MSNBC Hosts Denounce White Christians as Racist and Pledge to Censor Trump After Iowa Win

In an early glimpse of what to expect from coverage of this election, MSNBC and CNN hosts went into full rage mode with the Iowa caucus results.  MSNBC host Joy Reid led this effort by declaring that “White Christians” are racists who want minorities to “bow down” to them.

Reid asked about this manifest racism of white Christians in a conversation with Robert “Robbie” Jones, the president and founder of Public Religion Research Institute (PRRI) and author of “The Hidden Roots of White Supremacy.”

Reid explained to anyone who was confused about their white Christian neighbors:

“All the things that we think about, about electability, about what are people gaming out, but none of that matters when you believe that God has given you this country, that it is yours, and that everyone who is not a White, conservative Christian is a fraudulent American, is a less real American. Then you don’t care about electability. You care about what God has given you.”

She later added

“It is religion And I think what we have to actually confront – and this is what the Democrats are going to face – is this is now what White evangelicalism is. It is Christian nationalism. That’s the name of it, right?”  It is all part of “White evangelical Christians of a certain mindset … that they own this country, that immigrants, that Brown people, that Hindus like Vivek Ramaswamy and his wife are illegitimate Americans. They are less legitimate Americans than they are…They’re not trying to convince people and win people over through politics. What they’re saying is, ‘We own this country, and everyone will bow down to us.’”

As we look at the rising anger in this country, this is a good part of it. In our echo chambered coverage, viewers hear of the effort to suppress all minorities (including apparently minority GOP presidential candidates) and how this “may be our last election.” Yet, these same hosts will denounce others for their reckless language as they fuel racist and rage rhetoric.

Reid’s colleague MSNBC Host Rachel Maddow censored Trump’s victory speech and said that the network would not allow viewers to hear him because he said “untrue things.” MSNBC would allow viewers to hear the victory speeches of anyone it deems as speaking truthfully about political issues.

Much like our politics, our media often seems captured by the most extreme elements of our society. It explains why the media is now at an all-time low in terms of trust. However, the most concerning aspect is that this is just the beginning of January.  We have to make it to November.

I think that we saw something like this ominous moment 15 years ago to the day

273 thoughts on “MSNBC Hosts Denounce White Christians as Racist and Pledge to Censor Trump After Iowa Win”

  1. Jonathan: There seems to be some confusion over my comment (1/16@7:07) wherein I stated the “the Iowa exit polls show 32% of very conservative voters will not vote for a convicted ‘sex offender'”. For clarification, the term “convicted” was used in reporting the exit poll results. It wasn’t the term I would have used. Even pollsters sometimes confuse the two terms. Technically, DJT had been found “liable” for sexual assault and defamation because the first trial was civil litigation–as is the current trial that is just for damages. Liability was already established in the first trial.

    The salient point is that over 30% of voters in Iowa won’t vote for someone deemed a “sex offender”. I doubt the same voters will distinguish between a criminal conviction and civil liability. Either way it’s bad news for DJT.

    1. Unfortunately, the rest of them will make excuses rather than accept that Trump sexually assaulted a woman. It’s a cult. They’ll make excuses for all of his law-breaking: the sexual assault, the defamation, the bank fraud, …, even convictions in the criminal cases — when those come.

      I wonder how soon the DCCA will rule on his immunity claim. Hopefully soon. And Stormy Daniels says she’s ready to testify in the hush money case; that’s due to start in March.

    2. It must also be bad news for Joe Biden. Ask Tara Reade about Joe’s fingers. Ask Ashley Biden about the showers.

        1. We don’t need to rely upon jury decisions to form opinions about events. Hitler was never convicted of invading Poland. In April 2020, Ryan Grimm of The Intercept published his research on the Tara Reade story showing that she had contemperaneously told friends of the sexual assault by Biden. Further, we have the telephone call that Read’s mother made to the Larry King Show where she said that her daughter had been mistreated by an unnamed Senator. We also know that Tara Reade filed a complaint against Joe Biden, which Joe Biden will not co-operate in finding and releasing to the public. The Tara Reade story is FAR better proved by contemperary evidence that E. Jean Carrol’s account. As for Ashley Biden – it’s in her diary.

          1. I absolutely agree that “We don’t need to rely upon jury decisions to form opinions about events.” . For ex., I think that Trump is a criminal, even though he hasn’t been convicted yet, and I wouldn’t be surprised if you think the same of JB. People have to be presumed innocent in a court of law, but they do not have to be presumed innocent by the public at large.

            On the other hand, I think it’s more likely that someone will tell the truth — and that we’re in a better position to judge whether they’re telling the truth — if they’re questioned under oath, and if we hear from all of the relevant parties. I think it was unfortunate that Trump chose not to testify in the first EJC trial, and there’s a reason that a jury can make an adverse inference from a party’s failure to testify in a civil trial. Trials are often he said / she said (or he said / he said, …), and juries have to come to conclusions about whose testimony is more trustworthy. We already know what a jury concluded with Trump. We do not know what a jury would conclude with JB after hearing all of the evidence / questioning. Maybe Reade is telling the truth, maybe she isn’t. Just like all of the women who’ve accused Trump of rape, sexual assault, sexual abuse — maybe they’re telling the truth, maybe they aren’t.

            And I haven’t read Ashley Biden’s diary.

      1. edwardmahl: Tara Reade complained about an alleged incident of unwanted touching by Joe Biden. But she had no contemporaneous witnesses to back up her claim. Nor did she file a civil lawsuit against Biden. In contrast, E. Jean Carroll had contemporaneous witnesses, i.e., other women she told about the sexual assault by DJT immediately after the incident. They testified at the first trial. You can’t compare the two cases. Don’t you see the difference?

        1. Dennis – see my above comment to Anonymous the Bug. There were contemperaneous “witnesses” in the sense that she told people about the assault. It was far more than “an unwanted touching.” His actions would be “rape” in most jurisdictions. I note that you don’t bother to dispute the showers Joe took with his step-daughter.

    3. I find the misuse of words has become the norm when condemnation of someone you don’t like. It’s surprising to me that well educated people and news organizations will sensationalize with false remarks. The term Nazi has been used by Hillary and various news outlets to describe President Trump which is an abhorrent term to describe anyone. It inflames people like me who understand just how horrible Hitler was by any measure and comparing that man to the former President is absolutely disgusting and cannot be justified by any measure.

      The term insurrectionist is another term used to describe the former President who was never charged by the government of the United States. Again fanning the flames of one’s base on both sides.

      Then describing all President Trumps supporters as Christian white nationalists. Intimating half the country is racist. Now we have witnessed censorship of the winning candidates remarks by a major news network saying they are the arbiters of truth and what’s right. I’m a first generation American who loves this country because I know if I was born in the land of my mother I would have been desperately poor and no hope of success. I’m also a Catholic and like our forefathers I understand the importance of faith in governance but msnbc would have you believe we are somehow what’s wrong with our country. This country is great but is falling faster than I ever thought it would.

      What ever happened to reporting the facts? I know the former President said he would be a dictator on day one but if one listened to the entire remark it was a comment on the use of executive power to lift the bans of President Biden’s executive power he used on day one to cut oil and gas production. But again the folks who know what he meant twisted his remarks to say he would forever be a dictator.

      The use of the term sex offender is second only to Hitler in my mind because I was a detective with a large sheriffs office and have investigated many cases of rape, sexual abuse and child sexual abuse. The labeling of someone who has never been charged with the crimes is wholly irresponsible and reflects a deep hatred i.e.Trump derangement syndrome or a complete ignorance of civil and criminal law and the degree of evidence needed to adjudicate the two very different cases.

      All of this inflammatory rhetoric is nothing but destructive to America. We see lines being draw of we verse them. When what we really need is common ground with rules of decency. So be mindful of what one’s words can incite.

      1. “The labeling of someone who has never been charged with the crimes is wholly irresponsible”

        So you object to the Catholic priests who raped boys being called rapists? What you consider irresponsible does not determine what others consider irresponsible. Same thing for calling Trump an insurrectionist, or pointing out that some of his speech is very similar to Hitler’s.

      2. Listening to Joy (less) Reid is like listening to Israeli PM Netanyu, Re read her text substituting “palestiniens” for “Christians” and you have the same sort of crooked biased rhetoric;

      3. Listening to Joy less Reid is like listening to Israeli PM Netanyu.
        Re read substituting “Palestinians” for “Christians” results in the same crooked biased rhetoric. NB IN GAZA, the Israeli army has destroyed historic Christian churches & sites.(cf Biden US churches lockdown?)

  2. Well, I’m all in for Trump because he is our best shot of saving Our Constitutional Republic from the likes of their Pedophile Democracy. I know this will burn Joy to her Satanic bones, but it comes down to this: You want to save our children from the Pedophiles or you don’t. Any vote for anyone other than Donald J Trump is a vote for Slavery, Sex Trafficking, Child Sex Trafficking, and drug smuggling across our borders as well as the continued invasion of Our Republic by untold numbers of Military Aged men from God knows where. It was Trump who gave the Florida Prosecutor” good actionable information on Epstein, and it was Trump’s DOJ who brought him down. No, Jeffery did not kill himself and I do not believe he’s dead. He’s probably singing like a bird in some Federal Supermax or off shore black site. The Democrats and their RINO counterparts are off the rails and their criminal activity must be stopped and no one will see to that better than Donald J. Trump. They are going to 25A Joe, Kamala may be the Acting President for a time but the Change of Batter will most like be Michelle aka Big Mike Obama! Save the Children, no more hot Dog and Pizza Parties at the Whitehouse. The Fake news is the best wat to stay ignorant and ill informed, but the truth is right before your eyes.

  3. Rachel Maddow and ‘politically correct’ censorship a la Herbert Marcuse’s NeoMarxist ‘repressive tolerance. Latter day Jacobins seeking to impose their dystopian vision on society, and should you object, out comes the virtual guillotine.

  4. I’m rather sick of being called a racist because of my skin color and spirituality. The real racists are the ones calling a racist. They nothing about me and proves stupidity and total ignorance.

    1. Dina, we’ve never seen your name before. You just popped out of nowhere to say you’re tired of being called a ‘racist’? Perhaps you heard, that Johnathan Turley’s blog is a forum for Christian Nationalists tired of the ‘racist’ label?

      You might identify with commenter Shakdi. He’s been using ‘Jew’ as an ethnic smear. But he’s ‘not’ an anti-semite, of course. Shakdi is just a good Christian Nationalist tired of ‘Jewish elites’ giving money to Democrats.

      Dina, you’ll find a lot of commenters here with very similar grievances. Because they, like you, are all puppets written by the same, creepy nerd.

      1. Steaming turd above and below from turdrunner. Ever concerned about who is who and wheteher they’ve ever posted before, he indulges his paranoid delusions here every evening. Apparently afflicted with sundowners, his rants are typically bereft of fact, choosing instead to engage in childish behavior as exhibited above or mindless drivel as exhibited below.

        His psychobabble usually ends late at night when his mommy gets home from the pool hall and lets him suckle on a tit. Its the only thing that calms him down.

  5. Poll: Trump Is Choice Of Christian Nationalists

    Partisanship is closely linked to Christian nationalist views. Most Republicans qualify as either Christian nationalism sympathizers (33%) or adherents (21%), while at least three-quarters of both independents (46% skeptics and 29% rejecters) and Democrats (36% skeptics and 47% rejecters) lean toward rejecting Christian nationalism. Republicans (21%) are about four times as likely as Democrats (5%) or independents (6%) to be adherents of Christian nationalism.

    Similarly, attitudes toward former President Donald Trump and President Joe Biden are highly correlated with attitudes toward Christian nationalism. Just one-third of Americans (32%) hold a favorable view of former President Trump, while two-thirds (65%) have unfavorable views of him. More than 7 in 10 Christian nationalism adherents (71%) have a favorable view of Trump, including 43% who hold very favorable views of him. A majority of Christian nationalism sympathizers also hold favorable views of Trump (57%), compared to 29% of skeptics, and 8% of rejecterers.

    Are fine, Christian Americans naturally drawn to Donald Trump?

    Trump, one must note, was never a church-going man. His image was that of a playboy for most of Trump’s career. Though more recently women have accused Trump of unwanted sexual advances.

    So what is Trump’s appeal to church-going people identifying as ‘Christians’?
    What would lead people to think Trump represents ‘Christian values’..??

    Or is Christian Nationalism a White supremacy movement using Christianity as a respectable cover? If indeed it is, then Trump’s anti-immigrant focus is highly significant.

    1. This explains why Vivek Ramaswamy and Nikki Haley are leading Republican candidates. They are both Christian Nationalists and White Supremacists!

    2. “Trump’s anti-immigrant focus is highly significant.”

      Is obamma/biden’s open border policy a highly significant indicator of their anti-white bias?

      Their open border policy is simply a gigantic ‘flight to opportunity’ policy like the ones that have ruined the areas across the nation impacted. The chicago prostitute that is obama and his proxy biden know exactly what they are doing, ruining the nation because people like obamma have been groomed to hate the US and to love central authoritarian control – why is that? because the people won’t do what they want any other way.

      PS “anti-immigrant” is a lie, it’s anti-illegal immigrant. Go back to your fiddle and watch it all continue to burn, a$$hat.

  6. I would like Joy to tell which is more prosperous, clean and safe: any white Christian/Jewish community in Iowa or any black run and black dominated city in America?

    Which has more murders and more general crimes?

    The same can be said of any white Christian/Jewish country in the world versus any black country.

    One of those has a pretty poor record.

    The rip tide of illegal immigration seems always to run toward the white countries. Why is that?

    Does Joy truly want us to have this conversation?

    Maybe she does. The average IQ for American blacks is 85, not particularly stellar, and half that population is dismally at or below 85. I can guess which half Joy is in.

  7. Joy Reid, A hate-filled bigot? Nah, that can’t be true. She’s the the righteous moral compass of an entire generation.

  8. Well, I am a Christian who was born in Cuba and a US citizen since 1965. Although I consider myself White others might think 🤔 otherwise. I certainly don’t judge anyone’s character by their religion, skin color, or ethnicity. I pity individuals who uttered such repugnant remarks and hope they will eventually see the errors of their way. I pray 🙏 to God that in His goodness He would forgive them and help them see the Light 💡 ‼️

  9. Turdrunner shows up again with his weeks old recycled turd and roos it on the Turley porch like a proud kitty cat

    Good boy, turdrunner

  10. Jonathan: Well, the Iowa caucus results are in and DJT won. And he is declaring it a “historic win” for him. Wait just a minute! An analysis of the vote shows a quite different picture.

    Only 15% of registered voters turned out in Iowa–about 100,000. DJT only got 51.1 of the vote. 49% went for someone else. The weather no doubt had something to do with the low voter turn out. But DJT claims 95% of GOP voters are MAGA. That’s not reflected in the Iowa caucus vote. Further, the exit polls showed 7 in 10 Haley voters say they will not vote for DJT if he is the GOP nominee.

    This comes as DJT is facing his second trial this week in the E. Jean Carroll defamation lawsuit. If found liable, which he probably will, the Iowa exit polls show 32% of very conservative voters will not vote for a convicted “sex offender”.

    We’ll see how the New Hampshire vote goes next week. There Nikki Haley is doing much better. Even if DJT becomes the eventual GOP nominee his only real base of support is among the MAGA and Christian evangelical base. That’s not a winning combination in November. Something you ignore in your column.

    1. “32% of very conservative voters will not vote for a convicted “sex offender”.”

      Good. Because Trump is not a convicted sex offender.

      Nice try Dennis

      You’re rants get weaker by the day, Dennis

      1. Right, it was a civil suit and he was found liable for sexual assault rather than being convicted. Still found liable in a court of law by a unanimous jury.

        1. Which, unless you’re assuming those 32% are as dumb as you, matters.

          Are you assuming, like pedophile Dennis, that they dont know the difference?

          1. No, I’m assuming that Trump was found liable for sexual assault by a unanimous jury because he did, in fact, sexually assault EJC.

            I also know that she’s not the only one to testify under oath about being assaulted by him, and he chose not to testify and the jury could make an adverse inference from that because it was a civil trial. I doubt he’ll testify in this trial either.

            1. Ok, thanks for admitting its not the same thing, and Dennis was gaslighting again.

              Biden, among his many other crimes, has also been credibly accused of sexual assault. Only he did it in the halls of Congress, to a person he held a position of power over. Utter fvcking contempt for everything American.

              So shove that sh*t up your ass.

              By the way, she has the EXACT same case as EJC, with the exact same evidence, except hers is more believable, in terms of the details.

              But we know what percentage of democrats dont give a good goddam about Bidens crimes.
              You included.

              1. I’m well aware that Biden was accused of what Trump was found liable for. I also know that Biden’s accuser has never testified about it under oath, unlike EJC and the other women who testified at her trial, much less has a unanimous jury found the allegation convincing. So shove it up your own.

                1. The same jury found her to be lying about the rape allegation. Why was that?

                  And dont even start. You’re either lying or you’re telling the truth. There is no in between. They took her word for what happened that day, except they didnt. What those other women had to say had NOTHING to do with what happened that day. They believed she was telling the truth, only they didnt,


                  Thats why you dont leave questions of presidential acts to fvcking eighth grade dropouts.

                  1. “The same jury found her to be lying about the rape allegation.”

                    Nope. They found that there wasn’t enough evidence to find Trump liable for rape, but they came to ZERO judgment about EJC.

                    “They took her word for what happened that day, except they didnt.”

                    Actually, they found that NY law has a narrow definition of rape, and what would be called rape in some jurisdictions doesn’t meet the NY definition. EJC wasn’t sure whether it was his finger or his little dick (ask Stormy Daniels — by the way, the trial in that hush money case is due to start in March).

                    “What those other women had to say had NOTHING to do with what happened that day.”

                    Actually, their testimony about being assaulted by Trump at other times, and went to the pattern of his behavior, as did his own statement in the Access Hollywood tape, which was admitted as evidence. All of which you’d know if you’d paid attention to the trial testimony.

                    1. Rape is sticking your dick in the pussy of a woman who would rather you not. In new york. In everywhere.

                      Nothing narrow about it svelaz.

                      I know what was allowed as evidence, you fvcktard. Zero evidence, as you libtards like to say. Only allegations.

                      Thanks for agreeing with me that they had zero evidence that trump raped her, other than her word, which they did not believe with a preponderance of the (non) evidence.

                      She enjoyed sucking his tiny dick, but couldnt tell when it was in??? Strange. Might speak more to her sloppy as kunt.

                      They found that she lied. Sorry.

                    2. Actually, the Uniform Crime Report definition of rape is: “Penetration, no matter how slight, of the vagina or anus with any body part or object, or oral penetration by a sex organ of another person, without the consent of the victim.” And many states have similar definitions. You have your personal belief, but in many states, the law isn’t limited to your personal belief about it. Do you understand the simple math concept of “proper subset”? In many states, your definition of rape is a proper subset of the legal definition of rape in that state.

                    3. You dont like my sloppy argument? You prefer the word gaping? Lmao

                      Ok lawn boy u tell yourself that.

                      You believe middle aged trump had a spontaneous erection and managed to get his little dick inside a much smaller woman facing him standing up with her leggings around her knees.

                      How does it feel to be that gullible and that afflicted with TDS?

        2. That unanimous jury we’re all Socialists Liberals. That’s a case of he said/she said. Not one ounce of proof, other that her word against him. In a real court, nobody would ever get convicted with the evidence they had/manufactured. Common sense dictates that there is no way, Trump would have touched a slob like that. Afterall, he’s not one of the Bidens or even Billy!

          1. Except it wasn’t her word against his, because he chose not to testify, and in a civil trial, the jury can draw an adverse conclusion for that. It also wasn’t just her word against his, because there were other women testifying to his behavior with them, and his own admission on tape to engaging in such behavior, and testimony from another woman who was told about it at the time. Moreover, at least one of the jurors was conservative. As for your claim that she was a “slob,” Trump looked at a photo of her when younger and confused her with his former wife, Marla (but maybe you think Marla was a “slob” too). Trump touches lots of women, he’s admitted to it, and plenty have accused him of it. Most of them haven’t testified about it under oath, but more than one did in this trial.

            1. “EJC wasn’t sure whether it was his finger or his little dick “

              Did the sex crazed fiend get a fvcking nut or not, know it all?

              Yea, you believe what you want, TDS boy, He went thru all that trouble and just stuck it in, pulled it out, pulled up his pants, and left. Is that how it went?

          2. When u have TDS like this guy, you’ll believe anything. He doesnt really give a sh*t whether Don ever met this b*tch or not. He just wont admit it. Because he is a lying kunt with TDS. Then he’ll pretend there cant be 12 people in manhattan with TDS. Pathetic.

            Raped in the dressing room of a department store. Give me a fvcking break. These people will fall for anything. He still believes the pee tape is real, but wont admit it.

            Starting to think this is Gigi

            1. All the lawyerly double speak sounds like he is the notorious ATS

              The same guy who said “evidence isnt admissible unless its incontrovertible.

              Yep, this is ats

          3. Listen to this stupidity, and watch the twirling.
            So her lawyer either wasnt aware of NY “narrow” definition of rape. Or despite the fact his client couldnt say for sure she was raped, asked the jury to find that anyway.

            Every word of this guys bullsh*t is from the judges explanation for why he referred to it as rape, in a clear violation of Trumps civil liberty. But thats ok,this guy and dennis will go on conflating and gaslighting.

            Oh yea….LOL

    2. “7 in 10 Haley voters say they will not vote for DJT if he is the GOP nominee.”

      Thats a lie, but even if it were true, you just said thats fewer than 14k people.

      I was at a concert last night that had more people.

      You look so pitiful, small, and desperate.

    3. In other Trump legal news today, the New York State Court of Appeals said Trump’s appeal of the gag order in the New York civil fraud trial has been dismissed, and the federal appeals court in DC rejected Twitter/X’s call to reconsider rulings granting Jack Smith access to Trump’s Twitter account. Poor guy, he’s done so much law-breaking that it’s hard to keep track of all the rulings against him.

    4. e eventual GOP nominee his only real base of support is among the MAGA and Christian evangelical base

      Dennis the retard spews up talking points that are 180 degrees off phase.

      “Former President Donald Trump secured a convincing victory in the Iowa caucuses on Monday, helped by the backing he secured from college-educated voters, a demographic that in the past hasn’t shown great support for him.”

      Also taking vote from Dems with Blacks and Hispanics.

      You go Retard. Stay stupid out there

    5. “Only 15% of registered voters turned out in Iowa–about 100,000.”

      In the midst of a sub-zero, Artic blast.

      Now your statement is honest and accurate.

  11. I never watch Joy Reid so I don’t know who the advertisers on her program are.

    Perhaps we need to pay more attention to them.

    1. I’ll have to dvr it, so i can fast forward to the commercials. No way i can suffer watching that ignorant kvnt.

  12. Joy Reid Says:

    “White, conservative Christian is a fraudulent American–

    The video, which Mr. Trump first posted to Truth Social last Friday and then played before taking the stage at several rallies in Iowa over the weekend, is called “God Made Trump.” In starkly religious, almost messianic tones, it depicts the former president as the vessel of a higher power sent to save the nation.

    “God looked down on his planned paradise and said, ‘I need a caretaker,’ so God gave us Trump,” begins the video, which appears to use artificial intelligence to mimic the voice of Paul Harvey, a conservative radio broadcaster who died in 2009. Mr. Trump, it adds, “is a shepherd to mankind who won’t ever leave nor forsake them.”

    Multiple passages in “God Made Trump” hew closely to language from the Bible, and they are delivered in a voice that sounds nearly identical to Mr. Harvey’s when he spoke at the 1978 Future Farmers of America convention. That speech was called “So God Made a Farmer.”

    Trump’s production team stole Paul Harvey’s voice through A.I. How fraudulent of them!

    Paul Harvey was a radio institution in the late 20th Century with a huge following amongst small town Midwesterners. So Trump’s team stole just the right voice.

    No American politician has ever had the audacity to claim he was handpicked by God to save America. Yet Donald Trump claims just that. And his wacko supporters are not the least bit bothered.

    1. Trump’s production team . . .

      Thus you show yourself to be an ignorant hack. It was not produced by Trump or his production team.

      No American politician has ever had the audacity . . .

      False. Barack Obama. His entire campaign was messianic in tone. Don’t you remember the Democratic national convention? And when Obama realized he clinched the nomination, he said that “generations from now,” people would look back to his nomination as “the moment when the rise of the oceans began to slow.” Kim Jong Un reacted by saying even his father was not that arrogant.

      1. ESTOVIR, let’s see that Obama speech from a mainstream source. If he really used those words, they’ll be in the text.

        And if Obama’s speech was ‘so arrogant’, does that mean Trump is okay saying he was handpicked by God??

        1. Hey turdrunner, why dont you go lick McIntyres ball? They gotta be itching after all the lies he has told today

            1. Bwahahahha is that what i see???

              No wonder you’re so easily gaslit by Vox, the huff post, the guardian, et al

              Turdrunner rules!!!

    2. I am absolutely certain that generations from now, we will be able to look back and tell our children that this was the moment when we began to provide care for the sick and good jobs to the jobless; this was the moment when the rise of the oceans began to slow and our planet began to heal

      Planet began to heal because Obama was nominated? That’s claiming God powers.

      1. Notice the “we” and back up a couple of lines:
        “I face this challenge with profound humility, and knowledge of my own limitations. But I also face it with limitless faith in the capacity of the American people. Because if we are willing to work for it, and fight for it, and believe in it, then I am absolutely certain that generations from now, we will be able to look back and tell our children that this was the moment when we began to provide care for the sick and good jobs to the jobless; this was the moment when the rise of the oceans began to slow and our planet began to heal; this was the moment when we ended a war and secured our nation and restored our image as the last, best hope on Earth. This was the moment – this was the time – when we came together to remake this great nation so that it may always reflect our very best selves, and our highest ideals. Thank you, God Bless you, and may God Bless the United States of America.”

  13. MSNBC and others of their ilk are pouring gasoline on a fire and for what? It’s certainly not for ratings!

  14. Now wait a minute. Israel is a State for the jew nationalists, a religious state for a people that race and religion.

    The WASPs white anglo saxon protestsant Founded the USA, and it’s their country, for a people of that race and religion.

    Both of course have stretches in that Founding.

    Why is anyone upset ?

    At this point joyless reed’s move is to overthrow the USA, and install a brown majority, and then punish the Founders and all their perceived current kin. It appears they have nearly or already accomplished that, and have literally outlawed the Founders, as they take down their statues and rewrite USA history and teach the hatred of the same to everyone, with their 1619 project for instance, and make wokeism and global warming their new religion whose apocalypse they claim is already upon us.

    This is exactly what is going on, and the adults among us must already know that.

    If the USA is allowed to be overthrown, don’t whine when it also happens to Israel. I think the USA is much closer, but others claim Israel is blindly pushing itself toward the brink with their war expansions.

  15. However, the most concerning aspect is that this is just the beginning of January. We have to make it to November.

    I hate to break it to you Professor, but this November is when things will go from bad to worse, regardless of who wins. And that is assuming we even have an election.

  16. So tell me again who’s the racist? Are blacks who vote for Trump racist? Her news channel even refused to play Trump’s acceptance speech live. Can’t have the real racists listen live, they might change their minds if allowed to do so.

  17. Trump celebrates HUGE win in Iowa!!

    Trump now leads Biden by 10% in Michigan, as well as 6 out of 7 swing states!!!

    Also, see below for another steaming 💩
    from turdrunner, formally the coward brandrunner, who somehow had his name “stolen” by Tom the skvll fvcker and Eatovir Rex, the Terrible.

    He drops his 💩 , like the proud cat who leaves the headless bird on the front stoop.

    1. Notice how Estovir won’t use his name while calling people ‘cowards’ for not using their names. What a creep! The biggest nerd in online history

      1. Everyone here knows i am Estovir/Tom, turdrunner.

        Sorry i am blowing up your little party.

        Biggest coward in online history.

      2. I called you a coward because you stopped using your name when Tom “stole” it. Perhaps kunt is more appropriate.


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