Normally I agree with you on nearly everything but I have a different view of this.

        The Continental army mostly was armed with the Brown Bess smoothbore musket. It was perfect for standing in line of battle and firing volleys at your enemy who usually was also in a line. It was reliable and fairly easy and fast to reload, given the limitations of being loaded with powder, patch and ball through the muzzle. Because it was not rifled it was not very accurate at a distance.

        The Pennsylvania (Kentucky) long rifle was accurate for a considerable distance and was favored by the frontier “over the mountain” men who used it for food and for defense. At Saratoga the battle was tipped in our favor by a militiaman who climbed a tree and used his rifle to take down a British general who was too good at his job. Kings Mountain was another victory fought almost entirely with militiamen armed with the Pennsylvania long rifle. Then Dan Morgan effectively used them at Cowpens. He positioned the militia forward of the regular line with instructions to just give two or three shots and retire behind the Continentals. He also told them to take out officers and anyone else organizing the British attack.

        The problem with the Pennsylvania long rifle is that it can be hard to load, sometimes even having to hammer the ball into the first part of the barrel. It also fouled more than the Brown Bess and is cleaned with boiling water. One account of Cowpens mentioned that some of the riflemen were boiling water during the battle.

        It isn’t rapid fire by any means. I don’t think it could even be used like the Brown Bess in the line of battle. But in the hands of a frontiersman whose dinner often depended upon good shooting, it was deadly as a sniper rifle.

          1. It is the Pensylvania Riffle. They are still common where I live, which is about 5 miles from Martin Meylin’s gun shop where they were “invented”.
            A local former mayor owns about a 1000, as well as about a dozen cannon.

        1. I do not disagree with anything you posted, nor does it contradict what I have posted.

          While I did not name specific engagements as you have, my remarks were NOT about the revolution as a whole.
          Nor were they about all revolutionary uses of the Pennsylvania rifle. It was as you not used effectively as a sniper rifle, with Colonists not playing by the rules and picking off officers – which was not kosher to the british.

          The rate of fire of the pensylvania riffle was much lower than the musket – which is precisely why in the more guerilla style engagements irregulars setup, fired outside of range of the british, and immediately move on to the next point of ambush.

          Conwallis was eventually defeated by brilliant strategy in a traditional set peice battle between armies.

          That was not what I was writing about.

          1. I think it was calling it an ‘assault’ weapon that led me to respond. I think that term comes from WWI and WWIi when select troops assaulted some positions and adopted assault weapons for that purpose. Junger’s “Storm of Steel” gives some idea of it, if I remember correctly. Tactics and weapons evolved of course but seemed to have led to grenades and submachine guns. Others here know better than I.

            In any event the long rifle was, as you noted, best for Indian style fighting using cover and accuracy. Kings Mountain was a big Indian style attack by militia, while Cowpens used a clever mix of militia and Continentals. In any event, the long rifle wasn’t a weapon of choice for a line of battle assault. For one thing it didn’t mount a bayonet and left you defenseless for a little while after you shoot. I think that was one of the problems with the militia at Guilford Court House. They fired and then saw a line of bayonets coming for them. Brown Bess with a bayonet was better for assault.

            Wonderful that you live near the shop where the long rifle was invented and that there are still many to be seen there. I would want to visit that community and see what they have someday, just as I enjoy visiting battlefields.

      2. “An AR-15 is an area defense weapon – that is a subset of self defense needs.”

        Ummm… no. Neither in the military sense (there is no military I am aware of which issues their troops AR-5s) where it is a personal weapon, whereas LMGs and MMGs are area defense weapons.

        And DEFINITELY not in the police sense, where the most popular self defense carbine of choice in North America is an AR-15 patrol carbine.

        None of which has anything to do with the fact and reality that an AR-15 is a perfectly competent choice for self defense for civilians as well as police. Not my personal choice after 40 years combined paratrooper/police work… but a choice I wouldn’t whine about if somebody were to tell me the AR-15 platform was all that was available. Others equally competent and experienced would disagree with me and choose the AR-15.

        Furthermore when the Second Amendment, even if you believe Heller and Bruen don’t go far enough as SCOTUS decisions, says AR-15s are commonly used firearms covered by the right to bear arms.

        Dennis McIntyre, Bribery Biden’s Baghdad Bob, posts lies The Big Guy would be proud to call his own, that take discussions down very strange side streets

        1. Why did you presume I was talking about military or police use ?

          Even mass shooters use AR-15’s to attempt to keep law enforcement at bay,
          While they use handguns for most of the actual killing.

          There are several here that know far more about guns than I do.

          I am not looking to debate details with those of you.

          Those details do not alter the fact that DM is full of schiff,
          And that no matter how much more knowledgable you are than I,
          I still know far more than DM.

    5. AR-15’s can and are used to hunt deer. You and possibly your friend does not appear to know what an AR-15 is.

      While the Ruger mini-14 pictured is technically not an AR-15 it is functionally identical, and there are plenty of AR-15’s that look exactly like the Ruger.

      All the differences between the two are COSMETIC.

      I would further note that a Henry repeating rifle – the type that was popular with nearly everyone after the civil war,
      is functionally the same as an AR-15.

      Are you saying that western settlers did not need and should not have been allowed their Henry’s which were used for defense, and hunting.

      1. Thr AR-15 model rifle is the number one selling rifle in america. I’ll bet there are roughly 25 million in private hands. Armalite developed this basic design back in the 1960’s. After 17 years the patent protection was gone and other manufacturers could start making AR – 15 rifles and parts. From what I’ve read there at least 29 companies manufacturing these rifles throughout the world. As well as after market parts. Independent Bob.

        1. My 10M estimate is conservative.

          There are one h311 of alot of AR-15’s Some of them look “Scary” which terifies Dennis.
          Others look little different from hunteing ifles – atleast to most of us.

          They are all roughly equal – atleast in terms of what left wing nuts fear.

          1. If an AR-15 is sitting on a table, unless someone touches it, it will just keep sitting there. Independent Bob.

    6. LOL. What a heaping pile of BS. Democrats in Baltimore and Chicago kill more people in a year than all the AR-15 homicides in the US since at least 2000.

    7. Abortion is playing out as an issue accross the country. I doubt it will remain much of an issue in 2024.
      Regardless, it inevitably will fade as each state settles on abortion laws that are consistent with the positions of citizens in that state.

      Democrats have gone too far – and ultimately we will see some restrictions on abortion even in deep blue states.
      In SOME red states republicans have misjudged their constitutents – but that will at most be a one or two cycle issue per state.

      You are correct that 2A issues do not have the same weight as abortion.
      But 2A issues are NOT going away.

      The left is ideologically committed to making an issue of guns – despite the fact their position is weak in popular support and is factual garbage.
      Banning guns does not work.
      Further in the US it is as a practical matter impossible.

      There are a minimum of 10M AR-15’s in the US – problem more than double that.
      There are also atleast as many again Long guns that are functionally if not visually equivalent to AR-15’s.

      Outside of automatic pistols – which democrats also seek to ban, the AR-15 is the most popular long gun in the US.
      It is the VW Beetle of long guns.

      Screw with it and you are going to piss off millions of people.

      And are you really going to try to confiscate millions of guns ?

        1. Yes, that was the ONE consequential effect that Austrailia had when it severely restricted guns, a noticeable reduction in suicides.

          Mass killings however did not decline. Mass shootings went down, Mass killings through Arson went up.

          The people who commit mass shootings seek attention. The tend to “gear up” and carry AR-15’s or like weapons because of the image they hope to create. Depreive them of one weapon they will find something else dramatic.

          You can make a flame thrower with $25 in parts from AutoZone.

          You can make chlorine gas from things under your kitchen sink

    8. “They are used by shooters in almost all the recent mass shootings to kill people they don’t like.” This is misinformation. The majority of mass shootings are conducted with semi-auto handguns. The 1994 AWB proved this type of legislation is useless. Even the corrupt US government had to admit the 1994 AWB produced no measurable results.

    9. “He was aghast: “Never. No self-respecting hunter I know would use that type of gun. Besides it could ruin the meat!”. Please tell all of us what caliber rifle he did use? .243 , 30-06? Many states do not allow hunting with .223 because it does not cause enough immediate terminal damage in deer. Waiting to hear from you.

      1. The demographic group thay buys most of the AR-15 style rifles are millinials. On average younger people. Independent Bob.

    10. Absolutely politicisns play games with ballot initiatives.

      While I understand that Ohio Residents sought to send a message regarding abortion and they are free to punish elected representatives that defy their wishes.

      Abortion is not a right. Putting it into a state constitution is just plain stupid.
      And most of these abortion rights amendments are abysmally written and will prove problematic in the future.

      You can oppose the Sec States language, but what is the “right” to an abortion that you seek to protect ?
      Or more importantly – what is it that YOUR states voters actually want regarding abortion – NOT what YOU want.
      Regardless, the languages of ANY constitutional amendment should be chosen with great care.
      Most of these abortion as a constitutional right amendments are abysmally written.
      Anw will prove problematic over time.

      Close to universally across the country americans want abortion after some fairly early time to be either completely banned or severely limited.
      Conversely very few people want an absolute ban on abortion.

      Abortion is NOT a right and belongs in no states constitution. Doing so is a massive catagory error.
      The actual right in question is the right to control of your own body. That would permit MOST abortions. But it would also prohibit all kinds of other laws the left likes. So there is no possibility of getting protection for an actual right.

      Constitutions are the wrong place for nuanced and possibly time shifting lines.

      But then the left has learned nothing from prohibition.

    11. You should also be careful about codifying things like abortion ain the constitution.

      Right and left can both play that game.

      There are probaly a dozen states that could pass an absolute ban on abortion after the 8th week and put it into the constitution.
      And atleast a dozen more than could do so after 15weeks.
      You could probably get 40 states (icluding OH) to constitutionaly ban leate term abortions at some threshold.

      Amending constitutions is supposed to be hard.

      If you start doing so willing nilly – you will rapidly get lots of stupid constitutional amendments.

      Those of you on the left never think past the tip of your nose.

    12. Dennis McIntyre, Bribery Biden’s Baghdad Bob assigned to shadow Turley’s posts, is at it again with lies of a magnitude that only The Big Guy could match.

      “I once asked him this Q: “Would you use an AR-15 style gun to shoot a deer?” He was aghast: “Never. No self-respecting hunter I know would use that type of gun. Besides it could ruin the meat!”.”

      I’m aghast that a Couch Warrior, who claims they could never find a uniform that would fit him is the reason he sat safely at home during the 20 years many of us were serving overseas in Afghanistan, naively thinks there’s so few people who hunt/own AR-15s on this page that he could get away with a lie of that magnitude.

      Or, if that fumbling creature he claims exists as a hunter actually exists, he’s one of Dennis’s fellow Biden Birthing Persons who hunts with a Biden-Approved Shotgun With Buckshot because he can’t hit anything with a rifle.

      While there is some amusement in watching Dennis put himself on display as a world class Soviet Democrat liar right up there with The Big Guy in magnitude, should anyone come by his post who knows absolutely nothing about firearms (i.e. somebody like Dennis who merely acts as The Big Guy’s Baghdad Bob parrot), some basic facts are in order.

      First, the platform that fires the round is completely irrelevant. Whether it’s an AR-15 (the cop’s choice for a patrol defensive carbine) or a muzzleloader, it’s simply the platform for aiming and firing the projectile. What really matters is the projectile and it’s exterior and terminal ballistics. Whether the objective is shooting National Match competition or hunting deer/elk/moose/antelope/etc.

      Deer have been commonly hunted with 30/30 John Wayne lever actions for well over a century. “America’s Favorite Deer Rifle”. The .300 Blackout caliber practically duplicates those ballistics – and it is sold in the AR-15 platform. Weird how the ol’ John Wayne Winchester Thutty-Thutty doesn’t “ruin the meat” – but the same caliber projectile at the same velocities will supposedly ruin the meat according to Dennis McIntyre if fired out of a .300 Blackout chambered AR-15 instead of a 30-30 lever action.

      If Soviet Democrats’ Baghdad Bob, Dennis McIntyre had any self respect and code of honor, he would be hanging his head in shame at getting caught lying so badly at this point. But being The Big Guy’s Baghdad Bob performing here, of course he doesn’t have either of those – any more than Bribery Biden does when he lies.

      Moving on, one of the most common deer hunting calibers today is the .308 Winchester, which can be purchased in bolt actions, lever actions, break action, and pump action rifles depending on the hunter’s choice. Being popular, clearly the .308 Winchester doesn’t “ruin the meat”. The .308 Winchester can also be purchased chambered in The Evil AR-15 that Baghdad Bob Dennis McIntyre claims would “ruin the meat”.

      Anybody want to ask Baghdad Bob/Dennis McIntyre why all those manufacturing companies make huge profits selling AR-15 hunting rifles to America’s hunters? When – according to The Big Guy’s Baghdad Bob, those calibers when fired in an AR-15 “ruin the meat” as he claims he was reliably informed by his fellow Biden Birthing Boy who is allegedly a hunter (if he exists)?

      For those just as ignorant as Baghdad Bob Dennis McIntyre about guns – but unlike Baghdad Bob aren’t liars claiming they actually know something about guns – there are MANY calibers suitable for hunting that are available in The Evil AR-15. Take your pick of caliber: 6.5, 308, .35… all of them are the equivalent of hunting cartridges that have been routinely been used to hunt deer from long before Baghdad Bob Dennis McIntyre and his Imaginary Deer Hunting Friend were ever born.

      Over to you, Baghdad Bob/Dennis McIntyre… tell us another fascinating hunting story from the Soviet Democrat hunting camp run by The Big Guy you emulate!

      1. Old dog

        This is multiple times you have errantly claimed that an AR-15 can be had in .308. This is not true, as someone with your background should be well aware of.

    13. I despise guns and what harm they can do. Having said that, I own a Glock and am trained and licensed to conceal carry. I live in an extremely violent democratic city where little old ladies are pistol whipped, theft is rampant and the Soros funded DA talks big but does absolutely nothing. He favors thugs. The criminals know it and act accordingly.

      Tax payers and the working class are regarded by those who hold power as second class citizens. I pray I never have to pull the trigger, but if my family is threatened with violence and there is no other solution, then there is no choice but to send the assailant to meet his maker.

      If any of the forked tongue politicians had a spine, they could clean this mess up in a few weeks.They don’t have a backbone. They truly do not care.

      I grew up in a place and time where kids were free to be children, most people did not lock their homes or cars. They didn’t have to.

    14. Since abortion “rights” is a states issue now, anyone voting nationally wrt that, is ill informed, ignorant, or voting against their self interest just like you, nincompoop.

  10. Professor Turley Writes:

    “While Democrats have found a winning issue on abortion in recent elections–

    Idaho requested the US Supreme Court let it enforce a near-total abortion ban, pending appeal of a decision that found the ban makes it impossible for hospitals in the state to comply with a federal emergency care law.

    Attorney General Raúl Labrador Monday filed an emergency application to stay an injunction that prevents the state from imposing penalties on physicians who perform abortions in emergency situations, except when necessary to save the pregnant person’s life.

    Shortly after the top court decided Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health Organization in 2022, the US Department of Health and Human Services issued a guidance document reminding hospitals that an abortion might be required to stabilize an emergency patient in some situations.

    HHS sued Idaho, saying that the federal law preempted a state provision that had no emergency exception at the the time. Judge B. Lynn Winmill, of the US District Court for the District of Idaho, issued the injunction.

    Idaho argues that enforcing its near-total ban on abortion is so important, that federal laws requiring that hospitals treat emergency conditions must be preempted.

    In other words, women suffering pregnancy complications must be allowed to reach a state of near-death, before any treatment is provided.


    How many Americans would be okay with a policy where hospitals allow patients to come as close to death as possible before giving treatment?

    1. How many Americans would be okay with a policy where hospitals allow patients to come as close to death as possible before giving treatment?

      Everyone has written you off as braindead yet here you are posting mindless babble.
      Your handlers are not sending their best

    2. Question:

      “How many Americans would be okay with a policy where hospitals allow patients to kill a human before possibly before giving treatment?”

      PS: If you don’t like ID’s law(s), feel free to move back to whatever sh!%hole you came from.

    3. This is a typical argument of left wing nuts.

      No women need not get to near death. This whole debate is a red herring.

      The objective is to manufacture an edge case and than expand that into a vehicle for all late term abortions.

      I would note that Physicians deal with issues like this all the time 0 with no need for interferance from the federal governmet.
      Physicians have to make sometimes risky decisions to save a persons life.
      \We can not codify each of these in law.

      Existing law on self defense would cover a physician performing an abortion where continuing the pregnancy would risk the life of the mother.

      Left wing nuts deliberately engage in shallow thinking.

    4. “in other words”….

      Nothing like having a Soviet Democrat Marxist Useful Apparatchik like brandrunner902cbad416 giving you what they claim is the Republican version of a law, a court case, what Republicans want, etc… after they spent FOUR years trying to convince everyone that the Clinton/Obama/Biden/DNC “Russia Dossier” was actually verified intelligence agency evidence that proved Trump was a bought and paid for Russian stooge.

      The credibility train for Soviet Democrat Apparatchiks left the station a long time ago…

      Meanwhile, Republicans claim that the Soviet Democrats demand elective birth control abortions right up to the point of birth to maximize the number of black American babies they can prevent being born as they attempt to realize Margaret Sanger’s dream of cleansing a Democrat America of The Black Scourge. To be replaced by Illegal Alien Guest Democrat Voters “demography is our destiny”!

      Question: how many normal Americans agree with the Soviet Democrats’ demand for national legalization of elective birth control abortions right up to the moment of birth?

      Second Question: why do the Soviet Democrats’ candidates NOT campaign on intending to try and make elective birth control abortions legal right up to the moment of birth? They’re making attempts to legalize it here and there – why the fear of campaigning exactly for that in 2024?

    5. If the mother’s life is not in danger then by definition it’s not an emergency. If her life is in danger the law does not require waiting until she is “as close to death as possible”; she can be treated as soon as the danger to her life is diagnosed and it is clear that nothing short of killing her baby will save her.

      And yes, the state’s interest in enforcing the law, i.e. in protecting innocent citizens from being murdered, is that important; it’s the most important thing any state can do. It’s what states are for. A state that allows people to murder each other with impunity has no right to exist. And right now that’s most states.

  11. I’m a proponent of self-defense who thinks logically about an aggressor’s first strike advantage. The criminal aggressor has the advantage of surprise, and associated lead-time advantages. The self-defender has reciprocal disadvantages, e.g., time to assess the situation, figure out players and intention, decide whether a firearm will help or hurt self-defense, and decide how best to employ the firearm (brandishing-only vs. warning shot vs. fire-fight).

    Self-defense strategic planning focusses on slowing down the aggressor, denying them the element of surprise, and especially denying them first-strike kill rate. It for this last reason that most Americans accept the ban on individual civilians possessing machine guns, RPGs, dirty bombs, and nuclear weapons. These would cede enormous first-strike kill rate to the surprise aggressor.

    Thinking about the Las Vegas concert massacre, the killer’s use of a high-energy semi-automatic with a bump-stock firing rate makes this point clear. He fired more than 1,000 rounds, killing 60 people[a] and wounding at least 413. The ensuing panic brought the total number of injured to approximately 867. About an hour later, he was found dead in his room from a self-inflicted gunshot wound.

    From a self-defense standpoint, and being honest about aggressor advantage, if there were a way to turn back the clock on highly-lethal long guns with magazines being allowed for civilians (including criminals and crazy people), it would make sense to do so. It is only because there are so many of these guns in circulation that it’s hard to
    imagine ever stripping the black market of this weapon.

    Shutting down the black market in weapons should be the highest priority for gun control. Leaving it to operate reduces all our options to roll back aggressor first-strike advantage.

    1. Logic is not your forte. Self Defense and the advantage of an agressors suprise are arguments FOR AR-15’s etc. not against them.

      Most self defense does not take place on battlefields out in the desert as you imagine.

      Defenders are typically defending their homes. Agressors are NOT. An AR015 is very effective at keeping one or more agressors OUT of your home. It is not very effective at extracting entrenched defendors.

      AR-15’s and long guns more generally are used in mass shooting as DEFENSIVE weapons – to keep law enforcement away.
      They are NOT typically used to do the actual killing – that is done with handguns.

      Regardless agressors must bring weapons and ammunition with them.
      Defenders need not. In all but rare situations the defender is if they choose more capable of mustering the overwhelming firepower necescary to overcome surprise.

      1. You know the old saying. It takes the cops 20 minutes to respond to a call. A .357 magnum travels at 1500 feet per second. Independent Bob.

  12. 𝐇𝐨𝐮𝐬𝐞 𝐑𝐞𝐩𝐮𝐛𝐥𝐢𝐜𝐚𝐧𝐬 𝐢𝐬𝐬𝐮𝐞 𝐚 𝐬𝐮𝐛𝐩𝐨𝐞𝐧𝐚 𝐭𝐨 𝐟𝐞𝐝𝐞𝐫𝐚𝐥 𝐩𝐫𝐨𝐬𝐞𝐜𝐮𝐭𝐨𝐫 𝐢𝐧 𝐇𝐮𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐁𝐢𝐝𝐞𝐧’𝐬 𝐜𝐚𝐬𝐞
    House Republicans issued a subpoena Tuesday to a federal prosecutor involved in the criminal investigation into Hunter Biden, demanding answers for what they allege is Justice Department interference in the yearslong case into the president’s son.

    Rep. Jim Jordan, chair of the House Judiciary Committee, called on Lesley Wolf, the assistant U.S. attorney for Delaware, to appear before the committee by Dec. 7, according to a copy of the congressional subpoena obtained by The Associated Press. …
    By: Farnoush Amiri Congressional reporter – Associated Press ~ November 22, 2023

  13. Imagine a small town, let’s make it one of those toney enclaves Obama favors for rubbing shoulders with the common folks (billionaires), where the anti-gun majority decided that all residents owning firearms must post a yard sign stating, “Beware – Owner Armed.” Three years into the ordinance the residents, now keenly aware of which homes have and haven’t been victimized by crime, are presented with the opportunity to extend the rule (renewing both their righteousness and the public shaming) or terminate it and outlaw all yard signs. In this town, where the majority insist firearms do not deter crime, does anyone think the rule has a chance in hell of surviving?

  14. “From each according to his ability, to each according to his needs.”


    Admissions affirmative action, grade-inflation affirmative action, employment affirmative action, quotas, welfare, food stamps, minimum wage, rent control, social services, forced busing, public housing, utility subsidies, WIC, SNAP, TANF, HAMP, HARP, TARP, HHS, HUD, EPA, Agriculture, Commerce, Education, Labor, Energy, Obamacare, Social Security, Social Security Disability, Social Security Supplemental Income, Medicare, Medicaid, “Fair Housing” laws, “Non-Discrimination” laws, etc.

    “Toto, I’ve a feeling we’re not in [America] anymore.”

    – Dorothy, Wizard of Oz (Unappropriated, Actual American Version)

    1. Thanks to:

      Comrade General Secretary Alex Soros, A Self-Described Center-Left Thinker – Actually An Equivocating Communist Prevaricator

      Funded By His Daddy’s $25 Billion Dirty-Money Empire

      “The goal of Socialism is Communism.”

      – Vladimir Ilyich Lenin

      Open Society Foundations – “From each according to his ability, to each according to his needs,” as mandated by the “dictatorship of the hired help.”

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