“Zionists Don’t Deserve to Live”: Columbia Student Leader Under Fire for Violent Rhetoric

The student made the disturbing remarks during a meeting with university officials back in January, which James live-streamed and then blasted out on social media.

A student leader at Columbia is under fire this week over a newly-resurfaced video declaring that “Zionists don’t deserve to live.” Khymani James has been one of the leaders at the anti-Israel encampment at Columbia and featured prominently by media outlets. He is reportedly the spokesperson for Columbia’s anti-Israel student group Apartheid Divest. While banned this week from campus, James embodies the type of radical chic culture that pervades higher education among both faculty and students.

James mocked university officials who called to inquire about such statements, including “Zionists don’t deserve to live comfortably, let alone Zionists don’t deserve to live…The same way we are very comfortable accepting Nazis don’t deserve to live, fascists don’t deserve to live, racists don’t deserve to live, Zionists, they shouldn’t live in this world.”

He added: “Be grateful that I’m not just going out and murdering Zionists. I’ve never hurt anyone in my life, and I hope to keep it that way.”

The conservative site, the Daily Wire, published an Instagram post in which James mocks officials from Columbia’s Center for Student Success and Intervention who said that they were doing a routine inquiry over the comments. The staffers asked such mild questions as “Do you see why that’s problematic in any way?” James did not react well.


When asked “Do you see why that’s problematic in any way?,” James said “No” and added “I feel very comfortable, very comfortable, calling for those people to die. And with that being said, Khymani is signed out.”

Despite mocking the inquiry to his followers on social media, James retracted the words after the video was published and caused a backlash. It is a familiar pattern on our campuses where faculty and students garner support for radical statements and then tack back when those comments become a liability.

James posted a statement on X:

“On Thursday, a video of me taken back in January began to circulate online. What I said was wrong. Every member of our community deserves to feel safe without qualification…I also want people to have more context for my words, which I regret. Far right agitators went through months of my social media feed until they found a clip that they edited without context. When I recorded it, I had been feeling unusually upset after an online mob targeted me because I am visibly queer and black.”

The original radical and hate-filled statements by James are hardly unique in higher education. Administrators, faculty and admissions committees have fostered this radicalized environment. It is not because radical views are expressed, but the intolerance for opposing views, the purging of faculties of conservatives and dissenting views, and the echo chamber created on campuses.

We recently discussed one of UCLA’s “activists in residence” spewing anti-Israeli and racist comments at a mandatory medical school class. Likewise, we have seen professors recently espousing the same violent rhetoric or sentiments.

We have seen a steady stream of professors shouting down speakers, committing property damageparticipating in riotsverbally attacking students, or even taking violent action in protests.

Others, like Fresno State University public health professor Dr. Gregory Thatcher, recruited students to destroy pro-life messages.

At the University of California Santa Barbara, professors actually rallied around feminist studies associate professor Mireille Miller-Young, who physically assaulted pro-life advocates and tore down their display. 

Despite pleading guilty to criminal assault, she was not fired and received overwhelming support from the students and faculty.

She was later honored as a model for women advocates.

Other faculty confine themselves to calling for or justifying the violence of others.

We saw professors advocating “detonating white people,” denouncing policecalling for Republicans to suffer, strangling police officers, celebrating the death of conservativescalling for the killing of Trump supporters, supporting the murder of conservative protesters, and other outrageous statements.

University of Rhode Island professor Erik Loomis defended the murder of a conservative protester and said he saw “nothing wrong” with such acts of violence.

The university later elevated Loomis to director of graduate studies of history.

For many academics, this extremist rhetoric is reinforced on campuses and supported by colleagues. When they make it into the main press (often through conservative or alternative media outlets), they often take their social media posts private or issue the perfunctory mea culpa.

The extremist rhetoric of students like James is being fostered in this environment where universities now offer degrees in activism and professors support censorship and violence. This will continue until more donors demand greater diversity of viewpoints on our campuses and an end to the academic orthodoxy that has taken hold of many faculties.


200 thoughts on ““Zionists Don’t Deserve to Live”: Columbia Student Leader Under Fire for Violent Rhetoric”

  1. During the Haitian revolution, the blacks did not just “kill their masters,” they killed every white man, woman, and child on the island, save for 10 or less men who were Catholic priests. Fact! And they know it which is why they idolize Toussaint L’overture, because that is what they dream of doing. Murdering whites.

    Needless to say, having bloodthirsty “leadership’ like this hoodlum, discredits the peace movement.

    I deplore the deliberate killing of civilians and I am shocked by the atrocities vengefully inflicted on Gaza civilians for the Hamas attack.

    The government is pursuing a policy of genocide or else Netanyahu himself would not have invoked “Amalek.”

    All that being said, for any group who wants to do in me and my family, we go by, “Better you than me”

    Sal Sar

  2. Probably everything that needs to be said has been. Here is my 25¢ worth. I bet he is a Antifa member in good standing. As such, he needs to be sent away for a very long time.

  3. Back in the late 1960s’ possibly the early 1970s there was a guy who infiltrated some the SDS Weathermen groups, for the FBI (Bringing Down America: An FBI Informer with the Weathermen by Larry Grathwohl). He eventually wrote a book about his experiences. If my memory serves me correctly he sat in meeting with a lot of SDS Weathermen college students, many with advance degrees. In some of these meeting there were talks that when these people took power they would need to set up re-education camps out West that could handle tens of millions of people. We are now seeing the 2020s version of that same group. While history does not repeat itself, human nature does a wise man once told me.

  4. During the Anti-war movement in the late 1960’s, there were ‘charismatic leaders’ who were able to lure in the vulnerable college freshmen and sophomores.
    On today’s college campuses, I have not seen nearly as many charismatic individuals as there were back then.

    The mainstream media are now speculating about the level of violence that will accompany the democrat party convention in Chicago this August — will there be a Jerry Rubin or an Abby Hoffman, or a Chicago 8 with the attendant trial — and how will the current mayor of Chicago handle the need for police as compared to the Richard Daley policing of 1968.

    And who in the ‘leadership’ of the democrat party establishment is responsible for selecting the failing, crime-ridden, democrat-run, city of Chicago for the 2024 convention. I can think of at least 20 other cities better suited to display the ‘grandeur’ of their party — Atlanta comes to mind as one of many.

    1. This is not a distortion of the facts ,it is a perversion of them.
      What about 34,000 Palestinian civilians murdered by Netanyahu??

      1. Murdered? Surely you jest. The laws of armed conflict place 100% of the blame for civilian deaths on the armed forces that secrete themselves among civilians.

      2. 34k is the number Hamas gave you, so it should be obvious that’s not the actual number. Either way it seems light given they are bombing an area 1/10th the size of Dade county with 2.5m people that Hamas is not allowing to leave.

  5. Jonathan: Well, it’s the end of week two of DJT’s criminal trial in Manhattan. The whole time DJT complained and whined about the temperature in the courtroom and that his required presence at the trial was preventing him from campaigning. So with three days off is DJT using the time to campaign? Nope. No campaign events planned. DJT is spending his time at Mar-a-Lago playing golf, hosting small parties and posting.

    DJT is facing a money crunch. His campaign war chest is depleted and he desperately needs more money to pay his legal fees. Steve Witkoff, a wealthy real estate investor in NY, tried to come to DJT’s aid. Witkoff promoted a fundraiser for DJT at the Formula 1 car race in Miami this weekend. His “Shell Bay Club” asked members for $250,000 per ticket to help DJT.

    Only one problem with the planned fundraiser for DJT. The Miami Grand Prix sent a cease and desist letter to Witkoff which said: “It has come to out attention that you may be using your Paddock Club rooftop suite for a political purpose, namely raising money for a federal election at $250,000 per ticket, which clearly violates the formula 1 Crypto.com Miami Grand Prix suite license agreement. If this is true, we regret to inform you that your suite license will be revoked. You will not be allowed to attend the race at any time, and we will refund you in full”. Woops! Looks like DJT’s attempt to grift off the Formula 1 race will be a non-event.

    In other bad news DJT’s attempt to grift off his supporters with his “DJT” media stock is also continuing to produce negative results. The stock continues to tank and investors feel duped. Here is a post from one disillusioned anonymous investor:

    “I’ve been dreading this post for awhile now but I finally must admit I’ve lost a substantial portion of my live savings investing in the #DJT. I was unable to continue this slide and sold the majority of my stake this afternoon at 26.55 per share. This is a disastrous fall resulting in a loss of nearly $450,000 of my retirement savings. I am now forced to return to the workforce at age 76. Please learn from my mistake and do not put everything into one stock”.

    Anonymous’ experience is a warning to those who would tie their fortunes to those of DJT!

    1. Trump hates the same people his base does. He gives them permission to be the people they really are.
      The Decent Folk will take note of them.

    2. “The stock continues to tank . . .”

      Which, predictably, is a lie. The stock is at $41.5.

      “. . . sold the majority of my stake this afternoon at 26.55 per share.” “. . . put everything into one stock.”

      Unsurprisingly, you buried the lede.

      Only a fool risks his standard of living (as that elderly man did) and sells at the bottom of a tech IPO.

  6. “And that’s where Turley’s [and the Right’s] interest begins and ends.”

    Here we have, yet again, the anti-intellectual Left using one of its favorite smear tactics: Ignore the argument. Instead undercut the arguer via wild speculation about his alleged motivations. That is garden-variety ad hominem.

    “And all this howling by Republicans about ‘antisemitism’ . . .”

    And here we have, in gory detail, the Left’s limitless ability to evade reality — right to the steps of the gas chambers.

    1. Sam,
      Well said.
      Leftists are incapable of actual thought, reasoning, logic, common sense.

  7. And now a message from the IslamoCommuNazi Party that was held at George Washington University, a Leftist Indoctrination Entity posing as a an institution of “higher learning.”

    As one the leaders of the IslamoCommuNazi Party said: “There’s only one solution, intifada revolution. We must have a revolution so we can have a socialist reconstruction of the United States of America.”


  8. Why Turley Keeps Writing About The Protests

    The Republican Party is broadly united in its support for Israel. Republicans have also long taken aim at universities as bastions of leftist ideology, seeking to portray them as incubators of radicalism on issues of race and gender, and hostile environments for anyone who doesn’t adhere to those ideologies.

    The Democrats, by contrast, are far more divided over Israel, the war in Gaza and when and whether anti-Israel protests spill into in antisemitism.

    So for Republican lawmakers, criticizing university presidents for failing to protect Jewish students from antisemitism is a useful political issue with the potential to deepen divisions among Democrats — one that, unsurprisingly, they have pursued vociferously.


    Republicans see these protests as a wedge issue to divide Democrats. And that’s where Turley’s interest begins and ends.

    And all this howling by Republicans about ‘antisemitism’ is merely a club to bludgeon Democrats. If Republicans really care about antisemitism, they would just shut up.

    Because when these kids hear Trump supporters squaking about ‘antisemitism’, it deepens their suspicions regarding Israeli influence.

    This antisemitism outrage is a rerun of the so-called ‘walkaway movement’ from the 2018 midterm elections. When Blacks were being told to walk away from the ‘Democratic plantation’.

    Let’s see if Jewish liberals walk away from Democrats to embrace Donald Trump.

    1. Aside from a small amount of spin and that what you describe while True is only part of the story, you are correct.

      It is not just that Republicans think this is a bad story for Biden – It is a Bad Story for Biden and democrats.

      Democrats ARE divided and Republicans are not over this and other issues.

      Though I do not understand the “If Republicans cared about anti-semitism they would just shutuo”: claim ?

      Would a rational person say that if Democrats cared about racism they would just shutup.

      PEOPLE are going to bring this up – because it is wrong.
      Many of those people will be republicans – who are tin the fortunate position of having a damaging story regarding Biden that makes republicans look good and allows republicans to advocate for “doing the right thing”

      Are some of them hypocritical – a few.
      That does not change the fact that this conduct is bad.

      There is also another issue going on – these Left wing protests are getting compared and constrasted with J6.

      The violence is similar. Though what is occuring on campuses is more widespread.
      The offensive rhetoric is NOT similar – Democrats win the prize for the most deeply offensive and violent speach.

      Stop the Steal just does not call up the same violent imagery as Detonate republicans or jews, or ..

  9. “I think that Biden is unfit for office.”

    “I think Trump would do less damage than Biden.”

    “I think the real threat to democracy is the progressive movement and the Biden administration.”

    – William Pelham Barr on CNN


      HIS UNCLE:

      JFK, Monster
      By Timothy Noah
      “I knew that John F. Kennedy was a compulsive, even pathological adulterer, given to taking outlandish risks after he entered the White House. I knew he treated women like whores. And I knew he had more than a few issues with his father about toughness and manliness and all that. But before I read in the newspaper that Mimi Alford’s just-released memoir, Once Upon A Secret: My Affair With President John F. Kennedy And Its Aftermath, described giving Dave Powers a blow job at JFK’s request and in his presence, I didn’t know that Kennedy had an appetite for subjecting those close to him to extreme humiliation.”


      Marilyn Monroe’s Final Hours: Nuke Fears, Mob Spies, and a Secret Kennedy Visitor
      Sixty years ago, her death was ruled a “probable suicide,” but questions have persisted about the iconic actor’s relationships with JFK and RFK—and how they might have been exploited by the Mafia, the Soviet Union, and the FBI. New details from an updated investigative biography, soon to feature in a Netflix documentary, shed clarifying light on the turmoil swirling around Monroe on the last day of her life.

      On Friday, August 3, the day before she died, Marilyn phoned Anne Karger, a longtime loyal confidante. She said she was “very much in love and was going to marry Bobby Kennedy”—but sounded depressed. Mrs. Karger told her she was deluding herself. The same day—several people would remember the call—she phoned Robert Slatzer, another friend, to say she had been trying in vain to reach Robert Kennedy in Washington. She would, she said, call the Kennedys’ brother-in-law, actor Peter Lawford, to get information. (Lawford confirmed that she did call him.)

      – Vanity Fair

  10. Believe me, it has started some years ago. All of our enemies are working to sow discord in America. This Hamas protest is outside agents just like BLM. Same leadership, different costumes.
    Our government is too weak to do anything about it because these students are “Children of the Swamp” with an elite and protected DNA profile.
    That is/was the big difference with Trump. He was not in the swamp’s DNA. He was an outsider. He would gladly arrest them all and let the courts sort it out.

      1. Did you catch the dementia patient at the gala last night?
        What kills me is that so many people still buy into the BIG lie — that Joe Biden is a good, honest, decent man just trying to ‘save democracy’ and ‘restore normalcy’ to ‘heal the soul of the nation.’

        Colin Jost hosted the White House Correspondents Dinner and shared an emotional moment: “My grandfather voted for you in the last election he ever voted in. The reason he voted for you is because you’re a decent man. I thank you for your decency.”

        And then they all clapped like seals.
        It’s really quite amazing to witness the stupidity of these people, most of whom went ‘all in’ on the covid lie, promoted the death jabs, and still wear a mask bc it signals you are one of the good, the decent, the virtuous.
        When in reality you are just pathetic, brain-dead morons.

  11. “Israel security bill includes relief aid 4 times the size of Gaza’s GDP: ‘We are funding Hamas’

    Look at how much aid flows to Hamas; this is only one aid package. Many more come from the US and EU nations, Qatar and other Arab nations, Iran, etc.

    Gaza or Hamas is overflowing with money, and the food packages sent in won’t be gone for many weeks or months, so there is no starvation or need for hunger. Where is the money going? The left-wing zealots who support terrorists can’t add up the numbers and see most of the resources given to Gaza or created in Gaza are going to Hamas terrorists who wish to kill women and children. That was vividly seen on October 7.


  12. The Campus Communists basically are permitted to get away with anything they want, thanks to the Commies running the Campuses. So, they can call for the mass murders of Jews, Christians, and White people without consequences.

    However, imagine if they called for the mass murders of Blacks and Transgenders. Would the response from the U.S. Government and the Campus administrators be the same? Of course not. The National Guard would have immediately been called in. The FBI would be investigating and the DOJ would be punishing all participants right and left. But since the Government, including the FBI and DOJ, and the Campus administrators are infested with filthy Commies, they sit by idly an are delighted that their messages of hate against Jews, Christians, and White people gain some traction.

    And it’s understandable why the Government and the Campus administrators hate Jews, Christians, and White people. They represent civilization. Without them, there would be no civilization. And Communism is antithetical to civilization.

    1. However, imagine if they called for the mass murders of Blacks and Transgenders. Would the response from the U.S. Government and the Campus administrators be the same? Of course not.

      Yes, the government response would be exactly the same. Your claim otherwise is not only wild speculation without any basis in fact, but it’s very obviously wrong, because this is the only response the constitution permits.

      The National Guard would have immediately been called in. The FBI would be investigating and the DOJ would be punishing all participants right and left.

      No, none of that would happen, for the same reason that it’s not happening now. The first amendment. Any attempt by the government to do anything to any participant would be immediately quashed in court, and damages awarded, including at the individual officers involved, who would not have qualified immunity.

      1. Your correct about the constitution and what SHOULD happen – yet, YOU have been jailing people right and left for far less offensive and far further from violating the first amendment conduct.

        The FACT is that the first amendment only gets enforced by left leaning courts when dealing with left leaning defendants.

        Otherwise there is no first amendment.

        1. Excuse me? I have been jailing people?! What on earth are you talking about? Whom have I, or anyone on my side of politics, jailed for protected speech?! (Hint: which side of politics do you think I’m on?)

          For that matter, whom has the other side jailed for protected speech? Don’t tell me J6 protesters, because all those jailed did commit an offense, however trivial. They were jailed for offenses that deserved traffic tickets, if that, and that offends the spirit of the constitution, but they were not actually jailed for protected speech.

          Trump himself is sui generis. He’s not being treated like anyone else would be.

        1. As far as I know no Jan 6 protester has been prosecuted simply for protected speech. Their treatment is an outrage, but all those convicted did commit an offense, however trivial, which was not protected speech.

  13. video clip on X
    posted by @Osint613

    Student is holding outstretched flag of Israel near a professor trying to speak to protestors.

    UCLA Professor: Can you go somewhere else, I don’t want to be next to you.

    Student: ladies and gentlemen this is a professor at UCLA

    Professor: yes I am and I’m telling them the truth, it’s a genocide

    Student: you clearly don’t know the definition of a genocide

    Professor: I dont know? It’s the killing of a whole nation

    Student: how can it be a genocide if the Palestinian population has only been increasing since 1948

    Professor: Looks around. Can anyone help me?

    Student: keeps holding up and waving flag of Israel, “she’s a professor at UCLA, everybody”

    [this student is a future leader, there is hope that all are not brainwashed commies]

  14. Hey everybody! Look at that student leader!

    Meanwhile, Merrick Garland refuses to provide the audio of the Hur/Biden interview to Congress.

    1. Thank you. Please stay in your chair in front of the television while millions of citizens will participate in hundreds of ways to take back what you’ve never fought for in any way, shape pr form.

  15. OT

    Obama is running for his fourth unconstitutional term under the Biden ruse in a courtroom of “fake” lawfare, constricting his opponent’s ability to campaign.  

    Obama has no intention or expectation of winning the Trump court case; he is running a reelection campaign in that courtroom.

    Obama functions freely in the land of a derelict, negligent, and criminal judicial branch and Supreme Court. 


    And not dissimilar to Lincoln’s tactic of thwarting the Constitution and illicitly suspending habeas corpus, allowing him to try political opponents and throw them in prison—which is Obama’s henchman, Alvin Bragg’s, job currently. 

    What happened, America?  

    Oh, yeah, Karl Marx, Lincoln’s fellow traveler. 

    Karl Marx happened to America, “fundamentally transforming the United States of America.” 

    1. Another know it all who has never fought for anything this Republic has provided and will gladly give away what others fought and died for.

  16. Turley Neglects To Mention His ‘Own’ University: George Washington

    Hundreds of protesters gathered Thursday to raise tents in U-Yard and demand GW to divest from companies with ties to Israel, drop alleged charges against pro-Palestinian student organizers and disclose its investments and endowments. Demonstrators sustained their presence in U-Yard far past the 7 p.m. Thursday deadline set by officials for protesters to clear the encampment, but have yet to face direct pressure from police to vacate the area.

    Organizers said Friday that GW has suspended seven protesters, each charged with nine misconduct violations. After officials barricaded U-Yard early Friday, restricting entry in and out of the space, between 200 and 250 protesters have rallied on H Street, some beginning to pitch tents. GW reportedly asked the Metropolitan Police Department to clear the encampment Friday morning, a request police refused, according to the Washington Post.


    This is from The GW Hatchet, official newspaper of George Washington University. And it raises a very obvious question: “Why hasn’t Turley written about ‘this’ protest?”

    Even if Turley thinks Columbia has a more radically-charged atmosphere, you’d think he’d still mention in passing, “Oh, by the way, there are now protests at ‘my’ university.”

    This oversight raises another question, “Does Turley even teach anymore?” And if, indeed, Turley still teaches, another question might be, “Does Turley ever sit down and really ‘talk’ to his students?”

    One never gets a sense that Turley talks to students. To the contrary, Turley seems forever baffled by the views college youths. Like they’re alien species Turley has never encountered face-to-face.

    Instead you get the feeling Turley inhabits a world of White men over 50; ‘all’ of whom are baffled by college kids. And these White men all share the view that universities need to be thoroughly purged of leftist elements!

    1. Another silly critique of Turley by the coward known as Anonymous. Columbia has been the focal point of anti-Israel protests. And like all commentators he’s reporting on what occurred there, not GW.

    2. Professor Turley instructs students.

      Professor Turley does not take direction from naive and ignorant children.

      Communist agitators must be expelled and thrown in prison.

      Karl Marx and his army of covetous lunatic parasites were expelled from Europe, ending up in London, New York, and Illinois.

      Oh, so that is how and when America was infected by covetousness and the craving for other people’s acumen, success and money.

    3. Turley should be supporting the students right to protest. They are doing exactly what he says is acceptable in his view. He seems complicit in letting the university trample their free speech rights because he’s….annoyed by it? Perplexed? He’s not going to support it. He’s already shown he’s against pro- Palestine protesters. So he’s not going to go out of his way to defend their right to protest. He WANTS them punished, suspended, or expelled for exercising their right of free speech.

      1. Turley should be supporting the students right to bake a cake. They are doing exactly what he says is acceptable in his view. He seems complicit in letting the university trample their free baking a cake rights because he’s….annoyed by it? Perplexed? He’s not going to support it. He’s already shown he’s against pro-homersexual protesters. So he’s not going to go out of his way to defend their right to protest. He WANTS them punished, suspended, or expelled for exercising their right of baking a cake.

        1. Thank you George. I’ve been really frustrated recently in that I can’t get anyone on Grindr to reply to me. I can not imagine why they would block me. It’s not like I’m a shill who screeches when I don’t get my way, acts like a drama queen or throws a tantrum like a RuPaul contestant who doesn’t get her crown. Anyways, I do appreciate you trolling support for me.

        2. Stupid^2 — Tell more about the Homer Sexuals. The bind poet did’t write about those in the Odyssey or the Iiyiad.

            1. Caltecher — Well, I have a PhD, but also an MSEE and a BEng from the same exclusive halls. So there!

        3. SIASD

          No Turley should NOT be supporting what these students say – only their right to say it.

          The Baker who refused to bake cakes for gay couples was legitimately excercising his first amendment rights.
          But his conduct was also repugnant, and he should be boycotted.

          These students are legally free to say what they are saying. Short of speech that violates Brandenburg – and while this is closer than anything a J6 it still falls short. No protestor should be arrested for speech.

          That does not mean there are no consequences.

          1. What is repugnant about refusing to become an accomplice in an act that one believes to be wrong? The baker is perfectly willing to bake a cake for same-sex couples, on the same basis as he does so for anyone else, so long as it’s for some legitimate purpose. They can come to him for birthday cakes, no-particular-reason cakes, even I-love-you or anniversary cakes. But he refuses to bake a cake that is explicitly for an occasion that he believes to be a crime against God, for the same reason that a car rental agent should refuse to rent someone a car if he knows they want it for the purpose of robbing a bank. That can only be called repugnant if you think his religion, and all the other religions that agree with it on this point, are repugnant.

      2. @George Re: “They are doing exactly what he says is acceptable in his view.” Borrowing from a response in part, by a Columbia protester to a question put to her by a TV reporter……’We are doing what they’ve been teaching us!”

      3. George – I supported the Rights of NAzi’s and the KKK to parade and give speaches in my town.

        Then I went to those parades and speeches and protested those peaches.

        Turley is pointing out that the speech of these protestors is FOUL.
        I did not Read anywhere that Truely said they should be arrested for what they have said – though they are far closer to incitement to violence that Trump or anyone at J6 has gotten.

        TThe right to free speech does not mean that First amendment absolutists like Turley or myself, are not going to excercise our own free speech and criticize this pro hamas pro terrism hate speech.

      4. They are calling for the elimination of the Jewish culture, Read, Put them all in ovens like WWII
        Thay are in full support of HAMAS. An international terrorist organization.

        They are petitioning the US government for exactly what?

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