“Just Rip it Up”: Hunter Biden is a Case Study of the Perils of Legal Gluttony

The second indictment of Hunter Biden brought nine new criminal charges and a host of problems for both him and his father. The indictment shatters past claims and denials related to the massive influence peddling operation by the Bidens. However, it is also a case study of the perils of legal gluttony.

Five months ago, exasperated Biden defense counsel Chris Clark snapped at federal prosecutors to “just rip it up” after a plea bargain hit a snag in a hearing before Judge Maryellen Noreika. They did and, for the first time, Hunter could be facing a real chance for jail time.

The six misdemeanor charges and three felonies carry a potential sentence of 17 years for alleged tax evasion and filing a false return. It could have been worse. The Justice Department inexplicably allowed the statute of limitations to run on the most serious allegations involving payments from years going back to 2013. Those are mentioned in the narrative of the indictment but not charged as separate offenses.

None of this would have happened if Judge Noreika did not ask a very simple question about the plea agreement and a sweeping immunity provision buried in its language. Many judges would have likely flagged through the agreement and given Hunter the sweetest of sweetheart deals.

Noreika noticed that the deal seemed to give Hunter immunity for any crime going forward and asked the prosecutor if he had ever seen any agreement like this one. He honestly answered “no.”

It was later learned that there was a push within the Justice Department to have no charges at all brought against Hunter in an investigation that was heavily laden with special treatment, according to IRS whistleblowers.

The investigation by the House has shown how Hunter and his counsel allowed their appetite for special treatment to turn into a raging disorder. The Justice Department reportedly gave Hunter a “heads up” about planned searches and interviews, scuttling those efforts. Even though the Justice Department had an agreement to “toll the statute” to prevent the early charges from expiring, the Special Counsel just let them die without any rational reason.

In this “all-you-can-eat” legal Smorgasbord, it is little surprise that the Biden team would demand an unprecedented immunity deal and just two misdemeanors after years of tax evasion covering millions from insider trading.

After all, Attorney General Merrick Garland had refused the calls of many of us to appoint a Special Counsel to look into the corruption scandal. The scandal was capped off legally and the media was running cover for Hunter.

The laptop was falsely denounced as Russian disinformation and the media largely dismissed influence peddling claims. Whenever new allegations surfaced, the President and the media would literally run to the nearest ice cream shop to discuss the President’s favorite flavors.

In other words, why ask for a sweeping immunity deal? The answer was why not.

That all came crashing down when Judge Noreika just cleared her throat in court.

As the prosecutors struggled to explain the absurd immunity provision, the Biden legal team was obviously shocked at the notion that they might have to exercise portion control. After all, the President himself has declared “no one f**ks with a Biden.”

That is when they told the prosecutors to “just rip it up.” Those are the four most dangerous words that a criminal defendant could utter in a hearing on a plea deal. They could have immediately narrowed the immunity deal and even added a few misdemeanors to salvage the deal. Instead, they shredded their client.

What followed was performative and frankly a tad pathetic.  To the thrill of some in the media, the Biden team promised to get aggressive with witnesses and critics. They started to make demands as if they still controlled events, including saying that they would only comply with a congressional subpoena on their own terms.

It won’t work. A bill has come due. While Garland is still protecting President Biden from a Special Counsel, Hunter Biden is going to have to face these alleged crimes and corruption. Even the media is now admitting that he was influence peddling, though maintaining a final line of defense for the president. The last defense is that it was corrupt, but merely illusory because it did not actually influence Joe Biden.

In other words, Hunter is rapidly becoming expendable.

The lesson for lawyers should be lasting: even if you can secure a massive sweetheart deal, you may want to exercise a modicum of portion control. That “all-you-can-eat” option may not be the best course for your client. The Justice Department was clearly willing to give Hunter anything that he demanded, but maybe you need to demand less. Sometimes it is better to go for the more limited a la carte option. Your client will consume less but he may be able to get up from the table. In other words, you need to be careful what you ask for . . . you just might get it.


332 thoughts on ““Just Rip it Up”: Hunter Biden is a Case Study of the Perils of Legal Gluttony”

  1. As an immigrant from a formerly socialist country it saddens me to watch the U.S. officially turned into a genuine Banana Republic by corrupt Democrat AGs Eric Holder, Loretta Lynch and Derrick Garland, the incompetent weakling Republican Jeff Sessions and the corrupt Republican Bill Barr who deliberately suppressed the authenticity of Hunter Biden’s laptop before the 2020 election.

  2. Brilliant job Jonathan –

    Keep telling the truth in your own special way. Sure, the brainwashed masses will continue to parrot the…
    ‘This has nothing to with Joe or BHO’. Or, as Joe would say, ‘I never talked to anyone in the family about their business dealings or met with any of their ‘business associates, that all lies’.

    Joe has lied so often it’s hard to keep up. Even MSM & the D-party, is moving to distance them from him.

    Turley, you have my upmost respect for not bending your integrity to the vocal minority & D.S. and telling it as it is. JUST THE FACTS which include the rules of legality.

    ‘No one is above the law’. Sound familiar?

    Steve D. PA

  3. @TheRealAnonymous Says:

    Dennis McIntyre, I think we’re all feeling that the Mindless Heckling has gotten out of control,
    and it has succeeded in destroying a good thing, that which; Jonathan, Daren, and Kristen work hard to deliver consistently.
    It’s the Labor of these Individuals and the Institution(s) that support this, that should not be taken for granted.

    This Blog will not sway an Election, nor will Johnathan’s efficacy bring about a Social Movement. However there are Those that seem to think that this ‘space’ is a battle ground for information warfare. Henceforth, Those that have made it a Battle Ground have nothing to Fear but the Fear they have created in their own World. Outside this Blog the World is a very real place, with rules and principles that react with equal and opposite reactions, with real-world impact and real-world consequences.

    Some People are not wired with ‘norms’, They choose a life of Chaos in a state of complete disorder and confusion, wherein this Platform of Free Speech (this Internet Blog) provides a medium upon which they can feed.

    Should you feel Blessed that you’re not wired this way, then heed the norms and don’t feed the animals.
    If you have chosen Chaos as a way of life, then you will be be consumed with your own disorder and confusion, and die by your own sword.

    Either way, there will be a power of reckoning greater than you in the end.

    There is a Civility Rule of which the link can be found on the menu atop of this Webpage.
    Adherence to Norms and Self-Discipline are the basic terms.

    1. Since Eric Holder completely corrupted the justice system to put makeup on the corrupt crook Obama, the U.S. has become a Banana Republic. Even Trump’s two AGs were weak and incompetent. Bill Barr singlehandedly put Joe Biden in the WH by suppressing the authenticity of the Hunter Biden laptop before the 2020 election and then going on TV to admit that suppressing the Hunter Biden laptop certainly affected the election.

      1. Bill Barr’s father is the guy that hired Epstein into the game of corruption, debauchery and blackmail. You figure it out, they cannot hide it anymore.

    2. Thanks for the link to the “civility” page. I had never noted it before. The thing I found interesting about it other than the obvious was Turley’s defense of all the Anonymi like you. It’s his blog so obviously he can do what he wants but to me that Professor Turley policy on anonymity ruins the comments sections more than the incivility. It takes no effort to skip any comment by the guy you mention (or the daily comments linking Karl Marx to Honest Abe for that matter). But I would have missed your reasoned comment and link to that page if I had followed my own standard practice of skipping Anonymous comments.

      An even bigger issue is when there is interesting blog content (e.g., the case of the Alabama basketball player a few days ago) and 90% of the comments are about the Bidens or Trump

  4. “the deal seemed to give Hunter immunity for any crime going forward” – Would that cover violent crimes? Or offenses involving over $1 million dollars?

  5. Jonathan: There used to be a time when you enforced your “Civility” rule–where you say “We do not tolerate personal attacks or bullying”. Your column “Just Rip It Up” could apply to some on this blog. They are “ripping up” your civility rule into shreds. Case in point.

    Yesterday, I posted a comment in response to the above column (@10:27). “Anonymous”, who comments daily, had an immediate response to me: “Scared, Dennis? What a little kunt you are” (@10:43am). In a following comment he falsely called me a “pedophile” (@10:43am). He followed up with this tidbit: “Who can have a rationale discourse with a pedophile who comes in every day, drops his steaming pile of $hit, and moves along to the next? (@2:41pm)”. Anonymous also calls me a “little lying prick”. He frequently uses the same insulting language with others on this blog.

    Now I never respond to Anonymous. I don’t want to dignify his repulsive defamatory rhetoric. But you could. On your “Civility” rule you state: “I will delete abusive comments when I see them or when they are raised to me. If the conduct continues, I will consider banning the person…”. Well, don’t you think it’s time to take some action? Otherwise, your blog is going to resemble some other blogs I won’t mention.

    1. If you bothered to read the blog, instead of once again coming in to drop your steaming turd, you would have seen why and how that all played out yesterday. You would also have seen that the two antagonists involved had decided to knock it off. But you didnt, because you’re all that and more. Darren’s not here to save your thin skin today twerp. So grow a pair, stop your whining, and go ask your “neighbor” to explain exactly how an AR-15 “ruins the meat”.

    2. Wait! Did I miss something? I thought it was common knowledge that you are a lying prick?

      The pedophile thing I assumed was just a rumor. Who knows how these get started. Probably something you said that was misunderstood.

      But honestly Dennis, you sound like a little crybaby.

      And LOL, you really DO think he reads your drivel!!! LMAO

    3. Dennis

      Why didnt you post this in the blog in which these offenses occurred? Instead you chose to post them in today’s, ostensibly because you wanted maximum exposure to your “they’re pickin’ on me” self pity session.
      I doubt you’ll find much sympathy here.
      The manner chosen to express it may have been less than ideal, but outside of the “pedophile”, which is plausible at best, the accusations have substantial evidence of their veracity.

      1. Plausible at best??

        Did you not see yesterday where he was bragging about inviting little boys into his basement with a promise of “popshicles”??

    4. Biden’s Baghdad Bob, Dennis McIntyre – who usually pops up to exclaim “Never mind the subject of the essay – did you hear our police state fascists got a conviction on a J6 rioter… BUT MUH TRUMP” – suddenly has no interest in who is charged and who is convicted. That’s not important when it’s a Democrat – and all the more so when it is The First Son – The Bagman Formerly Known As The Crackhead Kid. But wait: ‘that doesn’t mean you should suspect he collected money he passed on to The Big Guy!’

      Now he wants complain that when he calls Republicans fascists, racists, etc that isn’t uncivil – but getting the same in response (in less polished terms than Dennis employs) is a sudden lack of civility.

      Baghdad Bob/Dennis… here’s a thought for you. Showing up here to blatantly lie about everything and anything near and dear to the Soviet Democrats’ black hearts is right up there at the top where a lack of civility is concerned. In other words, it is more than annoying when you show up here to consistently piss on our legs while telling us it is actually unicorn dust.

      1. Exactly. Dennis has violated the civility rule TIME AND AGAIN.

        He has called specific people names like racist and homophobe multiple times.

        Lets see, would i rather be a prick or a racist?

        For some reason, Darren let him get away with it, though it was pointed out multiple times.

        Your protection is gone now Denny, so deal with it. Or do us all a favor and move on to greener pastures, jacka$$.

  6. Good article.

    If I recall from my tax courses and the CPA exam correctly, the IRS has a special provision concerning statutes of limitation.

    Statutes of limitation can be set aside in cases of fraud or tax evasion at the discretion of the IRS, no matter how old.


    1. Correct and why this is never brought up has baffled me when they mention the years tolled by a normal statute expiration not involving fraud etc

  7. More Puppets To Know

    The Blog Stooge, Estovir, is constantly transforming into new ‘commenters’. The strategy is to create so many names that no one would ever believe they’re all the same nerd.

    The Stooge endeavors to generate ‘so’ many names, that he always has more names to fallback on. Therefore, at a surface level, all looks normal to uncritical readers. They’ve seen at least some of these names before, so nothing appears out of the ordinary.

    The Stooge’s principal puppets include: Thinkthrough, James, Upstate Farmer, Edward Mahl, Iowa2, Hullbobby, Guy Ventner and Shakdi.

    Secondary puppets include: dogsnowden, Ralph Chappell, Ralph DeMimus, J. Feldman, Margot Ballhere, Mistress Addams, Monument Colorado and Upscale Suburban Woman.

    Today, however, The Stooge is featuring: Tom, Marshal, George W and Ian Michael Gumby.

    Tom is a name The Stooge featured heavily a few months back, then froze until now. Marshal is possibly new today. George W is an old puppet who reoccurs from time to time.

    The Stooge has maintained a chokehold on this blog going back almost 4 years at this point. He was originally known as only Estovir. His first brigade of puppets was launched in the spring of 2020 and some of these names go back that far.

    1. As everyone waits breathlessly for Hunter’s prosecution, Joe consumes his oatmeal and ice cream, knowing that he is going to pardon his son as his last ‘in your face’ act of bravado on his way out the door. That is, if he lives that long.

      1. I can’t fathom how conscious Joe is anymore. Does he “feel” satisfaction? anything? at finally being “president?” (Albeit installed, fake, I guess everything is fake these days) Even though he’s obviously a sock puppet. he used both his sons, it gave beau cancer. Hunter is a crack head. He could die soon too. Is Joe’s bro running the Biden crime syndicate? I agree, someone else is calling the political shots. Joes days of satisfying sensations are long gone, now he just wants to live another day, maybe sniff children? they prop him up for public view, he wants to just sit.

    2. Soooo boring. Look sweatheart, your fireside history lesson listing the people that point-out the lies and foolishness the dunning-kruger-afflicted crowd falls for in their foolish quest for freebies, dead babies, tax-avoidance, woke degeneracy, and military contracts is simply another in the many failed attempts by you and the other anti-depressant addled government teat suckers to divert attention from the shame that is demented FJB and his degenerate son.

      The fact that you would masochistically hang around here for years having to endure the recounting of yours’ shames does help illustrate the depths of psychopathy the left attracts. See you next year.

    3. Good. So you know every name that posts. You’ve offered no proof of your accusations and not even a logical explanation of why.

      Now go f*ck yourself, you little pea brained, foreskin licking, taint sniffing little kunt.

    4. “More Puppets To Know”

      Now that is indeed topical. We can add the user name ‘brandrunner902cbad416’ to that of ‘Dennis McIntyre’ as the Soviet Democrats’ Apparatchiks sent here to cosplay as Biden’s Cringe Jean-Pierre and Baghdad Bob.

      Lyin’ and denyin’… it’s what The Big Guy, Bribery Biden, and his faithful apparatchiks do.

  8. I hope that as part of the congressional investigation into the Biden family business, they uncover all of their foreign bank accounts including the known one that was set up in Malta. If these foreign accounts are not reported to the Treasury, then they are in violation of the annual Foreign Bank and Financial Accounts reporting requirement. To my understanding, all of the financial transactions that have been logged involve domestic banks.

  9. Turley has passed the point of pathetiic. He claims “The indictment shatters past claims and denials related to the massive influence peddling operation by the Bidens. However, it is also a case study of the perils of legal gluttony.” Turley knows that 1. indictments are one-sided–the defense side is not presented, so whatever “evidence” was presented is what the indictment is based on; 2. the indictment of HUNTER Biden does NOT prove JOE Biden did anything wrong, much less that there was an “influence peddling operation”. To even claim such a thing is outrageous. The charges were TAX related–failed to file, and so forth; where’s the “influence peddlling” coming from? 3. Hunter Biden has since PAID the taxes he owes; 4. “influence peddling” is not illegal–Turley has admitted this–so what’s the point, other than more diversion away from Trump and his crimes?

    If JOE Biden is the crook Turley is paid to attack, then he would simply have pardoned Hunter Biden. Turley also knows that Hunter had a substance abuse problem, stemming from the trauma of witnessing his mother and baby sister die when their vehicle was broadsided by a truck, plus a traumatic divorce. Turley KNOWS that the “indictment” is a total political hit-job- all to create a counternarrative to Trump’s actual crimes that affect the survival of American democracyh, evidence of which we’ve all seen.

    Fortunately for the cause of justice, most people now see Turley for the purchased mouthpiece he is and he no longer has any credibility.

    1. Lmao its like i conjured her up in an incantation. I mention her favorite lie, and walah! Here she is!
      Back to grace us with more stupidity.

    2. “If JOE Biden is the crook Turley is paid to attack, then he would simply have pardoned Hunter Biden.”

      I say this with all seriousness, has a dumber statement EVER been uttered here?

      Is that really the hill you want to die on, you nincompoop?

      Lets assume, just for one second that its all true. Every last allegation. That Joe and Hunter not only took bribes, but even coerced Zlovchevsky and the Chinese guy Li (for which there is evidence).
      Do you really contend that that would prompt Joe to pre-emptively pardon Hunter?

      If you dont have anything serious to add, just stay gone, you’ve not been missed.

    3. “most people now see Turley for the purchased mouthpiece he is “

      Would you care to cite your reference for that little lie? Curious where you got this statistic from? Same place you got the 8% inflation or texas crude use?


      1. Turley Gigi has passed the point of pathetiic.

        Fixed that.

        “Most people” indeed. Shall we take a poll?

    4. yet trump is already guilty because…hate. “It could have been worse. The Justice Department inexplicably allowed the statute of limitations to run on the most serious allegations involving payments from years going back to 2013.”
      friends in power in high places …

    5. Gotta pity the fools that feel they can defend the crooked junkie and his crooked demented father.

      Good to see you acknowledge the gun-buying substance abuser, unfortunately the substance he abuses the most is gullible white chicks, like his father. That abuse doesn’t stem from any trauma, simply arrogance and self-loathing – a wicked cocktail.

    6. The sad thing is that most of your “arguments” have already been made, or are simply factual BUT IRRELEVANT.

    7. Survival of American democracy. So you can repeat the talking point. Now explain in detail please.

    8. Yeah. So hunter was 2 when the car crash happened & why does his substance abuse problems exonerate him? How many people are in jail cuz of things they did when they were under influence?

    9. Bourisma wants Hunter back on the payroll. They need his expert oil exploration advice, market acumen and insight into refinery operations. That’s why they hired him in the first place, right?

    10. Traumatic divorce? Where Hunter decided to desert his wife and children and have sex with his dead brother’s wife? Good Lord, you are a pathetic apologist for a disgustingly perverted family.

    11. the indictment of HUNTER Biden does NOT prove JOE Biden did anything wrong, much less that there was an “influence peddling operation”. To even claim such a thing is outrageous. The charges were TAX related–failed to file, and so forth; where’s the “influence peddlling” coming from?
      Where from?
      150+ Special Activity Reports created by the United States Treasury. Attached to people with the last name Biden who happen to be immediate family of Joe Biden.
      ~22 Shell companies with no visible purpose,receiving to date, $30,000,000 from foreign Nations including Russia, Ukraine, Romania, China etal.
      ~6 Off Shore bank accounts in Nations that may or may not report activity to the United States Treasury
      A dozen Biden family members receiving money form those 22 shell corporations that flowed between the various shell companies and off shore bank accounts
      Testimony from several people in business with Hunter outlining the pay for play grift, facilitated by the off shore bank accounts and shell corporations
      Testimony from IRS agents, validated by these indictments, that the DoJ actively restricted the reach of the IRS investigations, Specifically barring them from following any leads that got close to Joe Biden
      6 years of Income tax crimes allowed to toll by the corrupt AG Merrick Garland.

      But Gigi cant grasp why anyone would think the entire corrupt enterprise, protected by a corrupt DoJ is out of the ordinary.

  10. I don’t think the last shoe has dropped yet. When the deal collapsed in front of Judge Norieka, FARA was mentioned as still being on the table. The argument that FARA is not enforced isn’t quite true — if the foreign agent is outed publicly, it becomes much harder for DOJ to bury. There is also likely proof of a Mann Act violation, the law that convicted R. Kelly, Chuck Berry, and Ghislaine Maxwell (transporting minor or hooker across state lines for sex).

  11. It is interesting reading all the leftists here openly embrace corruption. For those coming of age at leftists will never again be able to pose as anything other than liars in pursuit of political graft. All those pretenses about caring for average Americans is pure marketing. There’s not a syllable of truth to it.

      1. No, they are universal human tendencies. Communism and dictatorships, by limiting dissent, do poorly at reigning in corruption. Our system does better, but only when the media act as neutral watchdogs. With the current admin, they act as lapdogs. The only way to get good government under democracy is for citizens to remain independent and be demanding of accountability.

        Once you take sides with warlike zeal, left or right, you won’t even perceive corruption on your side, only from the enemy. In that way, you go soft on corruption.



  13. Did any of you Biden apologists see the video of Joe’s denial yesterday, when asked about his involvement and the growing evidence against him?

    What a pitiful response. He couldn’t even look the person in the eye. It was as if he was looking around for Binder or Jill to save him. It was almost painful to watch the “most powerful person in the world” look like a 90 pound weakling. I’ve seen better responses from invalids in the nursing home when a nurse tries to force them to take their pills.

    This is seriously the guy you want for the next 4 years? He’s not in charge and you know it. It’s elder abuse of the highest scale.

    Shame, shame, shame.

    1. I think it is that those supporting Biden know full well his incapacity, preferring, of course, to allow those actually running the show to call the shots. To them — including, apparently, his wife — Joe’s well-being is no consideration.

  14. When the prosecutor’s boss is the defendant’s father, why would you expect anything other than corruption by the prosecutor and defendant alike?

  15. OT




    DOJ indicts Hunter for tax evasion.

    Where did Hunter get all the money he failed to pay taxes on?

    Hunter Biden sold influence related to his father, the Vice President under Barack Obama.

    If the DOJ had indicted Joe Biden, the DOJ would have convicted Obama.

    “[If Comey had indicted Hillary, Comey would have convicted Obama.”

    – Andrew C. McCarthy, National Review, 9/2/17


  16. OT

    Fire the Femi-Nazis of the “Poison Ivy League.”

    Do not allow them to resign.

    The Nazis persecuted the Jews during World War II.

    The Femi-Nazis persecuted the Jews after “October 7.”

    The Femi-Nazis have been revealed for all to see. 

      1. Were George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, Alexander Hamilton, Ben Franklin, James Madison, George Mason, John Adams, John Jay et al., discriminating men with strong opinions – racists and bigots one and all?

        What were the African tribal leaders who started it all and who were singularly responsible for international and British slavery?

        What were the African tribal leaders who abducted and sold their African countrymen to Arab slave traders who sold them to British shippers who sold them to British planters.

        Were they bigoted; did they hate?

        Only an idiot, esteemed to have no will of his own, completely under the dominion of others, and totally bereft of any measure of resolve, would listen to you.

        You have fraudulently taken slavery and racism completely out of context by hundreds of years as you do your utmost to impose the deranged, pathological, anti-American, Communist Manifesto on once-free America.

        You, obviously, are extremely bigoted against the Constitution, America, and Americans.

        Can you cite a constitutional prohibition regarding holding personal opinions, discernment, discrimination, personal preference, or racism?

        Please do tell where in the Constitution the government is provided the power to compel Americans regarding whom to accept or reject, enjoy or disdain, love or despise.

        What you’re trying to say is that you have no rationale for being free and being in America; you hate the American founding, and you hate the American Founders.

        What you’re trying to say is that you love dictatorship per Karl Marx and you hate freedom per the U.S. Constitution.

        What you’re trying to say is that you quite simply hate America.

      2. How so ? Are only those on the left allowed to accuse others of being Nazi’s ?

        To be guilty of bigotry, you have to target an entire class – not some ideologically defined subset,
        AND your claim must be false.

        Saying Women have two X chromosomes is not bigotry – because it is true.
        Saying left wing women are Nazi’s is not bigotry, because ideology is not a class, and possibly because it is true.

        1. Hear, hear!

          And saying “[the genocide must begin before anti-harassment policies are enforced]” might make one a Nazi, at least for discriminating individuals who are capable of forming and holding licit, logical perspectives and opinions.

  17. OT


    Hafiza Khalique – WHO???

    —- you!

    What the —- are these inimical and “fake” “asylum” seekers doing in America.

    Americans want “asylum” from these fraudulent parasites and illegal alien foreign invaders claiming “asylum.”

    Hafiza Khalique, who tore down posters of Israelis hostages at NYU, has been suspended and lost her scholarship for vandalizing “university property or the property of others” as well as violating NYU Non-Discrimination and Anti-Harassment policies.

    “I don’t regret my actions that day and I will not apologize for them as well.”

    – Hafiza Khalique

    – NYU News

  18. On Real Clear Politics this morning two black men Glenn Loury and Jonathan McWhorter posted an article about a newly released documentary. If you really want to clarify your mind about who you should vote for you should see it. Warning! You will see What the Democratic Party has brought to America. https://www.thefallofminneapolis.com/. If you care about your country you should post this link on every outlet where you comment. The American people should know.

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