“Disinformation Czar” Jankowicz Returns as Head of New Project Before Election

Nina Jankowicz  is back . . . with a vengeance. The former head of the infamous “Disinformation Governance Board” within the Department of Homeland Security is now heading a private disinformation group called the American Sunlight Project. With a close election looming in November, Jankowicz has found funding to “to expose and oppose efforts to weaponize disinformation in the United States.” The establishment of the group is only the latest example of how many in politics and media are doubling down on efforts to paint opposing views as dangerous for democracy as the nation readies for a historic election.

Jankowicz promises that “Once researchers are free to conduct their essential work, the American people will gain a better understanding of the nature and severity of the disinformation threats we face,” she said. “Disinformation knows no political party. Its ultimate victim is our democracy.”

It is not clear who has funded the new project in an election year. However, the co-founder  is Carlos Álvarez-Aranyos, who is best known for his association with Protect Democracy, a group viewed by many as an anti-Trump and highly political outfit. Protect Democracy sued the Trump campaign based on the debunked Russian collusion claims that “the Trump Campaign conspired with Russian agents and Wikileaks to strategically disseminate the information Russia had hacked and that, in exchange, the Campaign would help Russia advance its foreign policy goals.”

The lawsuit was dismissed.

Many would call that lawsuit and the Russian collusion claims to be “disinformation,” but there is a clear bias in what is given this designation by groups pushing blacklists and censorship.

For example, according to an investigation by the Washington Examiner, the federal government helped to fund the Global Disinformation Index (GDI), which discourages advertisers from supporting sites accused of promoting disinformation.

All 10 of the sites that GDI claimed were the riskiest are popular with conservatives, libertarians and independents. GDI warned advertisers that they were accepting “reputational and brand risk” by “financially supporting disinformation online.”

The “risky” sites included Reason, a libertarian-oriented source of news and commentary about the government. Conversely, HuffPost, a far left media outlet, was included among the 10 sites at lowest risk of spreading disinformation. (GDI included USA TODAY in this group.)

I have been a long critic of Jankowicz, who became an instant Internet sensation due to a musical number in which she sang “You can just call me the Mary Poppins of disinformation” in a TikTok parody of the song “Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious.” She later moved to join a European group as a foreign agent to continue her work to block views that she considers disinformation.

Jankowicz portrays herself as a defender of free speech who opposed efforts to censor viewpoints. As one of her critics, I strongly contest that self-portrayal.

When she was appointed the executive director of the Disinformation Governance Board in April 2022, she was tasked with combating “disinformation” on subjects ranging from the U.S. southern border to other forms of disinformation.

While Jankowicz objects to the “overly personalized, false, and incendiary coverage of me,” it is only the false part that is actionable. Coverage is allowed to be “personalized” and even “incendiary” so long as it is true or protected opinion.

She was previously criticized for allegedly spreading disinformation and advocating censorship,

Jankowicz previously argued that Congress should create new laws to block mockery of women online by reauthorizing the Violence Against Women Act (VAWA) and including “provisions against online gender-based harassment.”

Jankowicz testified before the British House of Parliament about “gender misinformation” being a “national security concern” and a threat to democracy requiring government censorship.

She demanded that both tech companies and government should work together using “creativity and technological prowess to make a pariah of online misogyny.”

On the Hunter Biden laptop, Jankowicz pushed the false narrative that it was a false story and that “we should view it as a Trump campaign product.” She continued to spread that disinformation, including tweeting a link to a news article that she said cast “yet more doubt on the provenance of the NY Post’s Hunter Biden story.” In another tweet, she added “not to mention that the emails don’t need to be altered to be part of an influence campaign. Voters deserve that context, not a [fairy] tale about a laptop repair shop.”

She even cited the author of the infamous Steele Dossier as a guide for how to deal with disinformation. In August 2020, Jankowicz tweeted “Listened to this last night – Chris Steele (yes THAT Chris Steele) provides some great historical context about the evolution of disinfo. Worth a listen.” The Steele Dossier was viewed by American intelligence as relying on a suspected Russian agent as a source. These officials warned that it was itself used as a possible Russian disinformation vehicle.

She also joined the panic over the Musk threat to reintroduce free speech values to Twitter. In an interview on NPR, she stated “I shudder to think about if free speech absolutists were taking over more platforms, what that would look like for the marginalized communities.”

In addition to her co-founder’s past advocacy, Jankowicz assembled a board that has been challenged as showing past bias. Two of the four members have close ties to Brookings Institution that was deeply involved in the Russian collusion hoax.

The new project is expected to follow the same transparently biased judgments over what is “misinformation, disinformation, and malinformation” (MDM) from the Biden Administration. The government has used this rationale to coordinate censorship in what it has called the “MDM space.”

For example, within DHS, Jen Easterly, who heads the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency, extended her agency’s mandate over critical infrastructure to include “our cognitive infrastructure.” The resulting censorship efforts included combating “malinformation” – described as information “based on fact, but used out of context to mislead, harm, or manipulate.” I testified earlier on this effort.

Jankowicz famously sang how “You can just call me the Mary Poppins of disinformation.” Once again, when it comes to the use of disinformation to effectively silence others, Nina Jankowicz remains “practically perfect in every way.

90 thoughts on ““Disinformation Czar” Jankowicz Returns as Head of New Project Before Election”

  1. It’s almost as if she should be prosecuted in Manhattan for possibly colluding to interfere in an election…

    1. Geez, given what we do know (corruption, collusion, election tampering, mass murder, drug dealing, etc.), what could possibly be worse for the biden regime…besides the fact they are owned by CCP?

  2. Another Overlord of the Narrative …
    Like everything else you can turn Ms. Nina Jankowicz On/Off
    READ & THINK for Yourself.


  3. This silly woman would not exist unless the Democratic Party was committed body and soul to controlling the thoughts and speech of ordinary Americans.

    1. Edwardmahl,
      Well said and I agree.
      She has the face of a tyrant. That pic the good professor posted, put a Nazi flag behind her, her in a brown shirt and that would be a more apt description.

  4. The interesting thing to me, as a linguist and translator, is how the bad guys – in this case, the left – are so adept at twisting words and inventing words. There are so many – “woman” used to refer to a human with two X chromosomes. Now it’s whatever you want it to be. “Consent” comes from two roots “con” meaning with and sent- which is the root of words like sentient, sense, senses, etc. So consent used to imply a mental preparation, which is why we have the age of consent. It simply means that below a certain age you are not capable of making informed decisions. Now they have literally changed the definition of consent in the dictionary to be synonymous with permission, which is sneaky and false. A child can say yes, but it cannot consent because it lacks the “sent” part. Gender and sex are two more terms they intentionally confuse. The truth is, humans do not have “gender;” they are one of two sexes. Language has gender. Humans can have a gender identity or conform (or not) to gender roles. Surgery cannot change something that doesn’t exist, i.e. “gender.” It also cannot change something that does exist, i.e. chromosomes. It’s all a big shell game exploiting and irreparably harming vulnerable people for money and control. Disinformation and hate speech are two more terms the left has pulled out of its collective assets. The point is that there is no such thing. There is only speech, which is, in turn, made up of two things: truth and lies. There is no objective disinformation or hate speech just as there is no objective beauty. That which is subjective cannot be legislated. In any case, lies are not illegal, unless they are defamatory, and there is already a legal system in place to deal with that. They have invented these terms in order that they may legislate them and shut down whatever speech they want to shut down, and if they magically “discover” years later that the “disinformation” they shut down was, in actual fact, actual fact (as in the case of the Covid injections), oh well. They use sophistry as a weapon against the sadly undereducated American populace which is easily confused and intimidated by long words. It’s all complete nonsense.

    1. I’m with you on most of what you wrote. And what you wrote is important. My comment is a nit. But it’s been on my mind for decades so going air it.

      That is: I’m not convinced that the old cliche we all learned as kids, “beauty is in the eye of the beholder”, is true. I think if we are all honest with ourselves and with each other, beauty is far more objective than we will admit.

      Is there anybody who sees a tulip garden in full bloom (say Keukenhof) and thinks it is ugly rather than beautiful? Who sees a sunset over a mountain lake and wants to cover their eyes in disgust? Doesn’t everybody know a perfectly proportioned, gorgeous woman when they see one? Does anybody see a disheveled, unbathed, 500lb woman with a tatooed face as beautiful? Even if you are not a Christian, who, exactly, gets a chance to see Michaelangelo’s Pieta or the Sistine Chapel and is not awed by the magnificent beauty? Who thinks the Sophia Hagia is an eyesore rather than the beautiful architecture that it is? Who hears most of the music composed in 18th century Vienna, professionally played, and hates it? Perhaps there are some outliers among the 8 billion humans. I’d bet 99% of all humans can agree on what is beautiful and what is not.

      If they are honest.

  5. Sunlight, water, carbon dioxide, and diverse nutrients are a green multiplicity. #NoJudgment #NoLabels

  6. JT the master of obfuscation.

    What? No mention of Fox News paying nearly $1 billion for defamation? And Fox News continued lawsuits by another voting machine company they allegedly defamed? Why is that JT?

    No mention of the sanctions against trump lawyers for the many frivolous lawsuits they attempted?

    “She also joined the panic over the Musk threat to reintroduce free speech values to Twitter.” What a joke. musk and free speech? hahahahahahahahaha

    Say something bad about musk, even if 100% true and you are tossed from his beloved plaything formerly known as twitter.

    JT. What happened? You used to be an honest broker of free speech. You have drank way too much trump kool aid. Stop the obfuscation, just say the truth, it is wonderful to “grab em by the pussy”.

  7. I didn’t vote for her, nobody did; she can take her filthy lucre and narcissism and kiss my a*ss. This is a free country with a first amendment. And a second.

    Between this and the Correspondents’ Dinner, I don’t know which is the more vomit-inducing example of modern aristocratic hubris and (ironically *white*) privilege. **** off back to Britain, Nina.

  8. Jank thought—–

    ……we, us Jew are the only ones in possession of the truth, all others are liars, cheaters, and deceivers. ….and only us, us chosen must be allowed to speak and to disseminate truth.

    …and what is truth to a Jew, it is what ever lies can be sold to the stupid goyim. Like that Gods chosen people line of crap. If those stupid goyim can buy that, we can sell them anything, right Nina Jank?

    1. you are no robert browning.
      you are nassan mohammed ilyan abdalla, masked and disguised as robert browning and trying very hard to trigger us.
      Won’t work. Remove your mask. you fool no one.

      1. Did your mom name you Anonymous?

        Jew tactics—-when you can’t attack the argument and the reasoning, you attack the person.

        And they wonder why people want them dead.

  9. Seems George Orwell saw the new American Left coming decades ago. Both Animal Farm and 1984 look like products of the Democrat Party’s current mindset. They want 100% total control and if they achieve that America is finished.

    1. The “Democrat Party” is the Communist Party of the one man, one vote “dictatorship of the proletariat” that took control in 1860 and compelled America to evolve PROGRESSIVELY to communism. 

      The American Founders eradicated the dictatorship of the monarchy and gave America a severely restricted-vote republic, never intending for one man, one vote “democracy.”

      The Constitution provides for the application of rational and accretive voter qualifications by State legislatures, the first of which were male, European, 21, 50 lbs. Sterling/50 acres. 

      “Crazy Abe” Lincoln denied not prohibited and fully constitutional secession, imposed martial law, seized all power, suspended habeas corpus, suspended the Constitution and the freedom of speech, threw political opponents in prison, smashed printing presses, etc., in order to “lead his country through the reconstruction of a social world,” according to Karl Marx. 

      What the —- do you think “Crazy Abe” Lincoln was all about? 

      American freedom persisted for a mere 71 years. 


      “Crazy Abe” was not a Republican but a de facto Democrat before the political pole shift. 

      “They consider…that it fell to…Abraham Lincoln…to lead his country through the…RECONSTRUCTION OF A SOCIAL WORLD.”

      – Karl Marx to Abraham Lincoln, 1865, Letter of Commendation and Congratulation

  10. The big question is always, who gets to decide what is misinformation, disinformation and/or malinformation? As we all saw during COVID and the elections of the last 8 years, what the government and “fact checkers” say is true, more often as not, turn out to be lies and what they call misinformation or conspiracy theories turn out to be true. .

    1. Jeff Mason: Yours is an important question, indeed. Of course, they tried answering it before, with the Fairness Doctrine, the Equal Time Rule, the Zapple Doctrine, etc. But those mostly dealt with political candidates, –not political ideology.
      That is the danger of the Jankowiczs in media.
      I have no problem with partisan cable networks slanting the news–e.g., MSNBC, CNN, etc. But I really do get heartburn over ostensibly neutral NATIONAL morning and evening NEWS networks (NBC, ABC) being coyly partisan, partial, and selective in their interviews, stories, fact selection, and overwhelmingly left-wing views. I consider NPR to be one of the worst abusers. It needs to go “cable” and stop pretending, in its donation solicitations, to be “balanced and neutral.”

      1. Jeff and Lin,
        Well said and to the point.
        This is where we get to the very fine point of whom is for the Constitution and whom is for tyranny of a thought police state.
        Jankowicz and other leftists like her put their zeal for the thought police state for all to see.
        I for one am happy for her to express her 1stA right to let us all know who she is, where she stands and what she is all about.
        If I were ever to meet her in person, I would merely say, “You, you are the fascists. Nice to meet you.”

    2. Who gets to decide? Every individual.
      The govt is forbidden to do anything but offer fact to offset

  11. “The American Sunlight Project” – I’m always amazed at the ways the radical left can hijack the language to make it sound like they are doing something good.

    1. BTeboe said: ““The American Sunlight Project” – I’m always amazed at the ways the radical left can hijack the language to make it sound like they are doing something good.”

      Should be renamed. Two possibilities that quickly come to mind: “The American Gaslight Project”; “The American Twilight Project”. Choice between those might come down to whether or not it enjoys success…

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