Merry Christmas!!!

Best wishes to everyone celebrating Christmas and Hanukkah.

It looks like we may get a tiny amount of snow in Chicago for Christmas for a hint of a white Christmas.

Last night, I made our traditional Cioppino soup — a tradition started by my late father, Jack Turley. I hated the soup as a kid so fate has left this tradition to me. I am now as addicted to the soup as my father was. It was a great meal after a day with the family at the Museum of Science and Industry. (The day before we went to the wonderful Art Institute and the day before that we went to the Chicago Historical Museum with its exhibit on magic).

On Christmas Eve, we then went to Midnight mass at St. Mary’s of the Lake to hear my 85 year old mother sing in the choir. Today, I am cooking the beef as well as the Yorkshire pudding, horseradish. and gravy. We will have the entire family clan over to the house.

Waiting For Santa were notes from the kids and peppermint bark with milk. The notes this year were intriguing.

Aidan (10), for example, wrote Santa a note that said that he is “thankful for you, but there is a problem with the watching thing for me. I am fine with the “he knows if you are good or bad and he know when you’re awake. But the “he sees you want your sleeping” is a bit obsessive. I mean all you need to know is if I was bad or good and it gets a bit creepy when you keep searching for us when we sleep. Well, Merry Christmas, Your thankful/questioning, Aidan.”

Jack took an even more novel approach. On his relatively short list for Santa, he asked for “information.” He then followed with a questionnaire and a requested essay from Santa. The ten questions included such queries as “how many gallons/pounds of milk and cookies do you inject every Christmas?” and “How do you work off the milk and cookies?” He also asks for Mrs. Clauses’ first name and “do you ever use a different hairdo/suit/color and if so, what?”

He then asks Santa to fill in a blank sheet with an essay but gave him the choice to two subjects: “what is it like on a regular day at the workshop? or “what is delivering presents like?”

Madie (7) simply did an elaborate picture attached to a five page, single spaced wish list.

Well, it is 1 am in Chicago and Santa’s little helpers are dead on their feet.

The Turley family wishes everyone a happy and safe holiday. I will be toasting our blog family tonight and give thanks for the wonderful community we have created at this site.

Best wishes,

Jonathan Turley

58 thoughts on “Merry Christmas!!!”

  1. well, CHRISTMAS WENT TO THE DOGS. even the aspca is misusing MY NAME.

    everything you need to know, is on this site, given free of charge, as written. just add the aspca to your list of mayors, governors, congressmen, presidents, and the united nations ambassadors, to tell them that THE LIVING GOD is here, as written.

    satan, and the antichrist is getting bolder, and making his move against GOD THE FATHER. THE GOSPEL SAYS: …some will wish that they never were…

  2. Belated Merry Christmas. I had a good one… even had a little snow. Hope everyone else did too.

  3. Anonymously yours,

    Clarification please.
    Which “them”? Those who lived a ordinary day? Those who a Holiday day? Or is it a comparison between the two groups as to the difference, what that difference is is not clear also.

    And a specially warm wishes to you for a peaceful but inspiring year at JT’s.

  4. I see some lived today just like any other day…. NOT much difference between them….

  5. Comparisons are invidious, a phrase I once heard.
    Let me say instead that ranking comments are likely in poor taste in this company.

    So let me say that I was moved by Betty Kath, Oro Lee and Bron, but all are included in my best wishes.

    Having spent a lonesome Christmas in Hawaii at the edge of Waikiki, I will add what they taught us as their version.

    Melli Kaliki Maka.

    And Nee Hao to Dredd.

    I’d tell you my traditional XMAS story, but it belongs to those best not told.

  6. I fell off the distribution list so missed these blogs, not checking the blog list.
    Be that as it may, hopefully I’m back with you all now.

    Have a merry one, however you celebrate. It is togetherness that counts, something we lose sight of in so many competing claims on us.

    I did write some OT comments on Santa thread, meant to brighten or darken as you wish. But all inspiring or informative. Always to serve, if I may borrow a phrase.

    And for those needing inspirtation, here is a short video presentation of a man who could be called Saint Nick, and he works year round at it.

    Don’t cringe. We can’t be him, but we can try to be him in our own way.

  7. Pedantic perhaps but Hanuka was over about a week ago.

    I wish everyone here a joyous, peaceful and prosperous new year.

    I’d further wish that the good guys win every case, that the cops never abuse their power, that the courts always rule with justice and dignity and that people stop doing really stupid things. The problem with that part of the wish is the Prof would have nothing left to blog about so maybe that would not be perfect. OTOH, I have little fear of that happening so I’ll just hope for the best.

  8. The dogpac kicked me out of the xmas gathering for farting so here I am on the Dogalogue Machine all by my lonesome and am enjoying the yuletide stuff.

  9. merry xmas, ya’ll- american southern

    and Gene, my brother still swears i can pass gas hard enough to raise the covers.

  10. I have an Xmas story that isn’t profound. Not really a story so much as an anecdote. Well . . . not so much an anecdote as an odd biological discovery.

    I found out that you can burp in your sleep loud enough to wake yourself from a couch nap.

    Will wonders never cease?

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