“The Responsibility to Not Report”: Irish Journalist Defends Suppressing Stories for the Public Good

We have been discussing the latest Irish law to crackdown on free speech.  Yet, even with the criminalization of speech, there is apparently still the danger of citizens reading or hearing facts from reporters that are best kept from them. Thus, Kitty Holland, a correspondent with the Irish Timesis defending the media’s decision to suppress stories that would “incite hatred” and undermine journalistic viewpoints.

The comments came in a BBC interview regarding the victim impact statement of the boyfriend of Ashling Murphy, who was murdered in 2022 by an immigrant.  Ryan Casey stated in part:

It just sickens me to the core that someone can come to this country, be fully supported in terms of social housing, social welfare, and free medical care for over 10 years… over 10 years… never hold down a legitimate job, and never once contribute to society in any way shape or form… can commit such a horrendous evil act of incomprehensible violence on such a beautiful, loving and talented person who in fact, worked for the state, educating the next generation and represented everything that is good about Irish society.

I feel like this country is no longer the country that Ashling and I grew up in, and Ireland has officially lost its innocence when a crime of this magnitude can be perpetrated in broad daylight. This country needs to wake up. This time, things have got to change, we have to once and for all start putting the safety of not only Irish people — but everybody in this country who works hard, pays taxes, raises families and overall contributes to society — first.

We don’t want to see any other family in this country go through what we have gone through and are continuing to go through. I myself have a little sister and honestly, just the thought of her walking the streets of any village, town or city in this country alone makes me physically sick and quite frankly absolutely terrifies me as this country is simply not safe anymore!

This time, if real change does not happen, if the safety of people living in this country is further ignored, I’m afraid our country is heading down a very dangerous path and you can be certain that we will not be the last family to be in this position.

The host asked: “Those were very interesting comments, weren’t they?”

Holland disagreed and said that they had to be suppressed in the best interests of the public:

“I think elements of them were not good,. They were incitement to hatred, and I think that’s why the media left out aspects of them. I think they were right to not include [Casey’s full comments in news reports]. I don’t think that they were helpful, and this is the kind of thing that the far right latches on to.”

What was striking was the ease with which Holland moves directly into the suppression of a story as the guardian of the public good. Some news is simply “not helpful” so the media should not allow the public to be exposed to it.

Holland previously won the Journalist of the Year, News Reporter of the Year, and the Overall winner of the Justice Media Awards.

Holland’s view is consistent with many in the media in the United States today.

I have long been a critic of what I called “advocacy journalism” as it began to emerge in journalism schools. These schools encourage students to use their “lived expertise” and to “leave[] neutrality behind.” Instead, of neutrality, they are pushing “solidarity [as] ‘a commitment to social justice that translates into action.’”

For example, we previously discussed the release of the results of interviews with over 75 media leaders by former executive editor for The Washington Post Leonard Downie Jr. and former CBS News President Andrew Heyward. They concluded that objectivity is now considered reactionary and even harmful. Emilio Garcia-Ruiz, editor-in-chief at the San Francisco Chronicle said it plainly: “Objectivity has got to go.”

Saying that “Objectivity has got to go” is, of course, liberating. You can dispense with the necessities of neutrality and balance. You can cater to your “base” like columnists and opinion writers. Sharing the opposing view is now dismissed as “bothsidesism.” Done. No need to give credence to opposing views. It is a familiar reality for those of us in higher education, which has been increasingly intolerant of opposing or dissenting views.

Downie recounted how news leaders today

“believe that pursuing objectivity can lead to false balance or misleading “bothsidesism” in covering stories about race, the treatment of women, LGBTQ+ rights, income inequality, climate change and many other subjects. And, in today’s diversifying newsrooms, they feel it negates many of their own identities, life experiences and cultural contexts, keeping them from pursuing truth in their work.”

There was a time when all journalists shared a common “identity” as professionals who were able to separate their own bias and values from the reporting of the news.

Now, objectivity is virtually synonymous with prejudice. Kathleen Carroll, former executive editor at the Associated Press declared “It’s objective by whose standard? … That standard seems to be White, educated, and fairly wealthy.”

In an interview with The Stanford Daily, Stanford journalism professor, Ted Glasser, insisted that journalism needed to “free itself from this notion of objectivity to develop a sense of social justice.” He rejected the notion that journalism is based on objectivity and said that he views “journalists as activists because journalism at its best — and indeed history at its best — is all about morality.”  Thus, “Journalists need to be overt and candid advocates for social justice, and it’s hard to do that under the constraints of objectivity.”

Lauren Wolfe, the fired freelance editor for the New York Times, has not only gone public to defend her pro-Biden tweet but published a piece titled I’m a Biased Journalist and I’m Okay With That.” 

Former New York Times writer (and now Howard University Journalism Professor) Nikole Hannah-Jones is a leading voice for advocacy journalism.

Indeed, Hannah-Jones has declared “all journalism is activism.”

At the same time, outlets like National Public Radio have abandoned the rule that journalists should not engage in public protests.

NPR declared that it would allow employees to participate in political protests when the editors believe the causes advance the “freedom and dignity of human beings.” So it remained up to the editors if a reporter could join a pro-life protest (unlikely) or a pro-gun control protest (very likely).

Likewise, American politicians (including Barack Obama) have called upon the media to actively frame news to shape public opinion.  This includes support for the widespread censorship of opposing views on social media.

The Holland interview shows how matter-of-fact the cause of censorship has become for reporters.  The immediate question is not whether it was news to report (which it certainly was), but whether the news would further the cause or narrative of the media.

There has always been media bias, but it is now openly acknowledged and embraced by reporters. They view themselves now as the guardians protecting citizens from harmful information or news that they cannot put into the proper perspective. Information is treated like sugary drinks under the Big Gulp laws, you are better off having others decide what is healthy for you to consume . . . or to know.

Here is the full victim impact statement.


87 thoughts on ““The Responsibility to Not Report”: Irish Journalist Defends Suppressing Stories for the Public Good”

  1. I wish professor Turley would do a topic on the plight of the state auditor in Massachusetts. She wants to audit the state legislature and they’re telling her she doesn’t have the right to.

  2. This sorry tale shows how natural human feelings can be trumped by relentless propaganda. It would be natural for us to feel pity for a young woman, walking in a public place, can be viciously murdered by a young man for no reason. Then, when it is determined by the judical system that the young man was a Romani-Slovakian immigrant, it might seem natural that native Irishmen/women might wonder why he was let into the country. But when journalists and other pseudo-intellectuals are constantly bombarded with rhetoric telling them it is racist or fascist to even question the need for easy immigration laws, then those people can no longer feel the natural pity and anger that is felt by normal people. American parallels are too obvious to mention.

  3. Pure blood pure skin never jabbed never tested checking in. I DID NOT BUY YOUR LIES AND I WAS CORRECT NOT TO.
    Thanks for the great “objectivity” to all the activist reporters. YOU FAILED.

    “SAFE AND EFFECTIVE. you wont get covid, you wont kill grandma there are no bad outcomes it is a vaccine it is not gene therapy it is not from genetic manipulation the furin cleavage site is what exactly, where’s your medical phd ? follow the science fauci IS THE SCIENCE.”

    *this message brought to you by the MSM Pfizer, Moderna, and CDC advertisers and the military industrial production complex*

    1 in 1000 jabs end up in death (data leak from government of 4 million jabbies)
    675,000 Americans dead from the fauci jab latest estimation
    Death rates go up for at least one year past the jab, they peak at 6 months

    You may not have been cancelled, but then again you may not have been cancelled but got cancelled anyway.

  4. Communists (liberals, progressives, socialists, democrats, CINOs, IINOs*) are direct and mortal enemies of free people and are not to be respected in any aspect, facet, or degree, or allowed any measure of authority.

    Kitty Holland, the Irish Times, and their allied communists (liberals, progressives, socialists, democrats, CINOs, IINOs) in Ireland eschewed and roundly rejected equity, neutrality, and objectivity and stole the rights and freedoms of the once-free Irish people.

    Free people make their own decisions after perusing “facts” presented by a credible free press and trusted private sources.

    Kitty Holland, the Irish Times, and their allied communists (liberals, progressives, socialists, democrats, CINOs, IINOs) committed a politically heinous crime deserving of political Drawing and Quartering to firmly make a point to all of Ireland.

    Communists resolutely espouse dictatorship, the diametric opposite of freedom and self-governance, as the hysterical, irrational and incoherent “dictatorship of the hired help.”

    * CINO – Conservative In Name Only
    IINO – Irish In Name Only



    eq·​ui·​ty ˈe-kwə-tē
    plural equities

    Synonyms of equity: neutrality, objectivity

    1a: justice according to natural law or right

    specifically : freedom from bias or favoritism

    In the end, Karl Marx, as are all communists (liberals, progressives, socialists, democrats, CINOs, IINOs, RINOs, AINOs), was diseased, pathological, and psychotic.

    Marx drank heavily until his death after joining the Trier Tavern Club drinking society in the 1830s.[30]

    Marx was afflicted by poor health (what he himself described as “the wretchedness of existence”)[192] and various authors have sought to describe and explain it. His biographer Werner Blumenberg attributed it to liver and gall problems which Marx had in 1849 and from which he was never afterward free, exacerbated by an unsuitable lifestyle. The attacks often came with headaches, eye inflammation, neuralgia in the head, and rheumatic pains. A serious nervous disorder appeared in 1877 and protracted insomnia was a consequence, which Marx fought with narcotics. The illness was aggravated by excessive nocturnal work and faulty diet. Marx was fond of highly seasoned dishes, smoked fish, caviare, pickled cucumbers, “none of which are good for liver patients”, but he also liked wine and liqueurs and smoked an enormous amount “and since he had no money, it was usually bad-quality cigars”. From 1863, Marx complained a lot about boils: “These are very frequent with liver patients and may be due to the same causes”.[193] The abscesses were so bad that Marx could neither sit nor work upright. According to Blumenberg, Marx’s irritability is often found in liver patients:

    The illness emphasised certain traits in his character. He argued cuttingly, his biting satire did not shrink at insults, and his expressions could be rude and cruel. Though in general Marx had blind faith in his closest friends, nevertheless he himself complained that he was sometimes too mistrustful and unjust even to them. His verdicts, not only about enemies but even about friends, were sometimes so harsh that even less sensitive people would take offence … There must have been few whom he did not criticize like this … not even Engels was an exception.[194]

    According to Princeton historian Jerrold Seigel, in his late teens, Marx may have had pneumonia or pleurisy, the effects of which led to his being exempted from Prussian military service. In later life whilst working on Das Kapital (which he never completed),[192][195] Marx suffered from a trio of afflictions. A liver ailment, probably hereditary, was aggravated by overwork, a bad diet, and lack of sleep. Inflammation of the eyes was induced by too much work at night. A third affliction, eruption of carbuncles or boils, “was probably brought on by general physical debility to which the various features of Marx’s style of life – alcohol, tobacco, poor diet, and failure to sleep – all contributed. Engels often exhorted Marx to alter this dangerous regime”. In Seigel’s thesis, what lay behind this punishing sacrifice of his health may have been guilt about self-involvement and egoism, originally induced in Karl Marx by his father.[196]

    In 2007, a retrodiagnosis of Marx’s skin disease was made by dermatologist Sam Shuster of Newcastle University and for Shuster, the most probable explanation was that Marx suffered not from liver problems, but from hidradenitis suppurativa, a recurring infective condition arising from blockage of apocrine ducts opening into hair follicles. This condition, which was not described in the English medical literature until 1933 (hence would not have been known to Marx’s physicians), can produce joint pain (which could be misdiagnosed as rheumatic disorder) and painful eye conditions. To arrive at his retrodiagnosis, Shuster considered the primary material: the Marx correspondence published in the 50 volumes of the Marx/Engels Collected Works. There, “although the skin lesions were called ‘furuncles’, ‘boils’ and ‘carbuncles’ by Marx, his wife, and his physicians, they were too persistent, recurrent, destructive and site-specific for that diagnosis”. The sites of the persistent ‘carbuncles’ were noted repeatedly in the armpits, groins, perianal, genital (penis and scrotum) and suprapubic regions and inner thighs, “favoured sites of hidradenitis suppurativa”. Professor Shuster claimed the diagnosis “can now be made definitively”.[197]

    Shuster went on to consider the potential psychosocial effects of the disease, noting that the skin is an organ of communication and that hidradenitis suppurativa produces much psychological distress, including loathing and disgust and depression of self-image, mood, and well-being, feelings for which Shuster found “much evidence” in the Marx correspondence. Professor Shuster went on to ask himself whether the mental effects of the disease affected Marx’s work and even helped him to develop his theory of alienation.[198]

    – Wikipedia

  5. Laws prohibiting “incitement to hatred” are essentially laws prohibiting the natives from speaking in their own behalf. Some things, and some people, deserve to be hated. They NEED to be hated, if life is to carry on. The Irish government is committing genocide against the Irish people.

  6. I was at the U of MN J-school long ago when Glasser was there and spewed these ideas. As I’ve said before, those who give up objectivity are not reporters, they’re simply opinion writers. And you know what they say about opinions…every a$$h*le has one.

  7. Previously a die-hard liberal, Fetterman has stunned audiences by staking out a variety of conservative positions over the past several weeks, at the same time as his brain regained the ability to speak in sentences. With Fetterman’s cognition continually improving, conservatives have sat dumbfounded as they found themselves nodding along with the Democrat.

  8. Likewise, American politicians (including Barack Obama) have called upon the media to actively frame news to shape public opinion.

    As this article shows, shaping public opinion through (MDM) is here to stay. The Democratic party have mastered this. The best example that sticks out for me is the propaganda they’ve pushed describing conservatives, MAGA-Republicans as dangerous extremists. That’s so spooky. It would be laughable, if it wasn’t so tragically consequential. The question that’s never asked is: compared to what? Relative to what? The reality is if we put a “political” radar gun on both major political parties, Democrats would be racing to the Left, while Republicans would appear to be standing still. Of course conservatives and MAGA-Republicans would appear to be dangerous extremists to a Democratic party on the run towards totalitarianism.

    There is also evidence that political parties’ positions influence the attitudes of partisan supporters.[173] This influence may be stronger when party positions are polarized[174] and when the public is less informed about an issue.

      1. Largely unknown is the fact that the NY Times published the straight-from-Goebbels account of the “attack” vs. Germans at the Polish border at the start of WW2 that was used to justify the invasion and dismemberment of Poland. This is detailed in a stunning expose book called “The Gray Lady Winked’ which has itself been censored off all corporate media (including Fox) and the author has not been afforded access to C-Span BookTV, now sadly reduced to barely more than a press agent for the dominant corporate media–like the NY Times. The Times got a Pulitzer for printing lies about “TrumpRussiaCollusion” that the Times likely KNEW were lies. BTW as the book above explains the “newspaper of record” (and who decided that?) got Pulitzers for writing puff pieces about BOTH Hitler and Stalin! A recent description appeared in TableMag web site “The NY Times Nazi Correspondent”. Incidentally TabletMag routinely publishes some of the most revelatory–and censored-by-others–news such as the piece ‘Open Season On Jews In New York City”.

  9. Perhaps Kitty Holland should suppress her opinions which might rankle many, and stick to “journalism.”

  10. There are quite a few Irish who see a vast betrayal perpetrated by their institutions and they’re angry about it and lashing out, with good reason.
    How far they go is yet to be seen.
    The military has already been activated.
    Western governments are corrupt to an insane degree.

  11. I cannot speak for Ireland but unless there has been a silent castration as in the USA, socially mismatched immigration is going to hit the fan pretty soon. And it should.
    Where did governments get the idea they can shove a foreign population in your face that has dangerous ideas that center around their ancient right to murder you, then tells you to “Deal with it.”
    Do they have ballot harvesting, too?
    It is time to “repatriate” those who ignored their oath to become Irish “in spirit and deed”. Both sides will be happier when they go home.

  12. Speaking of “Suppressing Stories for the Public Good,” there’s more information about the release of COVID “vaccine” data from New Zealand over the weekend, initially reported here on substack:


    Now the New Zealand government is going after the whistleblower:
    “Te Whatu Ora employee charged with Covid-19 vaccination data breach granted bail”

    Apparently the New Zealand government is more concerned with the “data breach” — meaning the public learning just how toxic the COVID “vaccines” are — than with the deaths caused by the fake “vaccines” that are killing people at a much higher rate than COVID is killing them — 3.5 times higher death rate for the “vaccines” than for COVID, according to MIT-trained statistician Ed Dowd.

    1. And censored off all US media, same as the recent episode at MIT where alum Steve Kirsch was initially denied access to the center HE PAID FOR WITH $2.5 million donation and then allowed to present his statistical evidence regarding vaccine injury. Web search for accounts of this and see what you find.

      1. Actually, I was mistaking Dowd for Kirsch. Ed Dowd’s education for Steve Kirsch’s eduaction. It’s Kirsch who is the MIT trained statistician. Dowd’s expertise is in actuarial data analysis, or at least that’s a field that he’s gotten into. Anyway, it was Kirsch, not Dowd, who generated the analysis that 3.4 or 3.5 times as many people died from the vaccine than from the virus. Thanks for the reminder.

  13. The underlying assumption by Kitty Holland, which appears to be a widespread belief, is that values and morality is the same across races and nationalities. And therefore reporting the full comments would only incite racial hatred. Joseph Henrich has written a remarkable book (The WEIRDest People in the World: How the West Became Psychologically Peculiar and Particularly Prosperous) revealing that Western nation’s values and beliefs are indeed different. Aside from being a fascinating study, this has serious implications for immigration policy. Our American institutions and practices rest on a certain set of coherent values and beliefs which frankly are not universally admired. If we dilute the population too quickly, we may indeed endanger many of our basic institutions and practices because the new immigrants may not buy into our system.

  14. All apart of a greater plan.
    Control the entire information space. Push lies and narratives. Refuse to report anything that counters – and is fact, not their make-believe reality.

    These activist “journalists” are the devil’s mouthpiece. There is no regard for anyone but themselves.
    Looking at and reading about the CTIL files, it shows how there is an international level concept to destruct every bit of freedom (control info) because they are deathly afraid of the common people realizing how enslaved they are to absolute insane levels of debt.

    There is war coming. REAL WAR. And with it, I am projecting, the amount of suffering, the world over, that will make World War II look like a minor conflict. And so, this 5GW to control information – because criminal politicians, bankers, and law enforcement have so much to be held account for. AND they KNOW it.

    It is narcissism run amok — and it doesn’t matter which “side.” They are all responsible for creating this mess – what happens when people continue to spend recklessly on war and welfare, and think: debts don’t matter. FFS, THEY DO MATTER!

    Fiat killed Western Civ. And people are going to suffer. (Notice KING CHARLES…he’s pretty pleased with himself.)

    1. @Jason

      I have begrudgingly finally come around to that as well after years of resisting the notion: because the globalist, leftist tyrants will not relent a single inch, this is really not going to end well, and it is readily apparent it is going to be worldwide. Raw fascism is back, and it is being carried on the backs of the left side almost exclusively.

      And I agree with the Professor – the ease with which these people now publicly and openly toss aside freedom and respect for their fellow humans is very deeply concerning.

      1. James and Jason,
        A few years ago, I would of thought the idea of such a war to be not only an impossibility but something to be avoided at all costs.
        Having read more than a few of our leftists friends comments, namely Sleezvez, now I am of the opinion war is not only inevitable but a must if we are to protect democracy, the innocence of children, the Constitution and everything else that is good from their evil.
        Their fascism must be stopped.

        1. @Upstate

          I am someone that believe in the inherent goodness of all people, regardless of personal history, and I just don’t see a way around any of this. The globalists are evil, and that is a word I reserve very carefully, as I truly do believe my aforementioned statement, most of us are quite kind and just want to help one another along; we all want peaceful lives and for our children to have peaceful lives.

          This. Is. Madness. And it does not appear to have sunk in as we approach 2024. Our dems and those they align themselves with them have decided they will simply not cooperate with anyone else, and not just Western, but civilized society in general, everywhere, seems to be what is on the line. I’ve posted before: this is about privilege, not race or any other phantom, and I pray we do not revisit Robespierre with all that entailed. But we very well might if people do not find their spines. We are damned close to it, and the likes of AOC represent its precise opposite.

          I had my octogenarian mother visiting this weekend, and there was much discussion (it is very sad to me that younger folks here can never have a conversation about pre-WWII with someone that was actually alive and there; my wife’s 7th graders couldn’t even tell you precisely what happened on 9/11, truth) regarding these matters, no one of any political stripe from a saner past could have imagined this happening again, and no one in our mainstream sources of information will ever discuss it. I know for a fact that a lot of older dem voters feel the same way, but the are cowards. They need to acknowledge that their party is dead, or it matters little, because they will just vote for the party, even if their candidate is Newsome.

          Do NOT vote for the next dem candidate after Biden because it your entire party that has been corrupted. If you do not intend to be prepared to vote republican or other – you are still very much a part of the problem, and it can still get even worse than this. Get these people OUT of power. Let that register in some sane part of your brain unless you are so privileged, insulated, or callous that your vote was worthless, anyway. and if any of those apply, it absolutely was, for your entire life, if that applies.

          Also, thank you for your thoughtful and insightful comments here, Upstate. I know from your posts that you (as are others, such as Estovir, and indeed our host), just as I am, are very much a melange in your lineage and history, and we are the ones that built this dang thing to begin with. And it takes courage to say so even simply on a forum like this.

          And thanks, Upstate, for bringing your own, what I know is multicultural, just like mine, perspective and opinion to this so important blog.

          1. James, thanks for your kind words. I never read comments anymore except from thoughtful, intelligent folks, or when I do a search / find on the page for my avatar, Estovir, which is how I found your comment. I agree that the multicultural is extremely valuable at least to me

            The comments section has become insulting and a waste of time. While Turley’s articles will keep me coming back to read his legal analysis, the Dark Triad (psychopathic, Machiavellian, narcissistic) troll (Svelaz/Gigi/YNOT/Wally, et al) has become incredibly boring and not worth the price of tea in Guatemala


    2. “And so, this 5GW to control information – because criminal politicians, bankers, and law enforcement have so much to be held account for. AND they KNOW it.”

      Weird how the Marxist-hated ‘bankers’ made that list. But the union capos from unions like the SIEU, Randy Winegarten and the rest of the teachers unions mob bosses, etc didn’t rate a mention.

      And of course, as we all know, the entertainment industry of Hollywood, Disney, and their fellow travelers like Netflix also don’t do enough to controlling of information to make that list – but law enforcement such as our city police department and county sheriffs department do.

      And then there’s the unelected NGOs like Planned Parenthood, Media Matters, etc… they’re also sufficiently blameless to escape inclusion on lists like that.

      As for the Commonwealth nations’ King Charles; not sure if that was an intentional non sequitur or not, plugging him in on a discussion on faux journalism. But if I had a dime for every American who believes that royal family (including King George of the American Revolution) has any say in what their elected parliaments decide on wars, censorship, on immigration, on budgets and spending, etc… I’d be a millionaire several times over.

      The Divine Right Of Kings ended with the headsman’s axe applied to the neck of the first King Charles who decided he would announce orders and degrees and ignore what the elected Parliament decided… about a hundred years before the American Revolution. The British Monarchy hasn’t been able for nearly a century to prevent the British tabloid media from writing about their immediate family as a variation of the National Inquirer… but they can order that same British media to censor and act as activist promoters of some agenda or other?

  15. The Irish famously saved civilization, per Thomas Cahill. Now the few left who try to do so get slandered as “far right” – a category that doesn’t actually exist in Ireland except in the imagination of the totalitarian leftists.

    1. Kitty is evil. The article didn’t mention race, she did. A culture of violence (not by race, but by another society) is exactly what the press should be pointing out…patterns of culture clash. Instead, she denigrated men, not other cultures. Kitty is an enemy of the state.

  16. Would these same activists have demanded that the networks not show George Floyd being murdered 1000 times because it inflamed passions and caused riots that actually killed people, destroyed homes and businesses and ruined cities?

    Would these same activists have demanded that the J6 Committee not be aired on TV since it inflames passions?

    Would these same activists have demanded that the NY Times et al not lie about the Gazan hospital and who actually bombed it? Not only was it untrue but it also caused worldwide damage, harmed innocent Jews and destroyed some embassy stations around the globe.

    No, no and no, they only want to censor speech or facts that harm their causes.

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